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ORDAINS:: the traditional laws found in the Gardnerian Book of Shadows and The Thirteen Treasures of Y Tylwyth Teg; 2) often used to refer to the offshoots of those laws, often found in other traditions ofWicca. 3) Laws of the Craft, some for individuals & others for covens.

OSTARA: the festival occuring at the Spring Equinox, about March 21, marking the start of Spring. This fire festival celebrates the Mother Earth's fertility and return of the God (Sun). A time of new beginnings and reproduction. O

UTER CIRCLE/OUTER COURT: 1) composed of those in the beginning stages of the craft such as a Pagan Way group; 2) some Covens place their neophytes or beginners in an Outer Court group until they show sufficient promise to initiate into the Inner Circle.

PACT: 1) binding oath of the written type between a Pagan or Witch and the coven or grove. 2) Christian word meaning a Christian who contracts to sell his/her soul to one of their deities, Lucifer or Satan.

PAGAN: 1) the word Pagan is derived from the Latin Paganus, "peasant," deriving, in turn, from the Latin pagus, "village." 2) They are also many groups of Priests and Priestesses practicing what we call "Paganism" or "Neo (from the Greek word for new) Paganism". 3) Pagan religions are "natural" religions both in origin and in mode of expression as opposed to artificially created ideological religions. 4) General term for magic embracing religions, such as Wicca, Druid, Shaman. Sometimes used interchangably with NeoPagan. PAGANING a term for the exercise of `presenting' a newborn to one's Circle or Coven...see WICCANING or SAINING. PAGAN WAY: an organization of Neo-Pagans started in the late sixties and early seventies. Many current Wiccan and Pagan organizations owe their existence to the work done by Ed Fitch and others.

PALLOMANCY: divining with a pendulum. SEE RADIESTHESIA.

PALMISTRY: is the `reading' of palm features to explain personalities & divine futures of the person. This interesting subject involves much more than just reading `The Lines', there is shapes of the hand & fingers to consider; how they are held; 7 mounts of Venus, Moon, Mars, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, & Saturn; nail shapes; there are `lines' for: affection, fate, head, heart, life, & sun; there are fans, islands, stars, triangles, grilles & branches & NOT ALL STARS ARE GOOD! Some hands carry the Cross of Intuition' or the rarer `Ring of Solomon' or maybe just a pinker Moon Mount.

PANTHEISTIC: the belief, meaning to see the Divine as everywhere & in everything. Sometimes explained as PANTHEISM is believing that `God' & Nature are the SAME thing.

PASSAGES: an exercise of a significant transition: birthdays, getting over that lost love, initiations, moving to a new house, etc. A big change!

PATHWORKING: any of the archetypal guided journeys undertaken in inner-plane travel. PENDULUM: a divinitory tool, consisting of a device hanging from a string; and the deciphering of its movement. This tool contacts the Psychic Mind.

PENTACLE / PENTAGRAM: 1) traditional symbol of the five pointed star, used as protection or for invoking or banishing magickal forces and entities. Symbolic of humankind made perfect.

2) The basic 5 point star is worn by Wiccans or Witches with one point up, and enclosed by a Circle; The symbol represents the Wicca Religion: the 5 senses; the Elements; and the human body; and a protective symbol known from the times of Babylon.

3) Symbol of power and/or protection when hung over doors and windows. Represents the Element - Earth. A tool for summoning the Goddess.

4) PENTACLE: is the article of jewelry or altar piece, etc.

5) PENTAGRAM: is the drawing. Also, penagram, pentangle. `Pente' meaning 5, and gram/me meaning line; Greek.

6) Pentagram is a material object charged with psychic power and used for concentrating psychic power;

7) symbol of a man/woman standing with spread legs and outstretched arms; a miniature symbol of the Universe, the points representing the elements.

8) In Latin PENTACULUM. The points & center can stand for: Birth, initiation, love, repose, death & transformation. Sex, self, passion, pride, power & timelessness. Beginning, adolescence, adulthood, elderly, ending & power to move, change, and transform. And the common meaning, but arguable: Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit.

NOTE: the early Christians often wore pentacles, for to them it represented the 5 wounds of Christ on the cross AND the parts of the human body; that is: head, arms, & legs. Sir Gawain used it as an emblem on his shield!

PENTON: pendant or neck-piece worn during ceremony for devotional and/or magickal purposes. Usually it is a variant of the pentacle design.

PLANE, MENTAL: the thought process, conscious and unconscious.

PLANE, PHYSICAL: the physical body and its workings, through coordination with the mental plane.

PLANE, SPIRITUAL: a person's perception of life's existence, consisting of belief or lack of belief in the Divine.

PLEDGE: the Pagan self-dedication to live by established Pagan morality.

POLARITY: the concept of equal but opposite energies or powers.

POLYTHEISTIC: the belief of honoring the Divine through various God and Goddess forms or aspects.


POND SCUM: The lowest ranking in the Magickal order. Beginner. Novice. Neophyte.

POWER, PERSONAL: the energies which sustain the body and are used in Magick.

POWER OBJECT: a material object charged Witch energy and transferred into a subjects presence to effect a certain result. See crystal.

POWER POINT: the center point of a Circle or of a Pentagram; also a point on the earth where water is moving up or down in the earth; also a point at which ley lines intersect.

PRECOGNITIVE: is the act of knowing something before the event. Opposite of

RETROCOGNITIVE: knowing something after the event or in the present. That `knowing' that something has happened.

PRIEST: a male initiate of the Craft.

PRIESTESS: a female initiate of the Craft.

PROSELYTIZING: the act of trying to convert another from their religion to your own. Vigorous, annoying, and attacking Christian proselytizers are called Thumpers (Bible thumping), and Fundies (Fundamentalists).

PSYCHISM: describes the state in which information from the psychic mind is available to the conscious mind. Greek: `psyche', the soul. NOTE: a `Psychic Assault' or attack, is when a person tries to impose and intervene THEIR will, over another's.

PSYCHOKINESIS: the act of mind over matter, or mind controlling matter by mind alone.

PSYCHOMETRY: the ability to receive & interpret vibrations from inanimate places & things. See: Empath.

QUARTERS: 1) see CROSS-QUARTERs..these are dates (2 Solstices and 2 Equinoxes). 2) north, east, south, west quadrants of a magickal circle or ritual area.

QUEENING: goes with KINGING, & is a Z.Budapest practice for mature women.

RADIESTHESIA: the use of a pendulum for divination work... but SEE below & PALLOMANCY.

RADIONICS: is any of several divinatory methods, where a message is received as in RADIO, through the air; but here meaning of an intuitive exercise.

REDE, WICCA: 1) rule or law. The Wiccan Rede:" yea harm none, do as yea will."

1) refers to a twenty-six line poem called the Wiccan Rede. Also called: "The Long Version"

2) refers to a eight line poem called The Wiccan Rede. Also called: The Short Version.

3) this is a moral code: Meaning no harm to another person or thing, with an unwritten but understood meaning, no harm to Self, either. REDE: means advice or council, not law. Though Wiccans tend to take it as an absolute lifestyle. It should be taken even further: that one actively do good works, as well. REGRESSION: by hypnosis or other means, to cause the mind to remember or re-experience details of the past, or previous lifetimes.

REINCARNATION: 1) the doctrine of rebirth of the spirit. 2) the process of repeated incarnations (lives), in physical form to allow the evolution of the soul.

RHUDDLWM GAWR: an American Witch High Priest, Elder and author of the Welsh Tradition who has done much to promote the Craft in the United States and Europe. wrote The Quest, The Way, The Word, and Celtic Crystal Magick to name only a few. Rhuddlwm lives in North Georgia.

RIGHT ASCENSION / RA: an astrology term referring to the distance in the sky measured along a parallel to the Earth's Equator, like longitude lines but starting at the Zodiac beginning. As the Earth rotates on its axis each day, this celestial `equator' & ecliptic is carried along with the Earth's Equator from 0 degree geographical longitude to 180 degree west & then back around to 0 degree again.

RISTING: the act of drawing a rune shape or letter, in the air.

RITE: a prescribed form of ceremony.

RITUAL: 1) (noun) a system of rites, the order prescribed for a ceremony. (adjective) relating to rites. General usage: refer to Sabbats such as "The Rites of Spring". Ritual is used more often when referring to Magickal practices. 2) A ceremony or festival. 3) A spell. 3) Specific movements and manipulations to produce desired effects. In religeon, its purpose is to unite Self with the Divine. But in magick, it's to allow the person to move energy in desired ways.

RITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS: the alternate state of mind, needed to successfully practice magick. This is the attunment of both the Conscious Mind and the Psychic Mind. At this time the senses will be heightened and awareness expanded, beyond the physical world to the energies of Nature and forces of the Dieties.

RUNES: 1) divination tools, remnant of ancient Teutonic alphabets. Used to divine current status of person or question, placed before them. The adept user can do spells and other works with runes. 2) letters of ancient alphabet used in Magick.

RUNE, WITCH'S: this is a poem chanted to raise power.

SABBAT: 1) A Wiccan festival which celebrates the changing of the seasons.. A time of rejoicing and celebration, when no work is done, except in an emergency.

2) One of 8 holy celebrations of the Wiccan religeon.

3) Wiccan celebration of an aspect of the Sun (God) as opposed to Esbat, the celebrations of the Moon (Goddess). There are 4 Greater Sabbats: Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain. These are associated with agriculture and animal husbandry (domestic like cow, sheep). The 4 Lesser Sabbats are: Mabon, Midsummer, Ostara and Yule. These are connected to astronomical occurences of Sun and related daylight hours.