I know you're just as nervous as me about taking that chance you swore you'd never take again. I know
you'd be surprised in many ways to discover what I have reserved for just you. I don't seek to be your
boss and I don't seek to change all that you've become. I don't want to be your boss. I want to be your
best friend, your companion and lover and I promise I'd do my best to bring out your smile. I want you
to be my addiction. The person whose glance, whose smile, whose touch makes my eyes sparkle and the
one who makes me crave more then just one kiss.
I want to be the best part of your waking hours and the best part of last nights dream! I know you'd be
surprised that someone knows your life has had its share of dead ends, and U-turns, and I agree it's about
time tear drops turn into rainbows! I know there are things you like and things I don't like. But you'd be
surprised to know that just because I may not like something you do, doesn't mean you can't enjoy it! Just
be my sanctuary when I feel down, lost, confused or just in need of some time to hear myself sigh!
Show me, don't tell me you love me, and don't be stingy when it comes to kisses, cuddling and making love.
In return, I offer you the same unselfishness. Life is too short to let addictions become a wedge between
what we offer each other. Love is a wonderful addiction, and there is no cure as long as we feel it in both
our hearts! But more importantly is an awareness that we both from time to time need to hear "I love you",
we need to feel love in their voice, and see it in their eyes.
I know you'd be surprised to know that your single thought is also whispered by me, on these lonely nights:
"I just want someone to be kind to me"! But it's just as hard to find a good woman as it is to find a good man.
It seems that we must go through the heart ache of our mistakes and poor choices before we discover that
someone new has the qualities to make our life complete. Communication, Comedy, Compassion, Compromise,
Respect, Forgiveness and Playfulness, OMG what my heart would do if such a person was allowed to wander
in my heart! My heart would race, my world would be turned upside down and they would make every minute
of loneliness worth all I have gone through.
But whispering needs, dreams and desires is so much easier then it is to step outside a turtle shell that protects
each of us from the losers and abuser's! We become skeptic's that anyone is left who wants to love us as we are.
Someone who doesn't want to shape us into something we are not. Someone who won't take us for granted and
treat us less then the dirt under their shoes! Someone who would actually notice if we misplaced our smile and
care enough to ask us what was wrong? Love is real! No one will ever convince me that love is just a mirage,
or something that is here for just a moment...and then gone. Love can last as long and be as wonderful as two
people want it to be. What love comes down to is what two people are willing to invest in themselves and each
Realistic expectations, and a team work approach to facing the challenges ahead means they prefer to enjoy
what they have built between each other more then living a life alone! To all who believe after being burned time
and again that love will never find them...all I can say is as long as you keep your hearts door closed, you're
probably right! But for those who are cautious and careful and take baby steps to get to know someone, well,
I know you'd be surprised! That someone special is just as nervous, just as vulnerable as you are now, and yet
they believe in hope, in fate, in destiny! Do you feel the same?
© 2006 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)