The experts still cannot get it right. You don't have to be genetically predisposed to produce high levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines or beat the inflammation with NSAIDs/Omega-3s. A simple dietary change to reduce the amount of PUFAs ingested would naturally and painlessly blunt any "chronic" inflammatory response.
QUOTE: emerging evidence suggests that polymorphic alleles of inflammatory cytokines, involved in high cytokine production, are related to 'unsuccessful' ageing as noted previously with respect to atherosclerosis and AD. On the other hand, controlling inflammatory status may enhance individual chance of achieving 'successful' ageing. So, major findings reporting a relationship between cytokine polymorphisms and longevity suggest that those individuals who are genetically predisposed to produce low levels of inflammatory cytokines or high levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines may have an increased capacity to reach the extreme limit of human life-span UNQUOTE.
From: Innate immunity and inflammation in ageing: a key for understanding age-related diseases Immun Ageing. 2005; 2:8