 | 0 recommendations | Message 1 of 22 in Discussion |
| (Original Message) | Sent: 1/15/2008 1:51 AM |
This message has been deleted by the author. |
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How does that saying go? "If at first you don't succeed try, try, try again?"  The gremlins were attacking my browser! They wouldn't let me post any links! So I chased them all away With my feather duster. I've banished them to a place Where they'll never bother me again (hopefully)!  Enjoy! |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 1/15/2008 12:28 PM |
Dear, Dear Poetess, I did not mean for you to search it out, but I am ever so grateful you did, thank you so much, Poetess, I bought Hubby and I the last video set and CD presentation set, both of which had Freddie's last farewell recording in it and I played and replayed this song over so much. There is a specialness about both words and music (I am also an avid guitar playing fan) and the demonstration of acceptance that at such a high peak, all is about to end. Freddy Mercury was a 'true' showman with an amazing voice and as such, he said Goodbye with this recording Thank you very much, Poetess, and thank you for perservering so,  Zy x |
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Hi Zy, I couldn't post links yesterday as I was having a few problems with my browser. Thankfully, I managed to fix my problem. Now I can post as many links as I like, so be prepared to be bombarded with them!  My mum once said that she met my dad on a blind date (arranged by my late uncle). She told me that my uncle had requested a "special song" to be played before he got my parents together. That song was "Killer Queen". So we have Freddie to thank for me being here.  Poetess xx |
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Too slow chicken mirango  Queen - Who wants to live forever |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 1/15/2008 11:39 PM |
Now...wasn't this his very last song, Steve??? (also a favourite, thanks for posting) Both are on my last purchases, but can't remember which was his last recording now, Zy |
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Awww t hanks Steve I miss him. |
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OK, I have to admit to being a complete nerd here. I love sci-fi or fantasy! The Highlander films are amongst my favourites. Here's another one: www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9hqCCbl-2Q |
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Damn! The link didn't work (I wonder why this time?). This one will, though. |
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Hi Poetess, I just wondered ....... Could you explain to my boss why I'm so tired tomorrow  Yeah I sat up all night watching video's with some woman..... No I don't know her real name..... Long story, but she was trying to make me cry... no course I didn't  |
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Hi Steve, By phone or email, I will try To explain to your boss the reason why I kept you up all night and tried to make you cry. Please don't be angry With him or me. We were just watching videos, you see...   |
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"Please don't be angry With him or me." I forgot to include the speechmarks. So now they're here for all to see. |
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Say no more, it will be ok zzzzzzzzzzz My gain His loss Poetess says sorry Boss Guess what....we don't give a Tozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz |
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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... |
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Hi Dix, I came across these while browsing. I thought you might like them: |