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 Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname-Pennpal-  (Original Message)Sent: 12/5/2008 2:20 PM
When I'm not working ,I'm thinking ahead for what I need to do here for Sister's Haven (and the other group pennpal tuts) and I love how Aimoo saved Pennpal's tuts so I'm hoping to be able to Archive this group the same way .. but .. there's only one group save per account at Aimoo so I'm going to make my daughter in law Jen a manager and move it under her name . I'm still going to use the new Sister's Haven ... I'm just like how Aimoo Archives the whole group and I would like to keep it for awhile at least so I can reference it when I need to. So ... as you can tell ... there may look like no activity going on here but in my mind there's a whirl wind . I also need some advice on my webcam on how to make it lighter , I can make a live web cam feed but it's so dark you can't see anything lol. So if anyone has advice on what to try ... let me know .. ok?

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