For Guys - The Diva You'd Most Like To Sleep(
) With: Lita. Like you even had to wonder who I was going to say?
Buried Alive Award (Most misused superstar of 2006): Matt Hardy. For most of the year he was buried until he finally got put into the feud with Gregory Helms. And its really a shame because on most of the episodes of Smackdown where Matt was in a match, he got one of the strongest pops of the night. Thank God for Jeff's return as its only helped Matt get a lil bit more of a semi-push.....Though its crap his brother has ta come back ta make sure he continues to get a bit of a push.
Good Guy Award (Best Face of 2006): HBK. He's a guy that had trouble getting heel heat against Hulk Hogan last year. So you know he's a hell of a face. Then this year the feud with the McMahons and eventual reunion of DX.....Shawn was definately the best face of 2006 in my opinion.
Da Bad Guy Award (Best Heel 2006): Edge. I came into this year hating him due to the Hardy angle last year. But then I started to warm-up to Edge. And everytime I would he'd find a way to make me want for someone to kick his ass.
Best Mic Skills 2006: DX. You really can't beat Shawn an Triple H on the mic together. especially with their comedy skits (No matter what some idgits like Road Dogg an Billy Gunn say). I mean just find a tape of them impersonating Shane an Vince or when they talked about Cocky. A close second is ECW's The Zombie
Worst Mic Skills 2006: Rey Mysterio. For whatever reason I can't stand it when he's got a mic.
Most Embarrassing Moment 2006: The Outlaws calling DX lame.....and then going and doing even more childish antics than DX was doing. Outlaws throwing water balloons at a Target store? My case is rested
Wrestler of the Year 2006: Edge. I'm going with Edge because he kicked off the year by winning the WWE title, had the highest rated segement on Raw in five years, had an awesome match with Mick Foley at Wrestlemania, had a summer WWE title reign, is feuding with DX, and is somewhere in the teens on his tag title reigns now.
Most Memorable Moment 2006: Cena giving Edge an FU off a table through two tables. That moment sticks out more for me than any other this past year. That was the one time that the FU has actually impressed me.
Comeback Wrestler of 2006: Jeff Hardy. Say what you will about the guy, but he's been on fire since he's come back. Not to mention he's gotten a couple Intercontinental title reigns, is having an excellent feud with Johnny Nitro, and has reunited on several ocasions with Matt as the Hardyz
Jabroni of the Year 2006 (Dumbass pretty much): Kurt Angle. He's released by the WWE so he can get his life in order and instead slaps Vince in the face by signing with TNA. Nuff said.
Match of the Year 2006: Money In The Bank @ Wrestlemania 22. This match had a very interesting array of superstars in it and they all came together to put on a hell of a show in that match.
Feud of the Year 2006: John Cena vs Edge. This was a toughy, but I give the edge (sure, the pun is intended), to Cena an Edge. They had an awesome feud for the better part of this year.
Worst Commentator of 2006: I haven't really seen one.
He Works Hard For Da Money Award 2006 (From what I can g ather its who you think worked the hardest for his pay in 2006): John Cena. The guy has worked his ass off this year! He's wrestled on at least two of the WWE's three shows a couple times this year, had all this media stuff going on, and just all around been a busy sombitch
Newbie Award 2006: Johnny Nitro. he may have actually debuted in like 2004 but he was sent back down to OVW til near the end of last year. Then this year he had a breakout year.
Pink Slip Award (Who shoulda been fired in 2006): Whoever decided ta give Rey Mysterio the World HEAVYWEIGHT title.
Comeback Award (What wrestler currently out of the business did you most wanna see comeback): Chris Jericho. Y2J comeback dammit!
Breakout Star of 2007 (Who do you think will have an incredible 2007?): I think Johnny Nitro is going to have an even better 2007 than he did 2006.