 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 1 of 11 in Discussion |
| From:  Zydha (Original Message) | Sent: 4/12/2005 11:28 PM |
Have you seen him yet That man you loved Never ceasing. Was he there for you As you rose above This earth releasing. Have journey safe From here to him In astral form, Be one at peace Until we meet Beyond the storm. R.I.P. Margaret, my husbands last relative, who waited 12 years in ill health after a car accident only to join her husband. We so hope they have now met again. |
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Beautiful sentiment Zed. And I hope she IS reunited with the one she loved. Deezee ok ? Send him my condolences please. lb |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 4/12/2005 11:43 PM |
Hy, lb, I just came on again as I realised my mistake, I meant of his 'own' family, not we four. But I shall leave it now you have already replied. Yes, thanks, lb, she was a lovely person, but lived only to join her husband, so lets hope so. Deezee was expecting it sometime soon. Thanks, Zed |
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I thought this was about the Pope, at first. Lovely poem, Zydha, putting a better face on death. steve |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 4/14/2005 5:18 PM |
Thanks Steve, yes, it is sometimes hard to feel 'as' sad when knowing someone is where they have wanted to be, and after waiting so long to go. There are two sides to most of life's experiences, Zy x |
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Hi Zy, and my condolences. I hope they have met and are now together to carry on their loving. She must have found it hard to struggle on for so long, and I like to think that we shall all find our peace after we have gone. Emma |
 | 0 recommendations | Message 7 of 11 in Discussion |
This message has been deleted due to termination of membership. |
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Hello Zy, I like the hope in this poem. Hope is a useful thing to have and share. But I find this quite difficult to comment on because of my own beliefs (or non-existence of them). Katy |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 4/15/2005 3:38 AM |
Thanks Emma, her health just deteriorated as she waited, but she always said that she was just waiting for this time, I do so hope she has had her wish. I suppose if they had children and subsequently grandchildren, it may have made a difference,'night, Zy |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 4/15/2005 4:31 AM |
'Hope is all essential' said a wise man whose name I can't bring to mind at this hour, Katy, lol, but thanks. I am pleased you enjoyed my spontanious piece, I came in to just write something straight onto the screen and this was uppermost in my mind at that moment. Yes, I understand your beliefs, Katy, so another thanks for taking time to comment, 'night, Zy |
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