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In August, he smiled at the memory of 65 Decembers and promptly stopped shaving. The ruddy complexion, jovial disposition and expanded waistline were already his by rite of genes, a penchant for English ale and a passion for bulked-up curries. Throughout September, October, November and into December, the beard became luxurious with the look and texture of cotton wool, showing every variant from peppered grey thru' cumulus white. Flair with a tenon-saw produced a serviceable sleigh, and a hard-won pension provided a sack-full of presents, brand new wellies, and a funny red suit and hat. Although they wouldn't keep their antlers on, two Great Danes made competent stand-in reindeer, and his Grandchildren, who were taller than Munchkins, though smaller than Umpa-Lumpas, made charming, mischevious Elves but how to visit six billion people in just one night? |
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 12/3/2007 12:36 AM |
Oh, Mick, very belated congratulations, the big 65 already??? Love your domestic Christmas capers and thanks for bringing me up to date on the Shacks I once saw in albums ages ago and have enjoyed reading for all this time, Zy |
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Congrats on 65 years as Santa lol. This is wonderful! |
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Nay, bonnie lasses... it's not about me. I'm not that old... barely passed the first flush of youth (in my mind's eye). The poem was inspired by a mate of mine who recently retired. He always wanted to grow a beard, but his job demanded that he was neat and tidy all the time. During his working life, he could never find enough spare weeks to go through the scruffiness necessary for growing a decent beard. Then, when he retired, he finally got the chance to grow that beard. He then declared that he was growing it in order to get a part time job as Santa. Not sure how he got on, because I've lost touch with him now. I must seek him out again.... I need to stop burning so many bridges in my life. Funny how these poems develop from random remarks and take on a life of their own. Take care and have a good Christmas both (if I don't catch you again). |
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This was jovial and happy just in time for the Christmas season...very well expressed, and praises earned... Lovely Shakleton...  Maria  |
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Seasonal felicitations, Maria... take care now. |
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