 | | From:  Satinbear04 (Original Message) | Sent: 4/14/2005 4:02 PM |
A box is my home, My mouth is my phone, You and the cars are my T.V. Me and my box that's life for me. Scraps from a bin that's my tea. Unless you give soemthing to me. Coth with holes, That's what I wear, All you do is stop and stare, Hardly any of you care. You never stop to talk, Just pass by, Like non of you live a lie. No hearts in your eyes, Just hate, And disgust, Eyes full of miss trust. Well when you next sit down to tea, Just you think of my box and me. I wrote this when I was 13, and it was my first faveourite poem. Comments would gratefully be accepted.  |
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 4/14/2005 4:30 PM |
Hy Toni, a sadly quite accurate picture I imagine, of the lives of some who nowadays live in cardboard city, at 13, a very good write...needs typo or spelling editation (miss trust... mistrust) I deleted your poem about child abuse Tony, although it was an excellent poem, but, graphic enough that it 'could' be upsetting if a child a few years under 16 should have read it. lb has two young daughter and I have an 8 yr old grandaughter (granted viewing is always supervised) but, as we are Family rated, there were some references there which could have had a bad effect on their thoughts of their Paternal relationship. Hope you understand. MSN do reserve the right to close a Family rated site without warning should we contravine 'General Family' viewing. Zydha |
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The sad face of homelessness, an excellent poem for a thirteen year old. Emma |
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Hiya thank you for your comment, I was very proud of this poem when it was first written. Do not intend to correct spelling/gramar errors etc as I would like to keep it how it was first written. Please remember my name is spelt TONI not TONY lol  I fully understand why you have deleted my poem about child abuse. No worries. Luv Toni xx |
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Thank you Emma,  I wish more could be done for them xx |
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Hiya Peter, thanks for the welcome and the kind comment, glad you like my poem. Yours is very good too, and very hard hitting, it hits the senses. Luv Toni x |
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