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PPV : Souled Out 2/8/04
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 11/22/2006 4:47 PM

Results 2/8/04 Live From St. Louis, Missouri

Promo's for the PPV are shown

Pyro Then Explodes!!

Tony: Welcome to WCW Souled Out!!!

Madden: I can't wait to see The Expose your opponent's Breast Match later on tonight

Hudson: Plus The WCW World Heavyweight championship is on the line when Matt Hardy defends against The Legendary Hollywood Hulk Hogan

Tony: We got 8 Action Packed Matches tonight and let's not waste anymore time and get to the ring to get Souled Out off and rolling

Penser: The Opening Contest of Souled Out is for the WCW Television Championship and it is a ladder match(Crowd Cheers)(Sexy Boy hits, Cuts into nWo theme, Crowd Boo's) 1st The Challenger, Representing the nWo, The "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels!!!

Hudson: HBK has taken on a whole new attitude since joining the nWo

Madden: I like HBK's New Found Attitude

Penser:(Behind Blue's Eyes hits, Crowd is mixed) His opponent, He is the WCW Television Champion, J-Rock!!

Tony: J-Rock since unjoining The Corperation has not been treated well by the nWo and has been one of the nWo's Prime Targets

WCW Television Championship: J-Rock(C) vs Shawn Michaels W/Shannon Michaels
HBK has a serious look upon his face as he looks over at J-Rock. J-Rock then cracks his neck and runs up with HBK and hook up..... They both struggle and HBK and J-Rock both push away... Both red to the face as they lock up once more. HBk then swrives around and back eblows J-Rock to the face. HBK then kicks him in the stomach and then slams a bulldog on him. HBK then turns him and kicks him down by holding the ropes as the ref coutns to four HBK backs off and walks over to the other side of the ring where his daughter stands clapping. J-Rock slowly gets to his feet looking over at HBK. HBK then charges at J-Rock as J-Rock ducks and tosses him over the ropes and onto the ringside flooring. J-Rock then rolls out of the ring and goes looking underneathe the ring. Miss Shannon runs over to where HBK lies. J-Rock then moves tables and trash can lids out of the way as he drags out a ladder. HBK is now getting to his feet as Miss Shannon backs away. HBK walks over to J-Rock who just slid the ladder into the ring. J-Rock is about to climbs back in but HBK grabs J-Rock by the pants and pulls him down. HBK then begins to hit him with rights over and over to the face. Ref tells them to get in the ring as HBK then whips J-Rock to the steel steps. J-Rock hits them but not seperating the steps. HBK then takes J-Rock's head and slams it down on the steps as a loud bang is heard. HBK then does a little sexy boy dance move and rolls himself into the ring. He then grabs the ladder and looks above him. He begins to set the ladder up and moves it to postion. HBK gets on the second step before getting a jump kick to the back from a badly beaten J-Rock. Ladder falls to its side nearly landing on HBK. HBK looks up over him as J-Rock comves over and Grabs HBK by the leg and nails three back eblows to his sheen on his leg. HBK heard yelling in pain as J-Rock then locks in a leg lock. J-Rock holds tightly as HBK heard yelling. J-Rock then lets go and grabs HBK by the hair and helps him to his feet before chopping him across the chest til he's cornered in the turnbuckle. J-Rock then does several more chops and then backs off and comes with a running clothesline and HBK falls down on his butt lening on the turnbuckle. J-Rock goes over to the ladder and sets it up right struggling to get it up since the ladder isn't well light. J-Rock gets it back up but HBK is now getting up.... J-Rock without notice gets a tap on the shoulder and then a Sweet Chin music to the face as J-Rock goes rolling on the mat and out... HBK then looks above him once again and slowly climbs up the ladder with Miss Shannon rooting him on. Just then Shannon Moore comes running down the ramp way as he takes Miss Shannon by the hand and begins to try and drag her up the ramp with him. Miss Shannon yelling for him to let go as HBK takes notice and climbs off the ladder and goes over to the ropes. Shannon telling Miss Shannon that she doesn't need her father that he needs a Mattitude Follower. Some one strong and a true champion.. HBK then rolls out of the ring as Miss Shannon slaps Shannon Moore across the face. Shannon looks shocked and takes Shannon by the arm and begins to bring her back up the ramp. Miss Shann struggles out of his grip as Shannon turns around and sees HBK behind him. Shannon gives a slightly scared girn as HBK begins to punch Shannon as Shannon then falls on the ramp and slowly drags himself up to his feet and runs off backstage. HBK turns to Miss Shannon asking if she's alright. Miss shannon tells him she's fine but then warns J-Rock is climbing the ladder. HBK turns and runs back into the ring. He slides in and grabs J-Rock by the foot. He slams J-Rock off the ladder as the ladder falls once again. Miss Shannon now looking around her making sure Shannon Moore doesn't return. HBK then kicks down at J-Rock and then grabs him and whips him into the rings ropes and then hits a back body drop on him. J-Rock grabs his back in pain as HBK then begins to slaps his knee as he gets ready for the sweet chin once again. J-Rock gets up and spots HBK coming as he blocks the kick and turns HBk around by grabing his foot and kicks him in the gut and manges to hit the Rocky Dreams. Crowds heard booing as J-Rock walks back over to the ladder. HBK rolls out of the ring hurting. Miss Shannon looks over at her father as she looks over at J-Rock slowly climbing. Miss Shannon climbs on the apron distracting the ref. J-Rock is almost to the top and notice what's going on. J-Rock just smiles and reaches above him to grab the title but yet not high enough. He takes a few more steps and grabs ahold of the strap of the title. Miss Shannon busy slamming her foot on the mat and yelling at the ref for once. HBK rolls back into the ring and grabs the legs of the ladder and then begins to push them to the side as Miss Shannon leaps off the apron and ref moves out of the way as J-Rock goes flying over the top ropes, off the ladder, and down to the flooring. J-Rock heard yelling from the pain. Miss Shannon moves away from him and looks on at her father. HBK then moves the ladder not under the belt but closer to the ropes. HBK sets it up and begins to climb up. He blances himself at the top and then leaps off with a leg drop and J-Rock rolls out of the way and HBK hits his leg hard. HBK holds his leg as he rolls on the flooring holding his knee from the leg he that was hurting at first of the match. J-Rock shaking the fall off, well trying his best of doing it as he grabs another ladder from under the ring and slowly slides it into the ring. J-Rock grabing his back from the pain and slowly climbs into the ring. He slowly breathes taking in oxgen as he stands to his feet. HBK at ringside slowly making it up to his feet and hops over to the apron for support. J-Rock sees this and comes over and nails a baseball slide to HBK knocking him into the annouceing stands. HBK looks to be out as J-Rock climbs back out and begins to kick at HBK while he's down making sure he won't try and get up. So he picks up HBK and places him over his shoulders and hits the J-Rock drop on the annoucing stand and HBK breaks the table. Miss Shannon runs over to tend to him as J-Rock raises a hand up as Miss Shannon backs off. J-Rock then walks back over to the ring and climbs in. He gathers the ladder that is not set up and places it up. He moves it around to get it in right postion and begins to climb slowly up. As J-Rock gets half way there HBK now getting to his feet and shaking it off. He climbs into the ring as J-Rock now at the top holding the straps. HBK moves the ladder from under him as J-Rock dangles in mid air holding onto the title. HBK then leaps up on to J-Rock grabs his feet holding more weight causing J-Rock to let go of the title and they both fall to the mat but J-Rock hits harder. HBK gets up first and grabs J-Rock to his feet and then nails a suplex on him. HBK looks over to the ladder clothes to the ropes. He undoes the ladder and then sets it up on the nearby turnbuckle. He then grabs J-Rock by the neck and whips him into the ladder chest first. J-Rock slams into it and comes back as HBK hits a backwards DDT. J-Rock htis the mat as the ladder set up bounces but doesn't fall. HBk then moves the ladder and places it over J-Rock as he climbs the turnbuckle and leaps off it and hits the elbow drop onto the ladder onto J-Rock. HBK rolls off grabing his arm from the hit to the ladder. J-Rock breatheing harder now slowly slides the ladder off of him as he rolls over to his stomach and begins to take in soft breathes as does HBK who lies on his back. Miss Shannon then starts slapping the mat as fans begin to clap there hands with her. Ref making sure they are both able to get up as HBK now slowly getting to one knee as J-Rock grabs the ropes next to him. J-rock now up but still holding the ropes. HBK then now back to his feet as J-Rock comes behind HBK and kicks him in the back and whips him into the ropes. HBK comes runnign back as J-Rock kicks him and sets him up once again for the J-Rock drop and hits it. HBK looks to be out as Miss shannon slaping the mat for him to get up. J-Rock takes the advantage and climbs the ladder that's already set up. J-Rock gets half way up and looks down to seeing a lifeless HBK. J-Rock smiles big and climbs higher. J-Rock gets to the very top and begins to unsnap the title when Scott Hall comes running the down the ramp way and climbs into the ring. J-Rock looks down starting to try harder on tugging with Scott Hall takes so much energy and pushes the ladder to it's side as J-rock flys off the top of the ladder without the title which still dangles in mid air as J-Rock crashes into the ring ropes and then onto the ring floor as HBK then does his flip up onto his feet with no hands. HBK smiles to Hall as Hall smiles back as HBK then grabs the other ladder and Hall and him both set it up as HBK does his sexy boy trot up the ladder. He reaches the title and unsnaps it and brings the title down to his side as the ref sounds the bell as HBK climbs down as Miss Shannon climbs intot he ring with the guys. Hall and Miss Shannon then both raise HBK's hands up in the air as Miss Shannon kisses her dad on the cheek for a great win as Hall pats him on the back.
Winner: Shawn Michaels(TV)

Penser: Your winner, Shawn Michaels

Tony: HBK just won the TV Title thanks to Scott Hall

Madden: The nWo just struck and took out J-Rock


:Vince McMahon is shown and Vince announces That The Bra & Panties Condition in his daughters Match has been removed:


Madden: Damn it, I wanted to see Kelli or Stephanie in there underwear

Hudson: Your already getting an EYOB Match, what else do you want

Penser: The Following Contest is The Tag Team Elimination Match(Live For The Moment hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making there way to the ring, Representing Mattitude, The Team of Shannon Moore & John Cena!!

Hudson: Mattitude's Team is going to have to work as a well oiled machine to win this

Penser:(Impact Players Music plays, Crowd Boo's)Team #2, "Impact Players", The Love Machine & JT Mystikal

Madden: I think The Impact Players are going to win This Match

Penser:(Can You Dig It hits, Crowd Cheers)Team #3, Booker T & Goldust!!

Tony: Well Goldust and Booker T are former Tag Team Champions so they have to be favorites as well in this match

Penser:(Jamie's Music plays, Crowd Boo's) The Final Team Representing The Corperation, The WCW Tag Team Champions of the World, Jamie Noble and his replacement Partner.....Nidia!!

Tony: Nidia?

Hudson: Nidia is being forced to replace Stevie Richards

WCW Tag Team Championship: Jamie Noble & Nidia(C) vs The Love Machine & JT Mystikal vs Booker T & Goldust vs John Cena & Shannon Moore
Jamie and TLM are scheduled to start the match off. TLM charges Jamie and Jamie drop-kicks TLM's knee. TLM goes to the mat and Jamie delivers a standing legdrop. Jamie goes for the pin....1....kickout by TLM. Jamie picks up TLM and drags him to the Booker T corner and tags Booker in. Booker sends TLM into the ropes and shoulder Blocks TLM down as he bounces back. Booker then drops a stalling knee drop to TLM's face. Booker picks up TLM and backs him into the CENA corner and Cena tags himself in. Booker looks confused and heads back to his corner as CENA clotheslines Booker from behind and goes back to TLM who meets Cena with a stiff right hand. TLM leaps frog Cena and reverse DDT's him and drags him to his corner and tags in JT. JT and TLM stand Cena up and place him on the top turnbuckle and hit a double top rope suplex to Cena. JT goes for the cover....1....2....Shannon gets in and breaks up the count. JT gets in Shannon's face and Cena slowly crawls over to Jamie and tags him in. Jamie running drop-kicks JT. Jamie picks up JT and gives him a few elbow shots to the chin and sends him into the ropes but JT hooks the ropes and tags cena back in by slapping him in the face. Jamie snapmares Cena over to top rope and brings him in. Jamie locks in a reverse chin lock and cena struggles to get to the ropes as Shannon is pulling Cean's leg to the ropes and cena gets it. Jamie breaks the hold and grabs Shannon by the hair and the ref is trying to get him to let go and doesn't notice the lowblow from Cena to Jamie. Jamie stumbles around and Cena goes for the throwback and Nidia surprisingly gets in the ring and shoves Jamie out of the way and slides back out the ring. Jamie hooks Cena's arm and nails the tiger driver and Jamie nobnle gets the pin 1...2...3....

Penser: Shannon Moore & John Cena have been eliminated

Jamie is still covering Cena when JT hits a 450 splash on Jamie and rolls him over for the pin...1...2...kickout by Jamie. Jt gets to his feet and tags in Goldust and Goldust is shocked and so is Booker. Goldust gets in  and sends Jamie in the opposite corner and sets him up for the Golden Globes and Nails it. Goldust does his little breathing taunt to the crowd and TLM runs across the apron and clotheslines Goldust down. Booker gets in the ring and the ref holds him back as TLM and Noble get in a stomp away on Goldust.  TLM and JT gets back out of the ring as Booker does also The ref begins a 10 count for Goldust & Jamie.....1....2......3........4.......5.....Jamie begins to get to his feet.....6......7 Goldust gets to his feet. Jamie and Goldust stumbles towards each other and in acts of desperation both clothesline each other down. Nidia begins stomping on the ring apron and Noble gets to his feet along with Goldust and Jamie goes for another clothesline and goldust ducks it and grabs Jamie by the neck and hits the Curtain Call and goldust gets the pin.

Penser: Jamie Noble & Nidia have been eliminated

Goldust gets to his feet and stares down TLM and JT as they argue about who's gonna get in the ring. JT steps in the ring and Tags in TLM The two begin to tag each other back and forth and Goldust comes over and knocks the two heads together and TLM falls off the apron.. Goldust drags JT by his head to his corner and tags in Booker. Booker steps on in and delivers 3 knees to JT's gut and follows it with a scoop slam. Booker does a spin-a-roonie and goes to bounce off the ropes as JT gets to his feet and  nails the AX kick. and goes for the pin....1....2.....2.9999999....TLM makes the save at the last possible minute. Goldust gets in the ring and knocks TLM out of the ring and goes back to the apron. Booker picks JT up and goes for the bookend and TLM gets the refs attention and JT gets pinned but the ref never sees it. and goes back to Booker covering JT and JT kick out at the 1 count. Booker tags back in Goldust and Goldust goes to work on JT. Goldust picks up JT and sends him into the ropes and Butt Bumps him back down. Goldust goes up top and leaps off and nails an fist drop. JT flops around the ring and JT slides out and he and TLM begin to walk back to the entrance. Goldust and Booker make chase and  knock the two down from behind. The brawl on the Entry way for a few minutes until Booker drags TLM back to the ring and tosses him in. Booker slides in and waits for TLM to get to his feet and hits the AX kick but TLM moves out of the way and powerbombs Booker as he turns back around. TLM then locks in a Texas cloverleaf. Booker screams in pain and struggles to get the ropes when Goldust comes in and Bulldogs TLM, breaking the hold. A now bloody JT makes his way back to the ring and takes his place on the apron. Booker picks up TLM and scoop slams him in the middle of the ring and goes up top and signals for the Houston Hangover and JTshakes the ropes and Booker falls down south and rolls into the ring. JT then jumps down off the apron and grabs Goldust off the apron and the two begin to fight near the announcers table. TLM goes to cover Booker....1...2......2.999999..kickout by booker. TLM can't believe it and gets in the refs face. and Booker begins to pull himself up by TLMs tights. and TLM pie faces Booker back down. Outside the ring Goldust is set to Curtain Call JT threw the table when TLM comes from behind and lowblows him and gets on the table. TLM and JT then hits a double freakliner to Goldust threw the table. TLM slides back into the ring and waits for Booker to get up as JT makes his way to the top rope. TLM sets booker up on his shoulders and TLM turns his back to JT and they nails the Pit-BullDog and TLM goes for the win.....1.......2........3

Winners: The Love Machine & JT Mystikal (WCW Tag)

Penser: Your winners and new WCW Tag Team Champions, The Love Machine & JT Mystikal!!

Tony: The Love Machine and JT Mystikal are now WCW Tag Team Champions

Madden: The Impact Players got Tag Team Gold!!!

Hudson: Goldust has to be disappointed

:Footage is shown of Stephanie/Kelli Helmsley History:

Tony: Well up next we got Stephanie McMahon taking on the Younger Sister of The Late Triple H

Penser: The Following Contest is a Snow Bunny Match(Crowd Goes Nuts)(Figured you out hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making her way to the area from Greenwich, Connecticut, Kelli Helmsley

Madden: Kelli Helmsley is an attractive young lady and did you see her Playboy?

Penser:(All Grown Up hits, Crowd Cheers) Her opponent, Also from Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

Tony: Well this should be interesting, Stephanie and Kelli are former sister-in-law's and tonight there bitter enemies

Hudson: This started when Kelli started siding with Victoria after initially siding with Stephanie but after Kelli and Hunter came back together as a family then the whole Victoria/Stephanie war took on Kelli as an ally to Victoria

Stephanie McMahon vs Kelli Helmsley
Stephaine and Kelli both look evil at each other as the two start the match right at the top of the ramp way. Steph grabs Kelli by the hair and slams her down and holds her in a neck hold. Kelli looks shocked but begins to give a few back elbows to Steph for her to let go. Kelli then gets up and grabs Steph by the hair and hair tosses her across the ramp walk way. Kelli then picks Steph up once again but Steph then slaps Kelli across the chest and then whips her off the ramp as Kelli falls of the top which is about four feet high or higher. Kelli lands on her side holding her back. Steph climbs down and is locked up with Kelli. Both girls struggle as Steph pushes Kelli away as Kelli goes flying into the pool of snow. Kelli looks around her as Steph comes running in and starts slamming Kelli's head into the pool hitting the bottom of the pool. Ref checking up on the girls making srue everything is going okay. Steph gets to her feet and gets a slight grin upon her face. She picks Kelli up to her feet and turns her around to face her. Steph then Big Slaps her across the face leaving a big red mark across her face. Kelli looks mad and Slaps her back. The two then start to bitch slap each other over and over as then Kelli kicks Steph in the gut and goes for the pedigree but Steph manages to flip her over and holds both legs for a pin. 1.............................2............ and Kick out my Kelli. Both girls seperate and get to there feet. Kelli then nails a running clothesline on Steph as Steph goes back first into the snow. Kelli grabs a hand full of the snow and tosses it into Steph's face causeing her not to see. Kelli then rolls up behind her and rolls her up for a pin. 1.............................2............ and Kick out my Stephaine. Kelli look mad over at the Ref as she stands to her feet. She kicks at Steph who is down. Kelli then grabs Steph by the ankle and locks in a hold. Steph is heard yelling as Steph manages to turn herself around and kicks Kelli away from her. Kelli then comes running at her but Steph puts her feet in the air causing Kelli to get hit with a monkey flip as she flys out of the pool and hits the ramp way walls. Kelli grabs her hand and falls down to her side. Steph struggling to get up and slowly gets to her feet. Steph climbs out of the pool and goes over to Kelli who is now half way up to her feet. Steph comes clothes as Kelli grabs Steph by the arm and arm drags her into the ramp wall. Steph heard yelling from the move as Kelli pins her. 1..................2............ and shoulder up by Steph. Kelli looks very mad now as she covers her once again. 1.................... Steph wraps her foot around Kelli and flips it around and pins her.1 ...................... 2 and kick out. Both girls seperate again on there different ways and both get to there feet. Both comes running at each other and both hit each other with a clothesline as both go lying back in the pool of snow. Both girls look to be out as both are seen breatheing very heavy. Both then start to rise up with holding themselves up with there hands. Kelli soon gets up first as she walks over to Steph still down. Kelli grabs Steph and stands her up.... Kelli then grabs her and climbs up on her shoulders then turns herself around and hits a high fly DDT on steph in the pool. Steph looks to be out this time. Kelli struggling herself crawls herself over to Steph. Slowly as she finally places one arm over steph and places her head down. Ref then counts. 1........................2...........2.8 and Steph gets the shoulder and rolls over to her side. Fans heard cheering as Kelli just places her head down ticked off. Both girls lie there for a good few mintues as they both then start to move. Steph manages to get up first and then followed by Kelli. Both girls lock up once again as they trying to get there strength back. Kelli wraps her leg around Steph';s left leg and trips her. Kelli then picks her up and is about to hit a suplex but Steph counters with her own suplex. Steph then pumps herself up and gets to her feet and climbs over on top of Kelli in the pool and begins to slam her head down on the pool flooring. Steph then grabs Kelli by the hair and pulls her up to her feet and then bulldog's her down. Steph then shouts how do you like messing with me now? Kelli just trying to get up gets a kick in the side as Steph kicks her hard. Steph then kicks her three more times and then elbows her int he back. Steph then covers her once again. 1..............2.......................2.7 and shoulder up. Steph looks mad as she takes all that she has left and raises Kelli to her feet and kicks her in the gut and sets her up for the peidgree and Kelliu who is to tired to fight back causes Steph to hit it and hit it hard. Steph turns her over and hooks the leg. 1...............2............3. Steph uncovers as her theme song hits as snow is showing in her hair and Kelli is lieing in the middle of the pool of snow. Steph then slowly gets up to her feet and Ref raises her hand in victory. Steph smiles and then looks down at Kelli. Steph smiles grabs a hand full of snow and shoves it in Kelli's face and mouth as she tells her eat this... and begins to walk away.
Winner: Stephanie McMahon

Penser: Your winner, Stephanie McMahon

Tony: Stephanie McMahon has gotten her revenge

Madden: I wish this was Bra & Panties though

Hudson: Well we still got The EYOB Match coming up which should be a great contest

:Parking Lot:

:Scott & Kaci Hill are shown entering the arena with The ICON:

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 11/22/2006 4:48 PM

Tony: Well it looks like The Owner and CEO of this company have arrived at the arena with the ICON who has been there protege in recent week's

Hudson: That is an odd relationship but The ICON has done some odd things

Madden: Well Mr. McMahon is not going to like that

:Footage Shown leading into Women's Title Match:

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW Women's Championship(Freak on the leash starts and cuts into nWo theme, Crowd Boo's) 1st making her way to the ring, Representing The nWo, She is from Baltimore, Maryland and she is the #1 Freak, Lacy Alexander!!!

Hudson: Lacy Alexander since arriving in WCW along with Scott Steiner has raised all kinds of hell that got them booted off RAW

Madden: I like Lacy and Scotty Steiner

Penser:(Headstrong plays, Crowd Cheers) Her opponent, From Forest Lake, Minnesota, Molly Holly

Tony: Molly Holly is a former Women's Champion so she is no stranger to having the title

Penser:(Mattitude Countdown starts then cuts into Breaking the habit, Crowd Boo's) Finally, She is the Defending WCW Women's Champion, Representing Mattitude, From Los Angelos, Californaia, Sara!!!

Madden: Sara has made a pretty good Women's Champion and I think Molly Holly is the odd ball in this match

WCW Women's Championship: Sara(C) vs Lacy Alexander vs Molly Holly
Sara and Molly lock up as Lacy just observes. Sara overpowers Molly, pulling her into a headlock. Lacy finally walks over to the divas and double clotheslines them down. Lacy looks at her work boastfully. Sara rises to her feet and hit’s a hurricarana on the unexpecting Lacy.  Molly runs up and nails Sara with a DDT. Sara and Lacy are done as Molly switches off kicking both of the divas. Lacy pushes Molly away into the corner with her leg strength. Sara rises to her feet as Lacy gets on all fours in front of Molly. Sara runs and uses Lacy as leverage and nails a poetry in motion. Sara is kicking away on Molly when Lacy turns around and nails a freakliner. Lacy runs against the ropes and goes to hit Molly but Molly trips Lacy sending her first on to the ropes. Molly and Sara double clothesline Lacy out of the ring. Sara rolls Molly up for the pin. The referee drops to the floor�?.�?.2.�?.Lacy pulls the referee out by his foot. The referee is angry but before he can ring the bell Lacy locks lips with the ref. Sara flies over the top of the ropes but Lacy moves the referee in the way. Sara takes out the ref and Sara lifts her and rams her head into the steel turnbuckle. Molly gets out of the ring and does a suplex to Lacy on the mat. Molly jumps on Sara’s back and begins to choke her. Sara grabs Molly’s hair and throws her over off her back. Lacy nails both the divas with an Asia Moonsault off the apron. Lacy gets to her feet and body slams Molly on the mat but before she can do the trademark elbow Sara kick her sending on to the barricade. Molly and Sara unite forces and throws Lacy in the air right on to the barricade once again. Molly throws Lacy into the ring and hit’s a neck breaker on Sara and throws her into the ring. Sara is dazed and Molly climbs to the top of the ropes and jumps off nailing Lacy with a Molly-Go-Round because Lacy elbowed Sara knocking her out of the way. 1.…�?2.�?.Sara runs against the ropes and dropkicks Molly in the face. Sara picks up Molly and body slams her on top of Lacy. Sara climbs up to the top of the ropes but Molly gets up to her feet and tries to stop Sara but Sara kicks Molly down. Coincidently she is lying right beside Lacy, Sara hit’s a moonsault off the top of the ropes on both the divas. 1.�?2.�?both divas kick out before the three count. Sara picks up Lacy and military presses her over the top of the ropes. Molly comes running towards Sara and Sara throws her over her shoulders but Molly with reflexes like a cat lands on the apron on her feet. Sara walks into a Molly who is trying to do a suplex to the outside but can’t; Lacy jump on the apron and assists Molly and throws Sara out of the ring. Both divas step into the ring and stare down each other. Sara gets up on the apron but both divas run and dropkick her off. Lacy lifts Molly high into the air and throws her over the top of the ropes onto Sara. Lacy climbs to the top of the ropes and jumps off nailing Sara with a high cross body. Lacy gets up, favoring her injured ribs throws Sara over by ring commentator’s table. Molly rolls into the ring and distracts the referee while Lacy nails Sara with a steel chair. Lacy hit’s a freakliner causing Sara’s head to collide with the chair. Lacy rolls into the ring and bulldogs Molly down. Molly gets to her feet and pushes Lacy into a devasting clothesline by Sara. Molly runs and big boots Sara down. Molly then gets nailed with a right hand by Lacy, Sara then delivers a chick kick on Lacy but the lights go out and The Video from The Royal Rumble starts to play as Sara looks on in shock, Molly Holly then dropkicks Sara out to the floor but when Molly turns around, Lacy catches Molly with The Freakliner and covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Lacy Alexander (WCW Women's)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW Women's Champion, Lacy Alexander

Tony: Lacy Alexander just captured The Women's Title

Hudson: What was up with the lights and The Video of what happened to HHH and Victoria playing

Madden: Some freaky things are happening to Mattitude and nWo with this and ICON and Scott are behind it

:Ad for SCWE No Way Out and KSCWE Wrestlemania Airs:

Tony: Well Wrestlemania is just around the corner but we have to keep things rolling and our next match featured a guy who has already earned his way into the Wrestlemania by winning the WCW Royal Rumble

Penser: The Following Contest is a No DQ Tag Team Contest(nWo theme hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making there way to the ring, Representing The nWo, The Team of Scott Hall & the 2004 WCW Royal Rumble Champion Kevin Nash!! better known as The Outsider's!!!

Madden: I don't see the Outsider's Losing This Match

Penser:(Evolution hits, Crowd Cheers) There opponents, Representing Evolution, The "Nature Boy" Ric Flair and St. Louis's Own, Randy Orton!!(Crowd Goes Nuts for Orton)

Hudson: Well The Legend Killer may not be liked most places but here he is loved

Tony: Evolution is doing this for There Fallen Leader HHH and his fiance Victoria

Randy Orton & Ric Flair vs Scott Hall & Kevin Nash
Bell rings, Randy Orton and Scott Hall start the match. Randy Orton and Scott Hall lock up and Randy Orton gets Scott Hall in a headlock. Scott Hall elbows Orton in the stomach a couple times. Randy Orton breaks the hold and Scott Hall tosses Orton into the ropes. Orton bounces off the ropes and right into Scott Hall's running clothesline. Scott Hall grabs Orton and tosses him into the outsider's corner. Orton hits the turnbuckle hard, Hall grabs Orton and gets him back in the outsider's corner and tags in Nash. Nash gets in the ring as they both tosses Orton into the ropes. Orton bounces off the ropes and hit both Hall and Nash with a flying clothesline. Orton starts to crawl to his corner but Hall gets up and trys to pull Orton away from his corner but he tags Flair in. Flair comes in and as Hall drops Orton's leg Flair clotheslines Orton. Flair then grabs Nash as he is getting up and goes over to the ropes and tosses him off the top and to the floor. Hall gets up and runs behind Flair and tosses him over the tope and to the floor. Hall turns around right into the RKO. Flair gets up and grabs Nash by the hair but Nash low blows Flair as the ref is yelling at Orton to get out of the ring and throws Flair into the steel steps. Nash grabs Flair and then throws Flair into the steel post. Nash then grabs Flair and rolls him in the ring. Nash gets in the ring and starts kicking Flair in the ribs. Flair then is throwin chest first into the turnbuckle. Nash then goes over to Hall and tags him in. Hall goes over to Flair and grabs him by the hair and throws him into his corner. Hall taunts Orton. Orton tags himself in Orton gets in the ring and Hall and Orton lock up. Hall gets Orton in a headlock. Orton pushes Hall off and into the ropes. Hall bounces off the ropes and is back body dropped by Orton. Orton turns around into a big boot by Kevin Nash.  Nash goes back to his corner as Hall crawls over to the corner and tags Nash in. Nash gets in the ring and grabs Orton by the neck and sets him up for a suplex. Nash hits the suplex on Orton and goes for the pin 1........2.......2.7/kickout. Orton kicksout and Nash gets back up and grabs Orton and throws him into the ropes. Orton bounces off the ropes and ducks another big boot from Nash. As Nash turns around he gets hit with a flying clothesline. Orton gets up and sets up for the RKO. Nash turns around and Orton hits the RKO on Nash. Orton then goes for the cover 1.......2......2.8/Hall breaks up the count. Flair then gets in the ring and grabs Hall and tosses him out of the ring. Flair then gets out of the ring after Hall. While Orton gets back up and grabs Nash and sets him up for a suplex but Nash, knees him in the stomach twice and sets him up for the Jacknife Powerbomb when HHH's Music plays Nash then lets go of Orton but HHH doesnt appear, the music just plays as Nash turns around Orton hits another RKO on Nash. Orton then goes for the cover as Hall tries to get in the ring bit Flair pulls Hall out of the ring and gives him a hard right hand knocking him down as the ref counts the 1............................2...........................3.
Winners: Randy Orton & Ric Flair

Penser: Your winners, Randy Orton & Ric Flair

Tony: Evolution gets The win thanks to an RKO by Randy Orton and scoring the pinfall over the #1 Contender

Madden: It was HHH's Music that destracted Nash!!! Thats cheating

Hudson: Cheating or not Evolution just picked up a big win and gets some revenge on the nWo

:Ad for KSCWE Wrestlemania is shown:

Tony: We still have Three Huge Matches remaining here tonight

Madden: I hope The EYOB Match is Next

Hudson: I hope we get to see Scott Steiner challenge Test for The US Title

Tony: Well besides the two matches just meantioned we still have The Huge Main Event featuring Matt Hardy taking on Hollywood Hulk Hogan but lets look back at what led to our next contest

:Footage of Cynthia Diamond/Kristin Styles fued is shown:

Penser: The Following Contest is a Expose Your Opponents Breast Match for The WCW Women's Hardcore championship(Guys go nuts)(Jump plays, Crowd Cheers) Making her way to the ring first, The Challenger, She is from Raleigh, North Carolina, Kristin Styles!!!

Madden: I would not mind seeing Kristin's breats

Hudson: You would probably like seeing either ladies breasts

Penser:(Toxic plays, Crowd Boo's) Her opponent, She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, She is from Tacoma Washington, Cynthia Diamond!!

Madden: I wouldnt complain about seeing Cynthia naked either

Tony: Well personally I would like to see these ladies square off in a Match that doesnt involove these stipulations

Madden: Thats becouse your gay

WCW Women's Hardcore Championship: EYOB: Cynthia Diamond(C) vs Kristin Styles
Cynthia is talking trash to Kristin about how she will beat her again and expose her "Puppies" and Kristin goes up to Cynthia and Cynthia is asking her what will she do and Kristin delivers a right hand knocking down Cynthia, Kristin then hits a chick kick on Cynthia as she got back up, Kristin then picks up Cynthia but Cynthia pokes Kristin in the eyes and Cynthia rams Kristin into the corner face first, Cynthia then slams Kristin into the corner leaving her upside down as Cynthia removes Kristin's shirt revealing her blue bra(Crowd Cheers). Cynthia then tries to remove her bra but Kristin is able to pull herself up and avoid Cynthia who rams into the corner, Kristin then adjusts herself up top and delivers a leaping clothesline off the top on Cynthia. Kristin then grabs Cynthia but she starts move and tries to roll out to the floor but Kristin gets her by her pants and thong and is holding on and the crowd gets a view of Cynthia's bare butt but Kristin loses the hold and Cynthia rolls out to the floor clothes fully in tact, Cynthia gets up but Kristin hits a baseball slide on Cynthia knocking her back into the guard rail, Kristin then goes underneath the ring and pulls out a trash can full of weapons and Kristin pulls out a baseball bat and goes to hit Cynthia who avoids it and Cynthia then is able to hit  adropkick taking down Kristin, Cynthia then delivers a swinging neckbreaking on Kristin as she got up, Kristin is hurting on the floor as Cynthia then removes Kristin's pants exposing her blue thong, Cynthia then goes for her bra but Kristin kicks her back, Kristin grabs a trash can lid as Cynthia comes back and Kristin hits Cynthia in her right knee with the lid, Kristin then hits Cynthia several times over the head with it. Kristin then rolls Cynthia back into the ring and Kristin goes up top and hits The Kissing Device on her, Kristin then is able to remove Cynthia's pants revealing her black thong and Kristin goes for Cynthia's shirt but she is able to avoid it and kicks Kristin back, Cynthia then gets back up and Cynthia catches Kristin with the Diamond Buffer, Cynthia then turns over Kristin and unsnaps her bra and is about to remove it when Stephanie McMahon comes down to the ring, Cynthia is confused and tells Stephanie to butt out but Stephanie gets in the ring and Cynthia goes to hit Stephanie but Stephanie ducks and Stephanie then knocks down Cynthia with a right hand. Kristin meanwhile is able to fix her bra and gets back up and Kristin yanks off Cynthia's shirt revealng her black bra. Kristin and Stephanie start to double team Cynthia in the corner both stomping away on her until Kelli Helmsley races down to the ring and Kelli spears down Stephanie and starts to work her over, Kristin tries to help out Stephanie but Kelli knocks down Kristin, Stephanie though then hits a big slap taking down Kelli but Cynthia catches Stephanie with the Diamond Buffer but as Cynthia gets back up, Kristin sprays a fire extensher in Cynthia's face blinding her and Kristin yanks off Cynthia's bra exposing her breasts to a loud ovation from the crowd as Cynthia hurries up and covers up as she heads to the back
Winner: Kristin Styles (WCW Women's Hardcore)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Kristin Styles

Madden: Cynthia Diamond has some of the best looking breasts I have ever seen but she covered up to fast

Hudson: Well Stephanie McMahon and Kelli Helmsley both got involoved for some reason but Kristin Styles was able to get the victory

Tony: Kristin Styles long journey in KSCWE has finally achieved some gold


:Vince McMahon is shown telling Hogan to make sure he doesnt lose, He will be in his corner:


Hudson: Well we got our next contest up next

Tony: Test was orignally supposed to be facing Matt Hardy for The WCW World Title but Thanks to Vince McMahon, Hollywood Hulk Hogan got the Title Shot and Test now has to defend his WCW US Title against Former SCWE World Champion, Scott Steiner

Madden: Test has had a nice run but it all ends tonight

:Footage of Test/Steiner Past is shown:

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW United States Championship(Crowd Cheers)(Holla if Ya Hear Me hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied to the ring by Lacy Alexander and representing The nWo, weighing in at 255 Pounds from Detroit, Michigan, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner

Tony: Alot of people were shocked to See Steiner rejoin the nWo once he and Lacy arrived in WCW

Penser:(This is a Test hits, Crowd Cheers) His opponent, Being accumpied to the ring by his Wife Stacy, Weighing in at 282 Pounds, From Toronto, Canada, The WCW United States Champion, Test

Madden: This is going to be a real slug fest I think but I see Steiner coming out on top

Hudson: This is Test's Biggest Challenge as US Champion and in my mind whoever wins this match has to be in line for a WCW World Title Shot

WCW United States Championship: Test(C) W/Stacy Keibler-Martin vs Scott Steiner W/Lacy Alexander
Test and Steiner are face 2 face as The Ref shows each man the Title, Test tells Steiner he is going to win while Steiner tells Test he is leaving with the US Title, Both Men lock up and Steiner throws down Test, Steiner starts flexing his arms at Test who gets up and shoves Steiner and Steiner comes back with a right hand knocking down Test, Steiner then delivers a clothesline knocking down Test, Test is getting right back up as Steiner knocks down Test again with a shoulder block, Steiner then delivers several kicks to Test and stomps away on him while he is down, Steiner then lets Test get up and Steiner delivers a clothesline knocking Test over the top to the floor, Steiner starts flexing his muscles and jaws with the fans as Test is trying to get back up, Lacy makes her way over as The ref is talking to Steiner and Lacy delivers a clothesline knocking down Test. Lacy then delivers several stiff kicks to test until Stacy comes over near them and Lacy backs off, Steiner then goes out to the floor and chases Stacy back and Steiner picks up Test and slams him down throat first into the ring barrier, Steiner then rams Test into the steel steps, Steiner then rolls in and out of the ring breaking up the count, Steiner then grabs Test and goes to whip him into the ring barrier but Test reverses and Sends Steiner into it, Test though is unable to take advantage and just rolls back into the ring, Test rolls back out but Steiner knocks down Test with a clothsline, Steiner then picks up Test and slams him down on the floor, Steiner then looks evily at the ringpost and grabs Test and sets him up for a belly 2 belly into the ring post but Test ends up bitting Steiner on his nose breaking the hold, Test then delivers a right hand knocking Steiner back and Test delivers a Big Boot on Steiner, Test gets back in the ring on the 5 count and the ref continues to count and gets up to 9 before Lacy gets on the apron destracting the ref, Stacy goes over and yanks down Lacy off the apron but Lacy ends up knocking Stacy down, Test goes out to the floor but Steiner gets up and hits Test, Steiner and Test exchange right hands until Lacy tries to hit Test but Test moves and Lacy collides with Steiner, Stacy then throws Lacy into the guard rail while Test throws Steiner into the ring, Test gets in the ring and Test waits for Steiner to get up and goes for a Big Boot but Steiner ducks and Steiner catches Test with a Belly 2 belly suplex, Steiner then does his trademark push ups as Stacy yells for Test to get up, Steiner gets up and grabs Test and Steiner is about to deliver The Freakliner to him when Stacy gets on the apron and lifts her skirt up showing off her thong destracting Steiner for a split second and Test is able to deliver a Rock Bottom type move on Steiner, Test then waits for Steiner to get up and hits the Big Boot on him and picks up Steiner and goes for the Pumphandle Slam but Lacy then attacks Stacy from behind on the floor drawing Test away from Steiner as Test goes out after Lacy and checking on Stacy, Lacy races over to the other side of the ring and slides in a lead pipe to Steiner as Lacy then destracts the ref as Test gets back in and Steiner goes to lay out Test but Test is able to block the pipe and Test kicks Steiner in the gut and grabs the pipe and hits Steiner in the back of the head with it and slides it out the ring to Stacy and Test then delivers the Pumphandle Slam on Steiner and covers for the 1---2--2.6.-Lacy tries to make the save but Molly Holly races down to the ring and grabs Lacy's foot-3.
Winner: Test

Penser: Your winner and still US Champion, Test

Tony: Test has done it!!

Madden: Test cheated to win

Hudson: Test used the lead pipe Steiner was going to use and Molly Holly got a little bit of revenge from losing to lacy by not allowing Lacy to save Steiner


:Matt Hardy V1 & Sara are showng heading towards the ring:

:Another Part of Backstage:

:Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Vince McMahon are shown heading for the ring:

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 11/22/2006 4:48 PM

Tony: Well we only have one match remaining now and Judgement Day still has not arrived like The ICON has been promising

Hudson: I guess it was a Bluff on The ICON's Part

Madden: I wouldn't say its over until we sign off the air becouse you don't know what The ICON is capable of

Tony: Well lets look at how This one has came to be

:Footage of Hogan/Hardy Past:

Penser: The Main Event of the evening is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts)(Voodoo Child Plays, Crowd Boo's)1st making his way to the ring, being accumpied by WCW General Manager, Mr. McMahon, He is the Leader of the nWo, weighing in at 275 Pounds, From Hollywood, California, Hollywood Hulk Hogan!!!

Madden: The Greatest Wrestler of all time is coming to the ring, These fans need to show him proper respect

Hudson: Hogan used to get respect when he wasnt hanging out with Trash like Hall and Nash

Penser:(Mattitude Countdown Starts into Live For The Moment, Crowd Boo's) His opponent, Being led to the ring by his girlfriend, Sara, He is the Leader of Mattitude, weighing in at 225 Pounds and he is from Cameron, North Carolina, He is the Defending WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Matt Hardy Version 1!!!!!

Tony: These fan's want to see Hogan and Hardy kill each other but I think these fans are more behind Hardy than Hogan

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Matt Hardy V1(C) W/Sara vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan W/Vince McMahon
Hogan and Hardy go to the center of the ring as The ref show's both men the WCW World Title and Hogan tells Hardy he is winning The Title tonight. Hogan and Hardy lock up and Hogan throws down Hardy, Hardy gets up and Hogan starts flexing his muscles, The two men lock up again and Hogan throws Hardy down again as Matt Hardy is becoming frustrated, Hogan yells at Hardy he beat him before and he will beat him again. Matt Hardy then goes to lock up again but delivers a boot to Hogan's stomach, Matt sends Hogan off the ropes but Hogan delivers a shoulder block sending Hardy flying back, Hogan then taunts some more as Matt Hardy gets up and Hardy tells Hogan he is just getting lucky, The Two men lock up again but Hardy gets a headlock on Hogan, Hogan picks up Hardy and is about to backdrop but Hardy starts moving around and is able to take down Hogan in a bulldog type move. Hardy keeps the headlock on and it is more in less now a sleeper hold on the mat, Hogan though is able to get out of it and gets an arm bar on Hardy, Hardy gets into the ropes as the ref order's Hogan to pull off. Hogan and Hardy then lock up again but Hogan sends Hardy off the ropes and Hogan delivers a big clothesline, Hogan then waits for Hardy to get up and Hogan opens up on him with several right hands, hogan then backs Hardy into the ropes and sends him off the ropes and delivers a Big Boot on him. Hogan then goes against the ropes but Sara grabs his foot, Hogan then reaches over and pulls Sara on the apron and Hogan is about to hit her when Hardy delivers a knee to the back of Hogan, Hardy then catches Hogan with the Fate Twister and covers with his feet on the ropes for a 1---2--2.9-Vince pulls the ref out of the ring. Sara goes over by Vince and starts having words with him and Vince tells her to get to the back but Sara ends up hitting Vince with a right hand knocking him down!! This causes for Kevin Nash & Scott Hall to come down to the ring, Matt Hardy gets out of the ring and Matt gets Sara to the other side of the ring as The Outsiders help up Vince and decide to stay at ringside, Shannon Moore comes out and joins Sara on the outside as Matt Hardy gets back into the ring where Hogan is waiting on him. Hardy gets in but hogan meets him with a cheap shot, Hogan then bodyslams Hardy down and delivers several elbows on him, Hogan then starts to choke Hardy until the ref orders the stop. Hogan then picks up Hardy and whips him into the corner and Hogan delivers a running splash on him sending Hardy crashing down face first, Hogan then removes his weightlifting belt and starts to whip the back of Hardy with it as Hardy is riving in pain and Hogan then drops the belt and picks up Hardy and whips him off the ropes and goes for another big boot but Hardy ducks and Hardy catches Hogan with a Side Effect, Hardy can't cover though but does get hold of the weighting lifting belt and both men get up but Hardy though delivers a few solid shots to Hogan with the belt until Hogan gets out to the floor, Hardy is about to follow when he decides against it, Nash & Hall are seeing if Hogan is ok when J-Rock runs down to the ringside area and attacks Hall from behind, J-Rock ends up chasing Scott Hall to the backstage area as Hogan gets back into the ring on the 9 count. Hardy meets Hogan with several boots and Hardy picks up Hogan and goes for a Twist of Fate but Hogan is able to block it and Hogan then sends Hardy off the ropes and hits a Big Boot on him, Hogan then comes off the ropes and drops the Big Leg Drop on Hardy and covers for the 1---2--2.9-The Lights Go Out and then come back on as Scott Hill appears on the entry way and orders that Shannon Moore leave the ringside area. The RAWDome Starts to lower over the ring as Vince tries to leave but The ICON makes his way near the ring leaving Sara, Vince, & Nash in the RAWDome with Hogan & Hardy. Hogan is yelling at Scott to get rid of The RAWDome but Nash then tells Hogan that everything is working out now becouse of the RAWDome, Hogan smiles and goes to get back into the ring but Hardy leaps over the top onto Nash & Hogan taking them both down, Hardy then picks up Hogan and rams him into the side of the RAWDome, Hardy rolls Hogan back into the ring and Hardy then goes up top and hits the Hardy Boy Leg Drop on him, Hardy covers for a 1---2--2.9-Vince McMahon attacks Hardy breaking up the pin, The Ref can't DQ Hogan now becouse its no DQ, Sara though goes up top and hits a Top Rope Hurrincanrana on Vince taking him down, Matt Hardy then throws Vince out to the floor but gets whipped out by a Kevin Nash big boot, Nash then picks up Hardy and is about to Jacknife him when Sara low blows Nash and Hardy is able to deliver a Twist of Fate on Nash, Hogan goes to hit Hardy but Hardy catches Hogan with a kick to the gut and a Twist of Fate on Hogan!! Hardy covers for the 1--2--2.9-Hogan Powers out much to Hardy's suprise, Hardy & Sara both hit Hogan but Hogan isnt feeling it as he is "Hulking Up", Hardy hits Hogan one final time and Hogan points to Hardy and Hardy goes to hit him but Hogan blocks and backs up Hardy into the ropes and whips him off and hits a Big Boot, Hogan then goes for the leg drop and hits it but The RAWDome starts to rise up again and The lights go out, When The Lights Come Back on, "Game" hits as Hogan looks at the entry way but there is nobody there, Hardy then shoves Hogan into Nash knocking Nash out to the floor and Hardy rolls up Hogan for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Matt Hardy V1

Penser: Your winner and still WCW World Champion, Matt Hardy V1

Tony: What a Crazy Contest but Matt Hardy is still WCW World Champion!!!

Madden: We saw RAW's RAWDome come into play here tonight, The Match turn into a No DQ Match and Triple H's Music again playing

Hudson: That destracted Hogan and Nash and Hardy was able to survive with his WCW World Title

:Hogan can't believe what just happened and is argueing with the ref and Nash and Hogan then attack Hardy but The Lights Go Out again and when they come back on there is a hole in the ring but Both men look in the hole and see nothing, They then start to smile when The Ring Fills up with Smoke and when the smoke clears, The ICON is standing there, Hogan and Nash then hurry out of the ring as The ICON gets out after them, Matt Hardy is being helped up by Sara as Vince gets in the ring and looks in the hole for himself and The Lights Go Off again and they come back on, The ICON is gone. Nash & Hogan are looking around and start to walk towards the ring as Vince is telling them to finish off Sara & Hardy as Sara & Hardy are about to get out of the way to avoid this when Hardy & sara both get tripped up by arms reaching out of the hole, Hardy & Sara start to get dragged into the hole as Nash & Hogan don't get back in the ring and Vince is trying to figure it out from a safe distance, Hardy and Sara avoid getting in but coming out of the hole is....The Lights shut off again and then come back on and there is nobody in the hole, but Hardy & Sara turn around and are greeted with a kick to the stomach and Sara received The Widow's Peak while Hardy gets a Pedigree!!! Vince McMahon tries to get out of the ring but gets grabbed and One of The Two People who turns out to be Triple H!! kicks him in the stomach and the other person tells him to Pedigree him and HHH does do that, The Other Person is Victoria and Nash & Hogan are backpaddling there way out as The ICON then appears in the ring with Scott Hill and Scott nods his head in approaval at HHH & Victoria:

Tony: OH MY GOD!!!!


Hudson: Triple H and Victoria just took out Matt Hardy and Sara and formed an alliance with The ICON of all people

Tony: I think Judgement Day has to come to pass like ICON promised and its Judgement Day for the nWo and Mattitude!!!

Madden: It's like HHH and Victoria just rised out of hell!!!!

Tony: We are out of time here, Don't Miss Nitro tomarrow Night and hopefully we will have more on this, Good Night!!

:Goes Off the Air: