This is a very important time in your life, dear Pisces, especially if you are an artist or if you have started a new project recently. A work of art starts to take on a life of its own when the artist begins to fade; a new project begins to exist when its creator relinquishes his or her ego. Think about this today. Is this really such a sacrifice after all?
Now .. does anyone understand that? would you explain it to me? lmao
Why do they make horoscopes so vague? I guess it's because (I'm answering my own question lol) if they would give too much detail then we'd know for sure that they were just making it all up .
Don't worry I'm not going to "Think about this today" but I really would like to find a horoscope that might read like this someday
This day is going to be like every other day in your life stupid unless you get off your duff and do something about it .. if you want the "best of life" get out there and work for it !
Now that horoscope I would believe (I should write for hallmark huh?)