Hy Poets, this format caught my eye and although it need not be as comprehensive as the example...just thought it might be fun to try.
The Palindrome is when a word or line useage can be read in reverse to hold the same meaning.
Use a word, line or verse in this way of The Palindrome.
The key would seem to be the centre line of the poem if following the format below,
but it can be just one word if you wish.to have a try.
an extreme and very clever example... and thanks to Lynne,
imitates nature,
always moving, traveling continuously.
Falling leaves placed delicately;
foliage touching the echoing waters,
clarity removed -
Reflections distorted through waves rippling;
gracefully dancing
mirrored images
- reflect -
images mirrored.
Dancing gracefully,
rippling waves through distorted reflections -
removed clarity.
Waters echoing the touching foliage;
delicately placed leaves falling -
continuously traveling, moving always,
nature imitates
Copyright © 2002 Lynne C. Fadden