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ICWA Owner ((OFF AIR ROLE ONLY)): Taylor "WallStreet" McCallister
Info: Getting ready to make a return to wrestling, WallStreet's relenquished the commentary table to Busch and Heyman and relenquished his former on air power roll to Jonathan Brooks. While still the primary figure head and still being completly hands on backstage, on camera his roll outside of an on air personality and occasional in ring performer is virtually non existant.

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ICWA On Air President and Off Air Advisor: Jonathan Brooks
Info: Primarly Jonathan Brooks' roll is one of a TV Authority figure to take that responsibility off of WallStreet. However, it's not all a gimmick. Brooks has a lot of experience both working under WallStreet as the secondary figure head of PWT, and eventually taking full reign of PWT after WallStreet's exit. He's been brought to the ICWA not only to act as an On Air authority figure, but also to act as an advisor to WallStreet. WallStreet's good at what he does, but it's always good to have more then just one line of vision.

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ICWA "Play By Play" Commentator: Bert Busch
Info: Busch has a long history in professional wrestling that dates back to 1982. Most recently however he was the voice of the ICWA from 2005 to 2007. Upon reopening the ICWA Most of the former staff members declined returning based on the large decrease in salery as a result of the ICWA Becoming an Indy promotion... Burt Busch, however, is truly loyal to t he ICWA and it's product. He belives in it, and he's taken the pay cut to prove it. Since obtaining the Mid Atlantic Television deal, Bert Busch has relocated back to the commentary booth.

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ICWA Color Commentator: Paul Heyman
Info: In addition to managing the "Rip Off Killer" Patrick Warner, Paul's putting his vast commentary experience to use to add the color to Bert Busch's play by play. No doubt with Heyman's lack of morality and Busch's southern gentlemen persona, the commentary on the Mid Atlantic TV Show, the ICWA Webcast, and the ICWA DVDs should be an attraction  by it's own right.

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ICWA Ring Announcer/Time Keeper/Interviewer: Sean Greene
Info: Sean Greene is actually an Internet Radio personality who's always had an interest in sports announcing. Every so often he'll announce local MMA and Boxing cards, and now, he's become the regular announcer for the ICWA. He'll also do occasional interviews.

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ICWA Referee: Jason Harding
Info: Despite being one of the youngest men to ever don a stripped shirt in the ICWA at Twenty Six years of age, Jason Harding is as qualified as they come. He's officiated a ton of Indys in the Mid West area, was at one time a full time referee for Ring of Honor, was brought over to Dragon Gate in Japan to represent the United states in a multi-national tournament, and, has even been looked at by World Wrestling Entertainment.

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ICWA Referee: Carlton Banx
Info: No, he's not a dark skinned Barry Manalo and Tom Jones mark... No, He just so happens to be the finest referee that the Mid Atlantic area has to offer. As a result, He now joins the ranks of the finest referees the Business has to offer... ICWA Referees.