I always go in the Gentlemen’s
But one night to my dismay
I had partied all Christmas Eve
The signs were in disarray
At first I did not notice
That I had gone astray
Yet inside I found comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Yes inside I found comfort and joy
I did not know that they had them
Towel rails, where pink adorn
Unlike the gentlemen’s
Where things are much more forlorn
For we have those blower things
And paper towels all torn
Not really full of comfort and joy
Comfort and Joy
Not really full of comfort and joy
It was an easy mistake to make
Those doors all look the same
I was in a hurry so I
Did not feel I was to blame
Desperate now and dancing about
Yet overcome with shame
Just looking for some comfort or joy
Comfort or joy
Or a sign that said Gentlemen or boy
I opened up a cubicle
It gave me quite a fright
The toilet seat closed and down
It did not seem quite right
In the corner a strange device said
“Dispose of your towels right�?BR>And I thought Oh crikey oh boy
Someone said Oy
Desperate for some comfort and joy
I sat upon the throne gently
Not knowing what I would find
Messages scrawled upon the door
Several things went through my mind
I took a note of the writings there
Enough to send you blind
I was banking on some comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Yes a mobile number for someone called Joy
At last I found some comfort there
Twas much to my relief
Next day I met Joy for lunch
Though our meeting was quite brief
She turned out to be Eighty five
And not possessing her own teeth
So I found comfort yet forgot about joy
Comfort no joy
I found comfort yet I have forgotten Joy