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 Message 9 of 10 in Discussion 
From: ICWA_MSN-Admin.Staff  in response to Message 8Sent: 12/23/2006 11:06 AM
I watched TNA, I thought It was terrible, and I stopped. TNA Does not, has not, and probably will not entertain me. .... No I take that back, It entertained me for a little while when it first came out and was Pay Per View exclusive... A LIITLE while.
I'm not buying a hundred DVD's a year so I can watch ROH. If they're as good as everyone swears they are then eventually they'll get a national TV slot and I'll see it then. Til that happens, Not interested.
I watch the local Indy scene, but I'm not nominating "Pumpkin Master" Johnny Swift V.S. The Jihad as match of the year, Not to mention it specifically says ROH, TNA, and WWE Talent eligable... It doesn't say "Random Indy Fed X".
I am fully aware CM punk's been around for quite sometime. But unless you're in the WWE, You're irrelevent. That's right, Unless you can make it to the WWE, You do not matter in my opinion. Myself included. Eric described it best. The WWE is the pros, anything prior to the WWE is simpy College. I don't watch College sports and I don't follow anything outside of the WWE that isn't local. I don't like CZW, I don't care about ROH, and TNA is - In my opinion - An autrocity.
And ya know, Not for nothing, But I've just about had it with people telling me what I should and shouldn't like. I'm going to state this one more time... I Like the WWE. Period. End of discussion. This form was to reflect Our opinions. Your opinion is that a bunch of guys who I probably won't ever see (because Like I said, I only watch the WWE and the Local Indies) are the best in their respective fields and that Vince McMahon is trash. That's your opinion and I respect it as such and thus am not swaying it or attempting to sound as if I'm in some way superior by suggesting your picks aren't "good enough"... I'd appreciate that same curtosey. Especially considering that the criticisim of my opinions is coming from a guy who implicated that the man who was easily the most influentual to the business, and gave us the Industry in the form that it's in today, should be "fired".

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     re: Year-End Wrestling Awards   MSN NicknameTheFutureOfTheFranchise  12/23/2006 2:08 PM