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 Message 174 of 184 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameHansSelyeWasCorrect  in response to Message 173Sent: 7/20/2008 7:12 PM
The "experts" studying "HIV/AIDS" have basically created a new genre of fiction, which I'd call, simply, science fiction comedy. Here is a recent example of it:

QUOTE: New research into the earliest events occurring immediately upon infection with HIV-I shows that the virus deals a stunning blow to the immune system...

Until now, scientists believed that the window of opportunity to intervene in the process of HIV-1 infection lay in the three to four weeks between transmission and the development of an established pool of infected CD4 T cells. HIV-1 cripples the immune system by invading and killing CD4 T cells, key infection-fighters in the body.

"But this new study shows that HIV-I does a lot of damage to the immune system very early in that time frame...

"What this demonstrates is that significant T cell death is occurring much earlier during this period than we previously believed, and that TRAIL itself may be a co-conspirator in enhancing cell death... UNQUOTE.

Now let's recap the implications of this claim. In the "early days" of "HIV/AIDS," it was claimed that "HIV" killed those "infected" with it within about a year to eighteen months. Today, there are claims that those infected can live a couple of decades. In the USA, the claim now seems to be (from the "experts" I've heard speak to this) that you will live about a decade or a bit more if you take the "medicine," but a few years less, perhaps 7 to 9 years, if you do not take the "medicine." Thus, if this new claim is accurate, it is not possible for people to live 7 to 9 years, even if we agree that somehow the toxic "medicine" helps those who take it live ten years or more. Instead, the initial claim, made back in the 1980s, that one could only live about 18 months, at most, should hold true. What should we tell all those people who are still alive, several years after "HIV infection, who have not taken any "medicine?"

Let's take a look at some other "juicy tidbits" from this report:

QUOTE: ...The conclusion comes from the study of 30 people who were newly-infected with HIV-1...UNQUOTE. One key question, obviously is how can they be sure about exactly when "infection with HIV" occurred? Even if they could be sure, there are no controls to their "study." In order to control properly, they would have to do the same kind of study for "HIV infected" people at other times before they were supposedly killed by "HIV." They would also need to do this same study with "HIV negative" people who's body's are under a great deal of stress, from things like acute flu, running in a marathon, pregnancy, those undergoing chemotherapy, SLE patients, etc.

In addition, in the first quotation, the researcher points out that there might be a co-factor, and that co-factor is something the body produces when certain stressors are present. So, does "HIV" cause "AIDS" by itself, as the "experts" previously demanded we all believe, or is it only a problem in a particular context, as these researchers argue?

One does not need to be an "expert" in anything to realize that if the extreme kind of damage these "experts" claim occurs in the "early stages" of "HIV infection" does in fact occur, the person inflicted would not live very long. This is the only possible interpretation; otherwise, the language used is ludicrous and laughable. One can't claim that "a lot of damage" occurs, yet it's know that many if not most such people will appear fairly or very healthy for years, even if they don't take the "medicine." The body is either damaged or not, and if it is damaged, the person would know about it (or be dead).

There was an interesting finding made by these researchers, but it's not likely to be pursued in a reasonable way any time soon:

QUOTE: ...Through a series of in vitro laboratory experiments with peripheral blood cells, scientists found that microparticles suppressed levels of IgG and IgA, two classes of antibodies that normally would protect a person against infection. "This is important because many scientists believe that a fast-acting memory B cell response as well as a T cell response will be necessary to fight HIV-1" said Nancy Gasper-Smith, PhD, the lead author of the study... UNQUOTE.

As they point out, microparticles are: QUOTE: ...tiny bits of cell membrane that are broken up and left floating around in the plasma when the cell dies and breaks apart... UNQUOTE.

This can occur for different reasons, such as in "chronic inflammatory" diseases or certain kinds of drug abuse (legal or illegal). I've cited studies on this thread that also support the claim that such particles are immuno-suppressive. No "virus" is required to cause this, just certain stressors in certain amounts over a certain period of time, which of course will vary somewhat from one individual to the next. But, for more than one reason, the "HIV/AIDS" science fiction comedy stubbornly persists in the minds of our "greatest minds."

Source for the quotations above: