Hello Jeherico, welcome to our friendly group, I read that you are a poet and a lyricist,
we have another member who writes poetry and is also a songwriter, you will meet Mark in due course.
The group has site rules which are beneficial to both yourself and our other members,
so please read them before proceding to use the board,
as we really are a friendly group and also a Family Rated group,
so must abide by msn rules of material and genres being suitable for all ages.
Please use Poetry Page 8 for poetic works, but we have Prose/Short Stories,
a weekly Friday Challenge (which we use to push out our comfort zones)
and a few other interactive threads which you will find in the Index
left side of screen, feel free to join in wherever.
I look forward to reading some of your work, Jeherico, as will our other members,
who are from many different time zones so, activity is varied all day long.
Welcome, once again, Zydha