HY and WELCOME Back ~ Shackleton
What are you known by these days, Dear Mick, Shackleton, or Mick .
Well, as one of the founder members, you know your way around,
Mick, but same old site rules still apply, Family Rated as has been from the start.
We still have a few of the old members with us, Val, Fluff and Peggy sometimes, Philip (Clive, Potleek and Pip occasionally), Mikhala (Mikhail), and Emma (Forestflower) has just returned recently.
A few joined us from the old beeb when it closed.. Poetess, ForgottenMelody, Steve, Ken, but you will recognise those you know Mick, as they pop in and out, but we have a great core group from all over the world.
Audio has been done and was great fun and we are soon to start it up again.
So a resounding welcome back and I look forward to reading you once again on our boards, Zy