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Talk Wrestling : Why I Hate Smarks, Most TNA Fans, And Probably You.
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 Message 1 of 16 in Discussion 
From: ICWA_MSN-Admin.Staff  (Original Message)Sent: 12/22/2006 9:24 AM
Ya know, I'm working on results and I decide to take a break and do CM's little Year End Award thread (Which I encourage everyone to have some fun with)... And as I filled out my survey with mostly WWE guys (because the WWE is what I follow), and then glanced at Ryan Ross' form which is the exact opposite, I began to think about how much I detest most TNA fans and Smarks. Now that's not a shot at Mat AKA Ross.. He's one of the few I get along with. It's just what started my mental wheels rolling.
So I looked to a fellow WWE Fan and I said "Ya know, I find that I pretty much hate all TNA fans and Smarks, and I'm not sure why." And he said "Because they all hate on the WWE Fans generaly, so we naturaly hate back."... And that's true mind you, but then it dawned on me... It's because the majority of you are a bunch of arrogant, cock sucking leaches on the under belly of the business. Again, Since I've named Ryan Ross by name, I'm not talking about you buddy. It was just your response that made the TNA thing fresh in my mind.
But back to why I think MOST of you are a bunch of worthless urinal patties in the piss-pot of Life. You sit there and you run your mouthes about how terrible the WWE is, how horrible Vince McMahon is, how nobody can wrestle, no one has any talent. This guy doesn't no a Wrist Lock from a Wrist watch, Which mind you, in some cases is true, but at least they still do wrist locks instead of quadra back flip, corkscrew, double front flip, 1360 splashes or whatever the Hell they do these days and call "incredible wrestling".
But ya know what's funny? You don't hear your average WWE Fan go on relentless bashing TNA or TNA fans. At least not unless they're provoked. Mind you, at lot of WWE Fans probably don't even know what A TNA is since it's only recently started winning the war against AM Raw, but even still. I never bashed TNA or it's fans til it got to the point where everytime I turned around you people were bashing us or the WWE product.
So let me put a few things out there. I think Degeneration X is great. I think Triple H is the best in the business today. I think Shawn Michaels is great. I think that John Cena is a terrible in ring performer, but he draws and he's become a good face character. I think The Bigshow is entertaining. I think Batista has improved greatly, and all in all, isn't bad. I Don't think Samoa Joe's fantastic, I don't think ANYBODY in TNA is especially phenominal, and I think CM Punk's great now, But I stand by the fact that he had a few kinks that needed to be worked out when he first arrived.
Now alot of you would call me a mark for these comments. And Okay, I guess to a certain point I am. We all are, It's just a question as to what or who we mark out for. And some of you have chose to question my knowledge of the business or affiliation with the business based on these opinions. To all of you, I say simply, Fuck You. Who are you? You're a bunch of cyber geeks who sit and beat off to internet porn while thinking about how you're going to bash the WWE in your next column, blog, or post. You're nobodies. Most of you will never do anything productive that will effect anybody... And as for professional wrestling, The cloest most of you will get to having any kind of an effect on the business is if you're lucky enough to hand Mick Foley his order of fries at the Drive Through window. Yet here you sit with the brass to criticize me and the rest of us who enjoy the WWE Product?
Well let me tell ya something, Number one, if it wasn't for the WWE You'd be watching whatever regional territory was provided to you, and that'd be it. So if you're in Florida and you like guys who work New York, Sucks to be you. If you're in New York and like guys from Texas, sucks to be you. And sure, we live in the day of DVD Distribution and the internet, but I'd just asoon turn on USA and watch guys from Florida, New York, and Texas in the same match, let alone on the same show. The WWE made the very business that your precious Samoa Joes and Random Wrestler X from CZW or where the Hell ever are wrestling in. So yeah, I like the WWE. I've always liked the WWE. And while I don't follow Smackdown or ECW very much right now, Raw, in my mind, is still a relativly solid product and still beats the alternatives.
I enjoy athletes who can tell a good story. Oh but wait, that apparently makes me a "Soap Opera Queen"... That's fine. I'm a Soap Opera queen, because instead of seeing some guy take a weedwacker to the gut, or watching some tard do a multi flip corkscrew with no rhyme or reason, I enjoy seeing well executed moves that show something and are done for a purpose. I enjoy seeing Triple H hit a generic Spinebuster, but do so in a fashion that reflects the story between he and his opponent more so then I enjoy seeing some sawed off wrestler do six flips just because he can. So I'm a soap opera queen, But you're cool because you're watching glorified gymnastics. Sorry, If I wanted gymnastics I'd watch the olympics. Frankly Gymnastics bore me, so instead I'll watch something that ENTERTAINS me, gives me a plot, a story, well placed action, and a reason to tune in every week.
Also, Why is it that if I don't drink the Indy Kool Aid (and I don't) I must not know fuck all about the business? Because I don't think Samoa Joe is God. Or I don't think CM Punk walks on water. Sure, I like CM Punk. I think he's very gifted, but he's not God with Tats. And when he first entered the WWE, I felt some of his movements didn't flow that well and his pace was too fast. Probably because he was making the adjustment to working on a global television broadcast infront of 20,000 people a night. He corrected it quickly and I'm impressed. But because I didn't bow down and suck him off from the moment he came in, and God forbid I don't just jump on someone's band wagon because the ultra cool internet smarks tell me that's the thing to do, I must not know anything. Because I follow the WWE, I must not know anything. Because I follow the WWE, I must just be some dumb mark who still thinks everything I see on TV is completly real. Cause Oh Em Gee, ya just can't like WWE and POSSIBLY Know anything about wrestling. Well you gapping vaginas, The WWE May not be as Wrestling based as it once was, but TNA isn't wrestling either. You want Real Wrestling, go back and watch NWA Tapes from 1990 all the way back to as close as you can find footage to 1902. You want to see what Professional Wrestling was built on? Go watch some matches with Ed The Strangler Lewis or Frank Gotch. I'll bet you don't make it through a full match. And ya know why? Because REAL WRESTLING Has nothing to do with a triple moonsault or a Stylesclash. Real Wrestling has nothing to do with a double shooting star press or a 450 splash. Real Wrestling, in it's original form, was Real. Matches were four hours long, and you went till somebody tapped out, was to such a weakened state physicaly that they couldn't get their shoulders off the canvas in 3 seconds, or the referee heard a bone break.
And after that, around 1920ish, Wrestling started getting fixed. And by 1940 it was pretty much all a Work, thus creating the earliest form of Sports Entertainment. BUT, you want to talk about what Wrestling should be. You want t o talk about how these homos who bounce around more than a damn frog on crack are "real wrestlers" and SOOOOOOOOO Much better in the ring then a WWE guy. Why don't ya go back and watch some tape from Verne Gagne, Ric Flair, Harley Race, Johnny Valentine, Jackie Fargo.. Ya know what a Johnny Valentine match looked like? He'd hook you in an arm bar or a wrist lock, and continue using that same hold for about twenty minutes off and on. Then he'd eventually wrap you in the chest and pin you. Yet, even that far back, his actions told a story, and he made thousands of fans believe what he was doing was real.  That's Real Wrestling. Ya know how often these guys did flips and high flying moves? Rarely and in most cases never. Harley Race had a Flying head butt, and Ric Flair got thrown off the top, but on general, you didn't see that crap.
Now am I saying highflying is bad? No. Not IF it has a purpose. I hate Rob Van Dam, But RVD's Frog Splash is exactly what High Flying wrestling should be about. He looks at his opponent to determine if he wants the win bad enough to put his own body at risk, and to determine if he truly believes he's beaten his opponent to a state that they'll be down long enough for him to his mark. He then sores through the air, and he lands directly across his opponent and flips up and over to show that he used such impact he literaly bounced off his opponent and over him. He then holds his ribs as the look of pain is etched in his face, because realisticaly nobody is going to use their own body as a weapon and not be effected like most of these idiots act. Then finally he uses his last bit of adrenaline to over come the pain as he rolls over, gets the cover, and pins the opponent 1, 2, 3. That is a great High flying move that tells a story. And it's nothing fancy. There's not sixteen flips and twirls. It's actually very generic. He just jumps and does a glorified belly flop. We see these in swiming pools across the nation all summer long. But because of the way he does it, it looks great.
Chris Benoit's head butt, same thing. Jerry Lawler's fist drop, same thing. And there's other well done and well placed high risk moves.
But back to my original point. Why is it not okay to perfer the WWE to TNA or Random Indy Promotion X? Why is it that because I perfer the WWE Style and the WWE Product to anything else out there that I'm able to follow, I must just be a dumb mark with no clue about the way business runs? Is it because the WWE's story dominate? Because you can't use a million flips to get some "Ooos" and "Ahhs"? I mean, if I go to the theater and see Rocky Balboa, does that make me ignorant too? Rocky Balboa has action, and it tells a story. And while I haven't seen this installment of the Rocky Series, based on Rocky 1 - 5 I can say that Rocky Balboa's boxing matches would make better wrestling matches then most TNA matches. Because every motion Sylvester Stalone or his opponent does, tells a story. Every jab, every uppercut, every time he ducks and weaves. Every motion tells a story in the way they use them. And the movie's bound to be story dominate. It has a plot, a storyline, an Angle if you will. And, *Gasps* It's a mainstream Movie. Because God Forbid that any wrestling fan likes something that the majority likes. It's so terrible if we don't go for the lesser option because that just means we're marks.
So I can't know anything about the Business because I like the Storyline dominate WWE. But it's okay to go watch Rocky Balboa (which I plan on doing soon) because it's a movie and the story's there to entertain us. Well that's why I watch the WWE. The Story's there to entertain me.
So with all that said, the moral is this. Just because you like TNA or whomever, You are in No Way, Shape, Or Form, superior to me or any other WWE Fan in terms of knowledge of the business, or association there in. At 20 years of age I've already began to forget more about the business then 95% of you will ever know. And that's not arrogance, it's fact. I am a historian, a scout, a student, and a performer. And while my Career may not be soaring to new heights right now because I'm currently persuing other things that I need in order to push my career into hyperdrive (I.E. The Driver's license I'm projected to get in February, my Nursing Assistant Certification that'll be paying my bills while I wrestle that I'll get in January, and things of that nature), At least I've actually stepped inside of a wrestling ring. I've actually taken bumps. I've spoke with and learned from people who were working the AWA and NWA Territories when most of you were still sperm. I've wrestled in front of 300+ people. Maybe that doesn't sound like a lot, but it's more than damn near anybody else here.
So the next time you Smarks or TNA Fans want to criticize Me, or anybody else who perfers the WWE Product, I want you to understand full well that yeah, Maybe it's not your cup of tea. But according to the Television ratings, Merchindice Sales reports, Pay Per View buy rates, and Arena Attendence (because they actually sell tickets in real arenas), The WWE Is that cup of tea for the majority of people. And amongst that majority, Yes, Alot of them are marks. But they weren't made marks because they happen to enjoy the WWE, They just happen to be marks and enjoy the WWE. You can still be a WWE Fan, and be knowledgeable about the business and understand the business. Because whether you like it, or ya don't, the WWE is still closer to the true form of the sport of wrestling than TNA. Now I don't mind the fact that people like TNA. And I hope TNA does great things because we all know competition is good for the business. But if you want to throw stones my way, get out of your glass house.

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 Message 2 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJustice-StormSent: 12/22/2006 2:15 PM
I do believe where Ron Simmons would come in and say Damn!
Note to Self: Never get into an arguement with Taylor when it comes to wrestling.

 Message 3 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameҒяǿитLϊиёғҳSent: 12/22/2006 4:56 PM
Well since I was mentioned by name, I guess I can put 2 & 1/2 cents in this...
#1 I am a TNA fan more than WWE, But I am not a WWE Hater, I still watch most WWE shows (not all, I just don't sit at home that much lol) But I perfer the matches that TNA and other independent feds put on. I like seeing the wrestlers go all out, and IMO, lately alot of wrestlers in WWE have been watered down. 
Until this past year, I have held no Ill will to Vince McMahon. I just did not like some of his decisions this year, one being the whole "God" crap from earlier this year. But the biggest thing I am disappointed with vince about would be the managing and booking of the new ECW. Especially the D2D PPV. Lately, I look at Vince and see a man with a God complex, someone who cannot handle others being better bookers or whatnot. I could be wrong, I am cool with that, this is just how I see it.
On the flip side, I harbor tons of I;ll will towards Vince Russo, and he is the head booker of TNA. Since comming to TNA he has just pissed me off left and right. Some examples of this is how They rushed into the Joe/Angle feud. I think they should have built this up more, and pushed it back, to make it better, and they made the matches so damn short I blows my mind. Then Also, i am not an angle hater, but having him (a WWE guy) come in, and on his first Match Beat the man who won the NWA title the next show, and then kil Samoa Joe's undefeated streak. It makes TNA stars look weak.
I think that Both DX and the VKM storylines have sucked, and only enjoyed about a 1/4 of their segments. I loved DX and the New age outlaws back in the day, but I am not the type that likes to see things re-done. I hated the return of the NWO, and the same for these guys. It is one thing when they simply re-united a tag team, like the Hardys, but at least they are making new storylines, improving. DX just seems to be a shell of its former self.
I want to see innovation, new storylines, something to make me go wow, and If that comes from WWE, I will be watching that, if it is TNA, awesome, I am there, and if it for whatever reason is WSX (I am so afraid of this one) then I will be all over it.
I am a smark, because I like to see innovation. I watch a ton of different wrestling shows, RoH, TNA, WWE, JAPW, Japanese, CMLL (really fun if you understand spanish lol), AAA.
I am not a "WWE Fan" or a "TNA Fan" I am a WRESTLING FAN!
honestly, I have friends in several different companies. I mean Jay Lethal and I have known each other since he was dating my best friend in high school. Charlie Haas and I have known each other since he roomed with my cousin his frosh year in college. I have been friends with CM Punk (phil) since I was in RoH Wrestling school.
I want to see them all succeed. I don't care which promotion it is in. I just want good product.

 Message 4 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTheFutureOfTheFranchiseSent: 12/22/2006 9:32 PM
I got you beat Taylor, when I was in high school, I wrestled in front of a few thousand people during the State Tournament.

 Message 5 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJayMarshal©Sent: 12/22/2006 10:36 PM

Im bored so i guess i can put some two cents in here. First of all, I agree with anyone who says Rocky rules. Because lets face it, he does. But Rocky wouldnt fit in with TNA. TNA is more like the movie... "The Great White hype". Now you can take that however you want, but im just kidding.

Wrestling in general, for whatever reason, to me, has gotten to a point where its no longer entertaining. I cant watch more than 10 minutes of wrestling anymore. Let me tell you, I used to love wrestling. Anyone who knows me knows that. But to me it's just died now.


For one, the internet has truly killed alot of the magic in wrestling. I think Tough Enough truly started the trend though. The day I saw a live programming in reality TV fashion air on MTV just made me wanna slap somebodies mama. It's like taking a kid to Disneyland and having all the characters take off their mask. Or showing the kid the life behind the guy who dresses up as Mickey. People dont care, or shouldnt care what HBK's real name is. They should care what Stone Cold's real name is either. We should of never been exposed to what the life of a wrestler outside his character was. Tough Enough was just one of those examples. Once I saw sme average joe's do what my childhood heroes were doing it just made it less. Thats the end of the sentance... it made it LESS .You see the moment the internet got invovled and started to take from the magic of wrestling was the moment wrestling began to die. To me its dead. 

I just watch UFC and Boxing now. Maybe i'll get into wrestling again soon. I dunno.

 Message 6 of 16 in Discussion 
From: ICWA_MSN-Admin.StaffSent: 12/22/2006 11:37 PM
Two totaly different avenues Rob. I played Football infront of a large audience too (I can't tell ya how large off the top of my head)... And did plays in front of about a thousand people. I was refering exclusivly to Professional Wrestling/Sports Entertainment.
Not that I'm in anyway taking away from that accomplishment. I've always held Amature wrestlers in high reguard. I believe a wildly talented Amature Wrestler can trump Almost any other fight specialist. Matt Hughes is currently (or was the last time I watched any MMA, Which was this past Summer) proving that theory. I'm simply stating that it's two different things.

 Message 7 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJustice-StormSent: 12/23/2006 3:44 AM
I have you both beat, I performed spoken word in front of my entire school of 2500+ and being judged by a panel of judges. Now, sure it's not physical but you're pouring out your soul. Oh, wait, we're talking wrestling, I'm gonna go now.
*walks away*

 Message 8 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameThe-Midwest-MessiahSent: 12/23/2006 4:27 AM
I have everyone beat.  I main evented wrestle mania against Triple H in front of 60,000 fans...  Oh...wait...  That was a video game..

 Message 9 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTheFutureOfTheFranchiseSent: 12/23/2006 7:13 PM
What is a smark?

 Message 10 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameҒяǿитLϊиёғҳSent: 12/23/2006 11:49 PM
A smark is a term when you combined the words Smart and Mark... We all know what smart means, though not all fit this criteria. And a mark is someone who marks out, (or cheers wildly) for whoever they like...

 Message 11 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTheFutureOfTheFranchiseSent: 12/24/2006 6:34 AM
Well I knew what a Mark was, as well as what Mark Out meant as well.  Now I am in know because I now know what a Smark is.  So is a Smark is cheering wildly for someone that he likes, do we say that he Smarks Out?  LOL!!!

 Message 12 of 16 in Discussion 
From: ICWA_MSN-Admin.StaffSent: 12/27/2006 11:50 PM
A Smark is someone who's a Mark for being Smart to the Business.

 Message 13 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameяанSent: 2/11/2007 12:30 AM

I only have one thing to say about this topic ..

... haha, sorry Taylor but I had to post this. I didn't think a "WWECW" Champ would pose for a picture like that since they are the "Hardkore" type... <rolls her eyes>

 Message 14 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameThe-Midwest-MessiahSent: 2/12/2007 1:14 PM
That's a common misconception.  ECW wasn't all about hardcore, there was other stuff there.  There was a lot of actual wrestling.  But yeah, just 'cause you're ECW Champion doesn't mean you can't smile.

 Message 15 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLeÅkÿfØ®mÅtSent: 2/12/2007 10:09 PM
the smile itself is hardcore...just shows the arrogance and confidence he has...the sign of a true champ
even Cena smiles

 Message 16 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJαγ§ŧγІέѕSent: 2/20/2007 4:59 AM
ECW sucks.. WWE is okay just the PPV's have fallen off and TNA is a good product.. Whats more to say?

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