 | | From:  Zydha (Original Message) | Sent: 11/3/2005 2:13 AM |
Ternatiously defensive Sometimes reprehensive Of principles and Morals of the day, Slightly less conceited Than how her way is greeted Individuality, must pay. Self willed to the atrocious Cold to the precocious Out of step with Sisters of her kind, Divulsions kept to brevity Are treated with some levity, With emphasis, she say she is... The Master of Her Mind!!! (c) ZYDHA HART 2005 |
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...yeah...maybe....but she also needs a cuddle now and then,,,if she'd only sit still for two minutes...
: )lb
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 11/3/2005 11:42 AM |
hahaha...this poured off the tongue last night, lb, but I struggled with that last line.... Master of Her Mind Mistress of her mind? Maker of her mind? lol, thought Master would appeal more in the sense of total control. Cuddle? Q'est ce que une....cuddle? lol, Zed |
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I think that is important as a women to have total control, and to be mistress of my own mind. I enjoyed this poem as it shows these qualities give a woman stength. Jacqui |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 11/5/2005 2:05 AM |
Aahhh....Jacqui, but so much is open to misinterpretaton. The qualities which supposedly make a man an upright and stalwarth character, tend to make a woman pigheaded and obstinate to some, maybe it is the inability to control which leaves doubt in their assessment, thanks, Zy |
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I guess you are right but personally I would prefer to be thought of as being obstinate and pigheaded rather than have a man control me again. I think if people misinterpret that it is tough, because they maybe don't know what it is like to live under the complete control of somebody else therefore not having any control at all. Maybe it has made me bitter and cynical I don't know but I am happy to be mistress of my mind now as I am free from being controlled Jacqui |
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Sorry if I come across as being defensive in my reply to you, I didn't mean it to sound like I was having a go, and so sorry if that is how it comes across. I am sure you know what I mean, hope so anyway. Jacqui |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 11/6/2005 3:43 AM |
Hello, Jacqui, you did not come over any other way than as someone with determination to never let it happen again, like I would think otherwise? lol.Nooo... In fact, I think you and I have shared minds the subject matter of this piece. Our main difference being that I have always been very independant, perhaps even a little insular sometimes. We are all very different, we women, and we are very much what we let life make us.(or don't), so I am really pleased that you have found your freedom, Jacqui, and that you read my poem so well, thanks, Zy  |
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