Sorry I "crapped out" so early yesterday .. what turned out as a "day of rest" turned into a "day of work" lol. Now that the baby shower is over .. time to start planning stuff for the wedding while I'm still working and making money . I gotta start looking for a dress for the wedding (I'll probably start looking today) I did "surf" alittle last night and I'm trying to figure out how to get people to open up and talk .. and I've come to a disturbing conclusion ... I'm not normal lmao. I was talking with my neighbor Nancy last night and I was asking her if it made me "abnormal" at my age to always be Learning something new ? to ask questions about the history of the town I grew up in? to want to hear all about peoples memories of growing up? Am I abnormal to have a thirst for knowledge at my age? Well .. she said "No" it doesn't make you abnormal .. there's nothing wrong with having a thirst for life and no .. it does not make you a "busybody" . Thanks Nancy for the kind words . Now that I have that answer ... I have another question that eludes a answer... "Why can't "we" (msn group managers) get our wonderful members to "open up"? Why am I such a chatterbug and since I'm self admittly am .. does that make me "abnormal"? lol
I don't think so but ... maybe it does have alittle to do with my age (don't ask lol) I'm old enough to remember when everyone didn't have a cell phone ,when we wanted to talk with our friends we use our feet and "Walked" over to our friends house and that forced us to use the dying art of communication "Talking face to face" ,it's hard to give mild interest in what someone is saying "face-to-face" think about it! we had to sit there and show interest and since they could see your face ... it forced you to listen to what they say lol. We didn't have computers growing up .. not like today .. now the kids in kindergarden are taught how to use a computer . These two examples are just a drop in the bucket of how people have learned not to "inter-act" with other humans beings in person , social skills ..well .. suck! lol. Now even I catch myself getting online and finding all important info I need ... I don't have to talk with a soul .. I even can pay all my bills on line . So why am I so shocked that the majority of members at msn groups don't interact much? So I'm not abnormal .. I just grew up at a time when we talked on "normal phones" (you know the kind they plugged into the wall) we kids where only allowed a phone call a day because our parents wanted the phone line kept open for important calls ... so that forced us to "go over to our friends house" and shoot the breeze .In the summer we played outside .. wonderful outside games like "kick the can" and hide and go seek, we used our imaginations and interacted and had fun , we talked .. we had fun ... and our summers where magical .. the neighborhood was filled with kids .. riding bikes .. playing softball , kick the can .. etc . These days on any warm summer day these same neighborhoods look like ghost towns .. the kids are inside (air-conditioned homes) on their cell phones or online . So this generation of kids are missing out on alot and so is everyone (or mostly everyone) in these msn groups who stop by .. read and then keep on surfing ... there's a discontent here that they just can't figure out .. "I'm bored" I have heard so often .. and I'll just let you all know why , stop "tuning out" and Tune in. And that's what I do ... "Tune in " and if that makes me "abnormal ,noisy,a chatterbox" So-be-it!