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PPV : Annivesery Show Results 9/16/03
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 11/22/2006 5:06 AM

KSCWE Anniversery Show Results

Results 9/16/03 Live From Anaheim, California

Photo's From RAW & Nitro are Shown

 opens up with Lillian Garcia singing the National Anthem

Pyro Then Explodes!!

:History of The Fed is shown in highlights:

JR: Welcome to The Very Special 1 Year Anniversery Special

King: It's great to be here tonight

JR: Since The Very 1st Show was on September 16th, Here we are yet again but since the 1st show was RAW, The WCW Announce Team is not here this evening.

King: I never thought we would be broadcasting WCW Matches!!!

JR: Stranger things have happened.

:Backstage: Owner's Office

Kaci Hill: Thank you all for tuning in this evning but I am here to announce that Sting will not be able to participate in the Main Event this evening(Crowd Boo's) but I have found a replacement & That man is Goldberg(Crowd Goes Nuts). Thank You & enjoy the show especially when my husband Scott, kicks the living hell out of Eric Bischoff(Crowd Cheers again)


JR: How about that, Goldberg to replace Sting!!!

King: I would not want to be Team WCW

Lillian: The Opening contest is for the SCWE Tag Team Championships & is a Tag Team Turmoil Match Up(You Look So Good to me hits,Crowd Boo's) 1st the team of Billy Gunn & Chuck Palumbo!!!

JR: This is a Tag Turmoil match, 2 teams will start things off, Winning team stays on, thats the basic premise

Lillian:(Dark Side hits, Crowd Cheers) There opponents, The Team of Raven & The Undertaker!!!

King: I would not want to be Billy & Chuck especially since Raven & Taker are not in a good mood after what went down on RAW Last Night

JR: These 2 teams will have the hardest time to walk out in the end since they would have to out last every other team

SCWE Tag Team Championship: Undertaker & Raven vs Billy Gunn & Chuck Palumbo
Billy Gunn & Raven start the match out. Raven locks up with Gunn & knee's Gunn in the groan. Raven then throws Billy into the corner & starts to pound away at him in the chest. Raven then bites Billy Gunn!!! The Ref pulls Raven back. as Billy Gunn then headbutts Raven below the belt. Billy then whips Raven off the ropes & hits a powerslam on him. Billy Gunn then goes for the FameAsser as Raven gets up & connects but The Undertaker enters the ring & hits a chokeslam on Billy Gunn. Chuck Palumbo runs in but gets met with a chokeslam for his actions. Taker then throws Chuck over the top to the floor. Billy & Raven both get up around the same time but Raven strikes 1st & connects with the Evenflow DDT on Billy & covers for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Raven & Undertaker (Tag)

Lillian: Your winner's & New SCWE Tag Team Champions, The Undertaker & Raven!!!

JR: Raven & Taker just won the SCWE Tag Title's but who will be the Next team to come out

Lillian:(TLM's Music hits,Crowd Boo's) There opponents, The Love Machine & John Cena

King: John Cena may get his here for everything he has done

SCWE Tag Team Championship: Undertaker & Raven(C) vs The Love Machine & John Cena
Taker gets attacked outside the ring by both Cena & TLM as Raven is still in the ring. Raven comes out to the floor but Cena takes a cheap shot with his chain to Raven's ribs. Cena then hids the chain & throws Raven into the guardrail. TLM smashes Taker's face off the steel post & then rams his back into it several times as Taker goes down riving in pain. The Ref is coutning & is up to 8 as The Love Machine rolls in & out of the ring causing the restart. The Love Machine & John Cena then double team Raven & pick him up & hit the High Tymes Move into the guardrail as Raven screams out in pain. John Cena then rolls Raven back into the ring & gets in & starts to work over Raven's lower back by locking a Boston Crab in the middle of the ring. The Love Machine still pounds away at Undertaker on the floor. TLM then goes up top & hits a Frog Splash onto Raven knocking him out cold. The Ref raises Raven's arm up once & it falls, a 2nd time & it falls again, then about to do a 3rd time but Undertaker hits a Big Boot on Cena breaking the hold. The Love Machine then charges at Taker but Undertaker catches him with a chokeslam!! Taker then whips Cena into the corner & goes Old School on Cena.  Taker then picks up John Cena & goes for the Tombstone but The Love Machine dropkicks Taker in the back knocking Taker & Cena out to the floor. The Love Machine then turns around & walks right into a Raven Evenflow DDT. Raven covers for a 1---2---2.9-Jamie Gunz pulls the ref out of the ring. The Ref the orders Jamie Gunz to the back, The Love Machine is getting back up & has John Cena's chain & hits Raven right in the face with it & The Love Machine covers Raven for the 1---2--3.
Winner: The Love Machine & John Cena (Tag)

Lillian: Your winner's & New SCWE Tag Champions, John Cena & The Love Machine

JR: The Love Machine & John Cena pulled that out thanks to Cena's chain but Taker & Raven will eventually get theres

Lillian:(Tough Enough Theme hits,Crowd Cheers) There opponents, Val Venis & The SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Maven!!!

SCWE Tag Team Championship: The Love Machine & John Cena(C) vs Val Venis & Maven
Val Venis hits the ring & goes right to work on The Love Machine, Val whips The Love Machine off the ropes & connects with a huge powerslam. Val covers for a 1--2--kick out. John Cena is destracting the ref as Mr. Bullion runs out with a chair & hits Maven who was on the apron in the back with it. Mr Bullion then rams Maven into the steel steps hard. Val Venis see's this & goes to help out Maven but The Love Machine hits Val in the back of the head with Cena's chain. The Love Machine covers Val for the 1---2--3.
Winner: The Love Machine & John Cena

Lillian: Your winners, & still SCWE Tag Champions, The Love Machine & John Cena

JR: Mr. Bullion just took out Maven from that match & Cena's Chain took out The Big Valbowski

King: Poor Maven & Val

Lillian:(Nash's Music hits,Crowd is mixed) There opponents, 1st already at ringside, Mr. Bullion & his partner, Kevin Nash!!!

SCWE Tag Team Championship: The Love Machine & John Cena(C) vs Mr. Bullion & Kevin Nash
Nash gets in the face of Bullion for he just did & Then TLM charges at Nash but Nash hits a sidewalk slam on him. John Cena then charges but Nash hits a Big Boot on him. Mr. Bullion then suprises everyone by hitting Kevin Nash with a monster clothesline. Bullion then hits a Tombstone on Nash & puts The Love Machine on Nash for the 1--2--3.
Winners: The Love Machine & John Cena

Lillian: Your winners & still SCWE Tag Champions, John Cena & The Love Machine

JR: Mr. Bullion just turned on his own partner

King: I guess Bullion didn't need Nash

Lillian(Eye of the Hurricane hits,Crowd Cheers) Finally, The Team of panCAKEman & The Hurricane

King: Here comes the superhero's!!!

SCWE Tag Team Championship: The Love Machine & John Cena(C) vs Hurricane & panCAKEman
Hurricane & panCAKEman hit the ring & panCAKEman knows Down John Cena with a clothesline over the top. panCAKEman then leaps onto Cena. The Love Machine goes for a clothesline but Hurricane ducks & catches him with the Chokeslam. Hurricane then waits for the Love Machine to get up & goes for the Shinning Wizard but The Love Machine ducks & then locks in a STF on Hurricane. panCAKEman runs back into the ring & breaks up the submission. panCAKEman then knocks TLM back into the corner & delivers a stink face to The Love Machine. panCAKEman then goes for a Bronco Buster & connects. Cena then kicks panCAKEman as he gets up & hits the FU on panCAKEman but when he turns around, The Hurricane hits the Eye of The Hurricane & covers for the 1---2--3.
Winners: The Hurricane & panCAKEman (Tag)

Lillian: Your winners & new SCWE Tag Team Champions, The Hurricane & panCAKEman!!!!

JR: The Hurricane & panCAKEman just walked out as Tag Champions!!!!

King: I don't believe it & I would not want to be The Love Machine's girlfriend becouse he got a stink face & bronco buster from a guy wearing a green thong!!

:Backstage: Wrestler's are shown getting ready for the Backstage Brawl


JR: Well our next contest is going to be a WCW RAWCore Backstage Brawl

King: Why is the RAWCore Title on WCW though?

JR: Who know's

WCW RAWCore Championship: Backstage Brawl: Steven Richards(C) vs Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Randy Orton vs Jeff Jordan vs Shannon Moore vs Booker T vs Goldust vs Shawn Michaels
10 Minutes are put on the clock as the Bell Sounds. Booker & Goldust quickly go after Shannon Moore & start to double team The M'Fer. Stone Cold & Randy Orton get into a brawl as Jeff Jordan & HBK go for Steven Richards who hits Jeff Jordan with a serving tray & then HBK hits Richards with a kendo stick. HBK then covers Richards for a 1---2--Jeff Jordan breaks up the pinfall. Jeff then rams HBK into the door breaking it down & ending up in the Male Locker Room. Steven Richards gets up & tries to escape away but Stone Cold blocks his way & then kicks Richards & hits a Stone Cold Stunner on Steven. Austin is about to cover but Orton hits Austin in the back of the head with a steel chair. Booker T then hits a High Kick to Orton knocking him back. Goldust covers Richards for a 1---2--3. Goldust is the new RAWCore Champion. Goldust gets up but walks right into Some Sweet Chin Music as HBK then covers Goldust for the 1---2--3. Shawn Michaels is the new RAWCore Champion with 5 minutes remaining. Shannon Moore then hits HBK with a shopping cart & tries to cover HBK but Jeff Jordan knocks Shannon off & covers for a 1--2--kick out. HBK starts to get up but Randy Orton hits the RKO on HBK & covers for the 1--2--3.Randy Orton is the new RAWCore Champion.  Orton gets up but gets met with a Stone Cold Stunner & Austin covers for the 1--2--3. Stone Cold is the new RAWCore Champion with 2 minutes remaining. Shannon Moore & Steven Richards then hit Austin with a door & Shannon gets the cover for the 1---2--3. Shannon Moore is the new RAWCore Champion. Booker T then catches Shannon with a kick to the gut & the Ax kick but Steven hits the Steven kick on Booker but Goldust then grabs Steven in his crotch & kisses him on the lips before clotheslining down Richards. Shannon Moore takes off running but Jeff Jordan hits a dropkick on Moore. Jeff is about to cover when Goldust knocks Jeff Jordan into the Locker Room. Booker T hits the Book End on Shannon & covers for the 1---2--3. Booker T is the new RAWCore Champion. Booker gets up as a minute is remaining but Matt Hardy V1 comes out of nowhere & hits a Twist of Fate on Booker T. Steven Richards then takes advantage & covers for the 1---2--3 as time expires.
Winner: Steven Richards (RAWCore)

JR: What a Fight that was intense

King: I don't believe how many Title Changes there were!!!

JR: I guess thats what WCW is about

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff is shown heading for the ring/Cuts to Scott Hill also walking out to the ring

JR: Well, We still got A Huge Street Fight here tonight

King: Plus our huge WCW vs RAW Main Event!!!

Lillian: The Following contest is a Street Fight!!!(I'm Back hits,Crowd Boo's) 1st making his way to the ring, The General Manager of RAW, Eric Bischoff!!!

King: Well here comes our RAW GM

Lillian:(Giving In hits,Crowd Cheers) his opponent, The Owner of The Company & WCW General Manager, Scott Hill

JR: I hope Scott Hill kicks the hell out of Eric Bischoff

Street Fight: Scott Hill vs Eric Bischoff
Bischoff and Scott get in each other's faces and start and begin yelling and screaming at each other when the ref steps between them. As he separates the two Bischoff takes a cheap slap to Scott's face. Scott shakes it off and clotheslines down to the mat and begins to punch at Bischoff's face. Scott then stomps away at the Bisch until bischoff slides out of the ring. The ref stops Scott from going outside when Eric pulls Scott out the ring. Bischoff karate punches Scott twice in the gut before whipping Scott into the steel steps. Scott lays against the steps in pain and Eric delivers a stiff karate to Kick to Scott's gut......Scott begins to bleed from the mouth. Eric grabs Scott by the legs and drags him to the middle of the ramp. Eric picks up Scott and goes for a scoop slam and Scott wiggles free and spears Eric down to the ramp. Scott goes back to ringside and pulls out a few weapons. Scott grabs the ladder. Eric gets up and Scott runs over Eric with the ladder. Scott sets the ladder up against the barricade and whips Eric into it. Eric grabs his back and screams in pain as Scott goes back to the ring and grabs a chair. Scott approaches Eric still laying on the ladder and smashes Eric in the face......Eric begins to bleed from the nose and forehead. Scott grabs Eric by the by the back of his head  and takes him up to the entryway and throws him through the curtain. Eric falls down a few steps and Scott grabs a cable cord and chokes Eric. Scott then uses the cord to snapmare Eric down and whips him with the cord. Eric stumbles to his feet and gets away from Scott view as Scott flips over a few tables looking for another weapon. Scott finds a weapon and is on the hunt for Eric. Scott is screaming for Eric out come out. Scott opens a door hoping to find Eric.......Eric isn't there.....Scott closes the door and a honk honk.......Eric drives a golf cart through Scott and rams him through the door. Eric exits the cart and throws Scott through a window that leads outside. Eric climbs through the window and picks Scott up and slaps him around a few times and follows it up with a karate kick to the head. Scott falls out. Eric grabs a nearby wheelbarrow and places Scott inside and heads towards the street and flips him into stopped traffic. Eric then whips Scott into one of the stopped cars. Eric charges Scott and Scott backdrops Eric onto the car breaking the window. Scott gets on top of the car and picks up Eric and throws him on the him the double finger and hits the SEX Drive!!!!!! Eric falls through the sunroof of the car. Scott gets in the car and starts it up. Scott gives three honks and drives the car back into the arena and out by the entryway. Scott gets out of the car and snatches Eric out and picks him up in a fireman's carry and takes him to the ring, Scott then rolls Bischoff into the ring & covers him in the ring for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Scott can't believe it & waits for Bischoff to get up so he can hit a Superkick but Triple H comes out of the crowd behind Scott & hits Scott in the back with a sledgehammer. Triple H then picks up Scott & Pedigree's him down, Triple H then holds up Scott Hill & Eric Bischoff hits a Karate Kick on him. Eric Bischoff then covers Scott Hill for a 1--2--3. Paramedics then tend to The injured Scott Hill.
Winner: Eric Bischoff

Lillian: Your winner, Eric Bischoff!!!

JR: I can't believe what we just saw in that match

King: What the hell is Triple H doing by helping Eric Bischoff?

JR: I don't know but I just hope Scott Hill is okay

Ad for Psychotic Games is Shown

JR: Well, King its time for our huge Main Event

King: I hope Goldberg rips HHH's heart out

Lillian: The Main Event of the evening is a WCW vs RAW Elimination Rules Match!!!!!!(Crowd Goes Nuts).

JR: Well here we go

Lillian:(Dawn's Music hits,Crowd Boo's) 1st making her way to the ring, Dawn Marie!!!

JR: Dawn Marie is a former 3 Time SCWE Women's Champion along with being a Former SCWE Hardcore Champion and at Psychotic Games will face WCW Women's Champion, Victoria for that Title.

Lillian:(All Grown Up hits,Crowd Cheers) Her partner, Stephanie McMahon!!!

King: Well, JR, Stephanie is a Former SCWE Women's Champion, WCW Women's Champion, & WCW Women's RAWCore Champion

Lillian:(All The Things She Said hits,Crowd Boo's) There partner, The WCW Women's Champion, Victoria!!!

JR: Victoria is a Former SCWE Women's Champion, RAWCore Champion, & is currently in her 2nd Title Reign

Lillian:(The Game hits,Crowd Comes to there feet & boo's) The WCW World Champion, The "Game" Triple H!!!

JR: Triple H is in his 4th WCW World Title Run along with being a Former SCWE World, SCWE Intercontinental, WCW Tag, SCWE Tag, WCW RAWCore, SCWE European, & SCWE Hardcore Champion

King: I guess The Game has accomplished alot

JR: He is a SCWE Grand Slam Champion

Lillian:(Sara's Music hits,Crowd Boo's) There opponents, 1st making her way to the ring, Sara

King: Sara is a Former WCW RAWCore & WCW Women's RAWCore Champion

Lillian:(Tough Enough Theme hits,Crowd Cheers) Her partner, Jackie Gayda

JR: Jackie Gayda has not held any gold but has another chance at Psychotic Games in the Fatal 4 way as she is replacing the Suspended Lacy Alexander

Lillian:(Need a Little Time, Crowd Cheers) There partner, Torrie Wilson

King: The Top Diva on RAW in my opionion is Torrie & her accomplishments are being a Former SCWE Women's Champion

Lillian:(Invasion hits,Crowd Chants Goldberg) Finally, From Atlanta Georgia, Goldberg!!!!

:Goldberg doesnt come out & the Camera goes backstage showing that Goldberg's locker room door is barracaded:

JR: What The hell happened

King: I guess HHH & Victoria struck by barracadding Goldberg's door

Elimination Rules: Triple H, Victoria, Dawn Marie, & Stephanie McMahon vs Goldberg, Sara, Torrie Wilson, & Jackie Gayda
Dawn Marie starts things off with Jackie Gayda. Dawn locks up with Jackie & Dawn gets whipped off the ropes, Jackie hits a clothesline knocking down Dawn Marie. Jackie then hits another clothesline as Dawn got up. Jackie then kicks Dawn in the stomach & goes for a DDT but Dawn shoves Jackie back & Dawn kicks Jackie in the stomach & catches her with the Devine Valley Driver & covers for the 1--2--3. Jackie Gayda is eliminated. Sara comes into the ring & knocks down Dawn Marie from behind. Sara then whips Dawn into the corner & starts to stomp away at her. Sara starts to choke Dawn in the corner. Sara finally gets pulled off but as Dawn gets up, Victoria runs over on the apron & clotheslines Dawn down!! Sara then picks up Dawn & goes for the Sara Bomb  & hits it, Stephanie McMahon then hits the ring though & spears down Sara & starts to pound away at her. Torrie Wilson then enters the ring & pulls Steph off. Steph & Torrie end up fighting out onto the floor. Victoria & Triple H are still on the apron as Sara & Dawn get up. Victoria finally enters the ring & hits the Widow's Peak on Sara. Triple H however picks up Dawn & Pedigree's her!!! HHH then forces a knocked out Dawn to tag out to Victoria. Victoria covers Sara for the 1---2--3. Sara is now eliminated. Torrie Wilson realizes she is all alone when "Invasion" hits, HHH & Victoria look to the entry was a Pissed Off Goldberg is making his way to the ring. HHH  quickly gets out of the ring & Victoria was going to as well but Dawn Marie knocked Victoria down. Goldberg gets in the ring & has Victoria in his sights for a spear. Triple H quickly knocks down Torrie & Steph & throws Steph in the way of Goldberg who is charging & Goldberg spears Stephanie McMahon into Next Week!!!! Triple H quickly grabs Victoria's legs & pulls her out & HHH & Victoria high tail there way out of the ringside area as the ref counts 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 on both HHH & Victoria. HHH & Victoria are both counted out. Goldberg exits the ring & goes after HHH as the ref counts 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 on him as well. Goldberg is counted out. Stephanie McMahon is still out cold as Torrie Wilson covers for the 1--2--3. Stephanie McMahon is now eliminated. This leaves only Dawn Marie & Torrie Wilson.  Dawn attacks Torrie as she got back up from pinning Steph. Dawn goes for the Devine Valley driver but Torrie fights out of it & goes for a Super kick but Dawn ducks & Dawn hits Torrie right in the face with something Dawn pulled out of her top. Dawn covers Torrie for the 1--2--3.
Winner: Dawn Marie

Lillian: Your winner, Dawn Marie

JR: Dawn Marie got the win but how about Goldberg causing HHH & Victoria to high tail there way out of here

King: I just hope Stephanie McMahon is okay

:HHH & Victoria are making there way to the parking lot as Goldberg can be heard still coming. HHH ends up bumping into Kurt Angle!!! Angle opens up on HHH with right hands as Victoria then hits Angle with her Women's Title. HHH then starts to pound away on Angle but Goldberg then breaks through the wall & ends up right behind HHH. HHH realzing he is in trouble stays on the ground & backs away by crawling away. Goldberg is making his way for HHH when Steven Richards hits Goldberg in the back with a steel chair. Goldberg knocks Richards back with ease. Goldberg then goes for the spear on HHH who is up but Goldberg ends up spearing a Steel Chair placed in front of HHH by none other than Randy Orton!!! HHH & Victoria are dumbfounded but get in the limo & get out of the arena:

JR: Goldberg just speared a Steel Chair but why would Randy Orton help HHH?

King: I don't know, JR

JR: Well we are out of time, but don't miss Nitro I guess

:Show goes off the air:

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