For Guys - The Diva You'd Most Like To Sleep(
) With: Victoria (Damn that girl is HOT!!)
Buried Alive Award (Most misused superstar of 2006): I'd have to agree with Taylor on this one and say Matt Hardy - Yeah it does suck you would only get a push if your brother returned to action.
Good Guy Award (Best Face of 2006): HBK - Only because the guy is good at what he does, and the fans love him. You see, I liked him when he was heel too, but the guy is more in tuned with the fans, and always has been . So HBK now with DX, is the best face of 2006
Da Bad Guy Award (Best Heel 2006): Triple H. While he was heel, I felt he was the best heel of 2006. He was always wanting to stir up some kind of shit, and I would have to give it to him. Edge comes in second in my opinion.
Best Mic Skills 2006: Triple H
Worst Mic Skills 2006: Lashley
Most Embarrassing Moment/ Stupidest Decision 2006: Bringing back ECW....Pointless!! Leave them all in WWE and let them battle it out there Jesus!!
Wrestler of the Year 2006: Triple H
Most Memorable Moment 2006: StoneCold Steve Austin nailing the stunner on all the McMahon family on Saturday Nights Main Event!!
Comeback Wrestler of 2006: Jeff Hardy - Now this guy has just been better than ever. It is nice to see him teamed with Matt again. However I am more of a fan on him in singles action. But welcome back Jeff.
Jabroni of the Year 2006 (Dumbass pretty much): Kurt Angle. What a pathetic show of idiocy. As Johnathan said, you come out and tell the world and WWE that your taking pain killers cause of wrestling cause your hurting night after night, and then you sign with TNA? Your a fucked up individual where WWE gave you everything, Kurt just lost my respect.
Match of the Year 2006: Id have to say Edge vs Mick Foley at Summerslam. Now that was a match plain and simple.
Feud of the Year 2006: DX vs The McMahons. I know it hasnt gone on the whole year of 2006 but I felt that was the best feud ever.
Worst Commentator of 2006: JBL - If he didnt have a back injury or whatever the cause is, I think he would be better back in the ring. Lay off the commentating JBL.
He Works Hard For Da Money Award 2006 (From what I can g ather its who you think worked the hardest for his pay in 2006): Ric Flair. This guy is fucking amazing for his age. Night after night he does all he can just to entertain. The Old geiser at 60 years old is still wrestling today when others like Hulk Hogan only make semi appearances. Fuck you to Hulk on running away. But Ric, gets my vote, and I look forward to seeing him go for as long as he can.
Newbie Award 2006: The Boogeyman - Man I like this guy. I am glad he came back, and I like his gimmick. I look forward to seeing more from him as his future continues.
Pink Slip Award (Who shoulda been fired in 2006): Kenny and all the Spirit Squad - Can you say BORING...I thought you could!!
Comeback Award (What wrestler currently out of the business did you most wanna see comeback): Ultimate Warrior
Breakout Star of 2007 (Who do you think will have an incredible 2007?): CM Punk