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GOGLEDD: The North (Y)

GRLLEWIN: The West GRAVE GOODS: is NOT stuff dug up from graves!!! or grave stones!!! This is a collection of memorabilia, collected for someone who has just passed over, often then contained in a bag, then buried or cremated when the person is done. It can be things like pictures or herbs to `good wishes' & spells of an easy transformation.

GREAT RITE, THE: Sexual Ritual is the main part of a 3rd Degree Initiation of some Traditions.

GRIMOIRE: a magical workbook with information on rituals, magickal properties of natural objects, preparation of ritual equipment. Many include a, `catalog of spirits'. One of the most famous is `The Key of Solomon'.

GREENWICH TIME: a term used in Astrology, Greenwich is where the meridian passes over & when the British set up a standard to make time worldwide,uniform; they started here at the time the Sun passed over. From this start, Time Zones were set up to cover large areas & Daylight Savings used to utilize sunlit hours but these are artificial times of convience for human use.

GROUNDING: the act of dispelling negative emotions and energies from the physical body.

GROVE: 1) organized Pagan or Wiccan group similar to a coven but composed of members who are learning and being trained in worship and celebration. See OUTER COURT 2) A group of individuals who follow Druidical teachings. 3) Also refers to a group larger than thirteen.

GRUGACH: Can appear as a fair lady dressed in green, a slender male dressed in red or green, or a small, naked hairy imp-like creature. They will do Brownie type labor or guard cattle if you offer them milk. GWIDDON (Gwyddon or Gwillion)--Witch Priest/ess

GWLAD YR HAV: Summerland (Astral Plane)

GWYL CANOL GAEAF: This is the Welsh Yule Sabbat; begins sundown (December 21 or 22) depending on the date of the Winter Solstice. This is the festival of the Sun's rebirth. At this season the powers of light battle the powers of darkness, as the light begins it's increase.

GWYL CANOL HAF: The Welsh Midsummer Sabbat; beginning Sundown, June 21 or 22; Depending on the date of the Solstice.

GWYL CANOL GWENWYNOL: The Welsh Spring Equinox Sabbat; begins sundown March 21 or 22 depending on the date of the Spring Equinox; this is the first day of Spring is also known as the Spring Equinox, Ostara, Eostre's Day, Alban Eilir, the Vernal Equinox, or Festival of the Trees. It marks the first day of true spring.

GWYL CANOL HYDREF: The Welsh Autumn Equinox Sabbat; beginning sundown, September 21 or 22 Depending on the date of the Equinox.

HALLUCINOGENIC- produces hallucinations which are defined in many different ways such as delirium, seeing beyond the veil, going nuts, expanding your mind, etc. opinions vary as to whether they should be used.

HAND, PROJECTIVE: the right hand, which emits energies.

HAND, RECEPTIVE: the left hand, which receives energies.

HANDFASTING: 1) the Wiccan, Pagan, & Gypsy wedding. 2) can also refer to a solemn betrothal. In some traditions, it is a permanent joining while in others it is only for as long as both partners agree to be joined. There are 3 basic marriage handfasting: a year & a day; lifetime; and time & eternity. Unlike a marriage until `death do you part', a handfasting will stop, if the love stops (usually).

HEATHEN: a person who dwells on the heath..

HENOTHEIST: one who worships one `God' but does not deny the existence or value of other `Gods'. Some Dianics are Henotheists.

HERB: a plant used in cooking , cosmetics, medically and/or in magick.

HERBALISM: the practice of growing, gathering & using herbs.

HERA: 1) a Greek Goddess. 2) a female her'o'.

HEREDITARY TRADITION: when one is born into a Craft family and trained by a parent, grandparent, etc. Family loyalty was the surest way of secrecy; Y Tylwyth Teg is derived from a Hereditary Tradition. Pockets or Families of Hereditary Witches still exist in Europe and America, carrying on the family tradition. They are usually extremely secretive, preferring to work alone or only within their family. Their form of Witchcraft is different from that known as Wicca. There are some who claim to be descendants of such families. Since Hereditary status seems to be extremely prestigious, and difficult to check, false claims do happen. Some hereditary Witches express a low opinion of Witches of the revived traditions.

HEX: to work Magick to cause bad luck, or to protect...from the German word for Witch. a Hexenmeister is one who practices the U.S. this is found mostly among the Pennsylvania Dutch. (Also see Curse)

HEXAGRAM: six pointed star or six sided figure used in talismanic Magick.

HIGH PRIESTESS / HPS: a high statused, female practitioner. One who has passed several tests and initiations. Female co-ruler of the coven and female representative of the goddess.

HIGH PRIEST / HP: the counterpart of the High Priestess. Male co-ruler of the coven; male representative of the god.

HOB: imp or minor Nature Spirit. Love water wells, keeping the water purified. Love cream (fat that came to the top of cow's milk). Hate cats because cats would steal their creamed milk.

HOROSCOPE: is the computation of ASTROLOGY, & presented in a CHART. It is erroneous to lump blanket predictions, such as found in the daily newspaper; under this term.

HOROSCOPE, TO CAST: is the exercise of computing the HOROSCOPE. HUNA: 1.) the traditional Pagan religion of Hawaii 2.) a magicoreligious system invented by Max Freedom Long, who is attempting to recreate what he thought the original HUNA must have been like. Most who consider themselves to be practicing HUNA are practicing the later.

HYPNOSIS: a method of making close contact with the subconscious mind which may be self induced or induced by another.

ICONOCLASM: first, icon is like a statue of a Goddess; `OCLASM' is the act of breaking icons, or religious images. It can also refer to the act of attacking the beliefs of another; such as those we call the Christian Right, Fundis or Thumpers.

IMAGES (symbols of the Goddess or God): that which is chosen by a group or individual to represent or symbolize an aspect of the divine by its appropriateness. Such objects must be exactly right in every way. One reveres the Goddess or the God which is symbolized thereby, rather than the statue, shell, tree, horns or whatever, which is the icon. IMBOLC: also called Oimelc, Brigid (see Candlemas). The festival celebrated Feb. 2nd marking the first stirrings of Spring as the Goddess recovers from giving birth to the God. Also called: Candlemas, Lupercalia, Feast of Pan, Feast of Torches, Feast of Waxing Light, Oimelc, Brigit's Day, Snowdrop Festival, among others. Often a traditional time for self dedication or initiation. Pronounced: IM bulk.

IMMANENT: means something abiding in, inherit of, a natural & inborn quality.

INCANTATION: spoken charm; also called a cantrip.

INCENSE, COMBUSTIBLE: selfburning incense containing potassium nitrate, usually in cone, block or stick form. NOTE: incense is an Air Element symbol.

INCENSE, NONCOMBUSTIBLE: incense without potassium nitrate, requiring heat to release the scent. INCUBUS: an oversexed male demon or spirit. Male wraith form projected for purposes of sexual intercourse. In historical writings these Inccubi seem to be associated with Christians who have psycho/sexual problems.

INFUSION: a liquid produced by soaking herbs in very hot water (not boiling!). A tea, brew, or potion.

INITIATE: 1.) a Witch, Pagan or magician who has been formally inducted into the practice or priesthood of Wicca, Paganism or ritual Magick. 2.) a Witch or Pagan who has experienced the initiatory transformation at the spiritual hands of the Old Ones. 3.) one who has experienced the initiatory transformation at the hands of other Pagans or Witches.

INITIATION: 1.) a profound realization and understanding within the mind and soul formalized by ceremony. 2.) a formal ritual or introductory process, or admitting; of a new member into a group (coven).

INNER CIRCLE: 1) In some Covens the group is composed of initiates only; 2) in other groups the Inner Circle is composed of leaders who are initiates of the third degree or elders.

INNER PLANE TRAVEL: technique of guided imagery wherein a symbolic, archetypal tale or legend is narrated and the listener follows along with personal thoughts and imagery. These are extremely valuable since the story or myth can be experienced by the subconscious.

INTUITION: a term describing psychic information that unexpectedly reaches the Conscious Mind. IO EVO HE: "Hail to the Great Spirit"

ISIAN TRADITION: 1) a Wiccan tradition founded in Texas by an English Traditional Wiccan High Priestess and a Qabalistic ceremonial magician. It is Egyptian-oriented, and its training and initiatory system are based on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. 2.) a Wiccan tradition founded in Canada and consisting of a family of related covens including Isis-Artemis, Isis-Urania, and others. It is basically English Traditional in approach. 3.) a Pagan tradition founded by The Fellowship of Isis, and originating in Ireland.

INVOCATION: 1) Calling down higher powers through ritual; 2) Call on a God or Goddess to come into and control the person invoking. 3) An appeal or petition to a higher power/s. 4) a prayer. 5) a request for a Diety's appearance or attendance during ritual. 6) the practice that produces an awareness of Deity within. I.R.A.B.: I Read A Book. A factitious description of a self styled teacher of Wicca, Magick or Paganism who reads one or several books of various accuracy, and decides to begin teaching without knowledge, credentials, or ability.

KAHUNA: a priest of Huna (See Huna).

KAMEA: the numbered square relating to a planet.

KEY OF SOLOMON: a famous grimoire, see also grimier

KING... in Celtic/Druid magick, there is the Holly King of the waning year & his twin, Oak King of the waxing year. They switch at Summer Solstice, Oak from Holly. The poem `Who Killed Cock Robin?' has it's originals in this myth rather than English political history. (?)

KINGING: some Wicca use this ritual for a man of middle age. SEE QUEENING...

KINGSTONE TRADITION: A conservative American form of British Traditional Wicca. It has existed in California since the 1960's. and was founded by a student of Gerald Gardner.

LABRYS: the doubleheaded axe, symbol of an ancient Creten Goddess. It's by or against the leftside of the altar. LADY: a term of respect for a Priestess, usually one who leads a group of other Wicca practitioners. THE LADY: means the Goddess.

LAMMAS: August eve festival; one of four high festivals; also called Lughnasadh, Martinmas and St. Martin's Eve. Also see NOS CALON AWST.

LATITUDE: used in Astrology; Latitude ON EARTH is distances North & South from the Equator. However CELESTIAL LATITUDE is the distances North & South of the ECLIPTIC.

LEMNISCATE: a mathematical symbol for `infinity'; it is a horizontal figure 8, that is the #8 lying on its side... this term comes up in reference to Tarot, & traditionally found on the cards: I.Magician, XI.Strength, & the 3rd time, on the II.Pentacles which formerly was the `key' card bearing the deck maker's signature. This no longer holds true, on newer, revised decks.

LEVEZ DEW: Blessingupon (this)

LIGATURE: magickal binding of a person.

LINKING: tieing together symbols and their power.

LIVEWOOD: refers to a tree in which a DRYAD or Wood Sprite type Being, is believed to dwell.

LIVESTONE: refers to stones, mountains, cliffs, etc. in which a nature Being is believed to dwell. LORD: a sometimes used term for a Priest.

THE LORD: is the God.

LUCK, GOOD: a person's ability to make timely, correct decisions or perform right actions; or place oneself in positive situations.

LUCK, BAD: 1) An unwillingness to accept self-responsibility. 2) opposite of good luck.

LUGHNASADH: the festival celebrated Aug. 1, or August eve Sabbat. Also see NOS CALON AWST. marking the first harvest of winter food and ebbing of the Sun's (God's) energies and days grow short. A time to remember the bounty of food we eat and each meal an attunement to Nature. Also called: Aug. Eve, Lammas, and Feast of Bread. Pronounced: LOO n'sar.

LUSTRAL BATH: bath of symbolic purification for the soul and spirit which is taken prior to a ceremony. Usually salt is added for consecration and blessing.

MABON: the festival celebrated around Sept. 21, on the Autumnal Equinox, marking the second harvest and change of Autumn toward Winter, when Nature prepares for the time to come. A time of thanks and reflection by many old & new civilizations.