Here is a great vegetable soup , you can add or take away ingredients as you wish.
Free Vegie Soup
Serves 4.
2x400g cans of tomatoes
1 onion chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
pinched dried chilli flakes
2 carrots, chopped
2 zuchinnin, chopped
4 cups vegetable stock
1/2 cup peas or beans (optional)
1. Place all ingredients except peas or beans in a saucepan. reason with salt and black pepper.
2. Cover and cook at medium heat for about 20 mins or until the vegetables are soft.
3. Transfer the soup to a food processor and blend until smooth. If you prefer a chunky soup, just blend half the mixture at this astage. Return the soup to the saucepan, add the peas or beans, and reheat before serving.
Note: This soup can be frozen for up to 12 weeks.