My nutritional journey started in part to answer the simple question why do captive wolves fed a diet of deer, (whole carcasses) routinely live to their late teens while my beloved wolf/dog crosses often struggle to live past the age of ten and are often ferried off to the next life on a boat made of cancer.
I've answered a good part of that question in my mind from the resources presented in this forum and many others and hope to soon devote some time to writing a comprehensive essay on the topic.
Moreover, another notch in the belt against ingesting fish oils came to me this weekend while perusing for new wolf books. I happened upon a title chronicling thirty years of field research of the wild wolves inhabiting the rain forests of the pacific northwest. The wolves there are skilled at fishing for salmon as part of their diet as salmon swim to their spawning grounds. I knew that wolves if need be would fish for salmon, but I had not yet come across a detailed account. However, the most mind blowing fact presented it's self when I cracked open the book to feast upon the photography within. About the third plate I turned to depicted no wolves, but rather a pile of salmon carcasses, their brains neatly removed and the rest left for scavengers. Are these zombie wolves morbidly seeking brain matter? The caption below noted that the wolves only eat the brains of the salmon for some "nutritional reason." Anyway, a little brain food to digest. ;) I plan to read it next after I finish the title I'm currently reading.
-Tsume~ |