 | | From:  philip113 (Original Message) | Sent: 12/25/2008 10:50 PM |
Santa was seen by two or three In Tesco's toilet having a pee. He was also seen by a child's eyes Drinking milk and eating mince pies. He called into David Beckham's pad And told him he was a very good dad. His sleigh and reindeer flew under our plane When we were coming back from Spain. He left a note for dads and mums. For all their good work,he was upping his thumbs. Above all he was not going to turn his back On terrorists' children in Iraq. Nor would he leave out the children of nations Whose leaders were busy conducting invasions. For children of parents who've gone awry, He was not going to pass them by. So Santa's been seen in the lowliest place, Where kindness has never shown it's face. It was not just toys,but he did sink Clean water wells,where children could drink. And where there was need for a loaf of bread, Santa left wheat and fuel instead. Children have woken on Christmas morn With the option of taking and sewing some corn. He has cut across all the world's disputure, And given children hope for the future. Santa has had to be busy,this year, Restoring faith and driving out fear.
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I beg your pardon,K! In my hurry,I missed the song remit. I suppose it'll have to be any song that fits,or any song poetry cornerers would like to compose to go with it. |
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Philip ...I would have thought you would have made up a title ...no-one knows all the hymns, after all ....lol Good sentiment anyway xx |
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Thank you Maria! I am a bit of a muppet! |
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