She said she'd follow me.
She whispered in my ear, 'be brave'.
She said she'd follow me through the universe.
Her beauty and grace coloured green as a
spring flower stem that softly enveloped me.
I now could get drunk thinking of that dream
and her ability to entangle into my life as
she drank deeply into my life and memories.
I said I would walk away from her, because
I always knew, what ever; we would be forever joined.
Thee,thou, your name hums in my ears
and into the depths of my crimson heart.
What binds us is those First World War dreams,
Separate dying on some mud trenched hell hole
my blood blending into a brown slop of earthy miasma.
A nurse with crimson cross tunic rushes to rescue me.
Your dream, but also mine but you to are felled
and lay dying as we grasped hands to breathe our last.
Separate dreams..separate people brought together
by the sychronicity of time and events.
How we gasped in wonderment as our tales hesitantly unfolded!
Now our peace is our assurance and
has the flavours of uncertainty removed,
free from blind assumptions, knowing we are
meant to be together alone yet complete
in a sacred and blessed understanding.. a knowledge
for us to nurture on the shores of quieting dreams,
which we know are true, others may not.
Together we have unplugged the dark
your purple flowers become our symbols,
us..lovers, contrary to the cruelty of men
as we can lie still, just stoking, touching
counting sheep to stay awake.. to continue
our pleasure for eternity.