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 Message 13 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameҒяǿитLϊиёғҳ  in response to Message 12Sent: 4/7/2007 3:46 AM
So yeah, I am inclined to agree with Dante.... you chug the koolaide!
but yes, you see, You love WWE and completely dis on anything that is not WWE, especially TNA and Japan. But you know what, they way you rag on everyone not WWE is the same as When TNA fans Rag on WWE. TNA fans look for more wrestling, more quality matches, they tend to watch other indy feds and shows from other countries. Most TNA fans will admit they watch it cause its better than any other wrestling on TV, but they almost all wish RoH had a television deal. So I say all of that to say this. Stop ragging on things that aren't WWE. You see, for you its good enough to get good storylines, you like the soap opera feel. for someone like me, I am more of a purist. I love to see quality matches. I am tired of guys who get by soley on their gimmick. I want to see people who can do solid matches. I love the Joe / Punk trilogy and the Angle / Joe trilogy, cause they put on quality matches. WWE hasn't put on a whole lot of amazing matches. Then when they have something promising, they ruin it, I.E. MITB with Kennedy winning or the Main event and Cena winning. I agree that HBK, Edge, HHH, WGTT, and a few others are super talented wrestlers. But they aren't the focal points of the show. Instead we get storylines with Khali, or Black Lesnar, oh I meant Bobby Lashley. These these do nothing for me, and generally just sucks. Therefore I perfer watching TNA, RoH, and others.

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     re: Wrestlemania 23   WallStreet  4/7/2007 4:07 AM