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Of all the times I have been broken and left to heal myself, nothing has caused me so much pain, than to have to wait to be shredded into pieces as I have been for quite some time now. Nothing has shrouded me with numbness like the last few weeks have done. Every waking moment is tainted with the knowledge that at some point the phone will ring with even more news, which could be either good, to bring a lifeless smile to my lips, or equally as powerful and yet soul destroying. I cannot live with that right now. The uncertainty is crumbling me. Images swim through my mind, a false sense of agony courses my veins which I know is not mine. I am not the one in pain, I am not he who lies in a hospital bed fighting for every breath that seem to be given with a borrowed lifeline attached to every part of his being, both inside and out. I think of the ones who have had to witness the true illustration of that agony, those who wait to hear the fate of he who we love so much. I hear the voice of my Father - the being who I once thought was made of iron itself, the one who I lived in fear of for so many years and I have to live with the realisation that, for most of my life I have misjudged him, cursed him for his faults and wrong-doings, when really he is as human as you and I. I hear the pain in that voice, the tears that he has been crying for weeks, publicly or in the secrecy of his own questioning mind. It breaks me. I think back to the first time I ever saw him cry. I was fourteen. He was a man with a temper and an equally sharp tongue�?Yet he was also a man who suffered from depression, a sense of loss and inferiority and self resentment for the mistakes he has made which cannot be undone. It was a sunny day, the sky was blue and unusually clear and yet here I was sat across the patio table from my Father as he wept openly. He wouldn’t make eye contact, he looked away and focused on my step-Mum who held his hand. He seemed ashamed to cry and I sat, frozen and unsure of what to do or say to make it better. I was capable of doing something and yet totally incapable because I didn’t possess the capacity to make his dreams come true. His tears trickled ever so gently down his reddened cheeks. I glanced at him and then back at the paper on which I was doodling. He tried to fight those tears - each one holding a question - “why?�?“how do I fight this?�?“why can‘t I be different?�?“what do I do with my life?�? I was fourteen. I wanted to cry. I hoped, more than anything, that I’d never see my Father cry again�?/P> But I know he cries, just like I do. Only, now I’ve the unwanted ability to connect the two when I hear his voice - the pain in his eyes and the unmistakeable heartbreak in his words. The feeling haunts me. I want to be there, to put my arms around him and tell him that I’m still his little girl and how much I love him, how much I’ll always love him because he’s my Dad. He’s the reason why I exist, he’s the colour of my hair, the depth of my eyes, my blood, my body, my heart and soul. Without him, I wouldn’t be me. I cling onto memories like threads of unravelling fabric. With gentle hands I knot them with a glistening strand of hope. After all, this is the only thing I have to hold onto. I can feel them wrapping round my knuckles as I hold too tightly, yet I refuse to let go. I remember the endless times as a child with my Grandfather, the man who would no longer be recognisable to me, yet when I think of those days I know I can smile wholeheartedly. Just me�?And him. No one else. But, somewhere inside of me I feel the overwhelming need to weep because I have the knowledge that there will never be days like that again, regardless of the outcome of the days, nights or weeks to come. The memories are cutting into my heart but I do not care anymore. If I cannot hope and I cannot say a silent prayer, then what do I have left to give him? I cannot give him life and I cannot give him death, so I owe him hope and love. My thoughts sleep beside him in that bed, my dreams are silently of him even though I am unaware of it and I call his name with every single breath he takes. I will soon allow the numbness to comfort me, though, at this moment I must stay strong, fight the outside world and smile to those who are unknowing of my pain. Still, until my heart is certain and my soul at peace, my Father’s voice and heartbroken expression will remain as close to me as my shadow. When will this end? --- I said I was going to disappear for a while but I find it outside my capability to completely leave this site, even if only temporarily... This, I guess you could say, is everything that's in my heart right now and I dont know who else I can share it with. I know this place is for poetry and no one here really needs to know anything about me, or indeed my life... But I'm simply at a loss. I'm finding it so difficult to act normal and yet at the same time, it's so easy... For those around me, I am me.. But at work, or any other place which requires something of me which is more than just me, I cannot focus and I just dont want to be here right now. I feel the need to run away, just for a while, to escape and let everything just be, without me in it. Please forgive me for opening up so much of myself on here. Fluff x |
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 10/29/2007 12:31 AM |
My Dear Fluff, I shall be in touch with you privately, but I am certain I speak for all our members when I say...after being part of this group since it's opening when you were a youngster of fourteen, a schoolgirl, who even then could write her heart out touching all who read her verse. Where else do folk know the you who you have already exposed within many exceptional posts in both poetry and your book chapters...I am pleased that you felt you could turn to our friends in this corner with your obvious painful and confusing emotions. Life does this to us, Fluff, it places us in situations we are not always prepared for, but I know the difference in the young woman who wrote the above, and the mixed up schoolgirl from five years ago. You will see this through, you will be there for your Father and you will know that the comfort you give him when he most needs it, will be the living proof of the woman you have become. Your Grandfather would not wish this time of his life to be giving you such pain and heartache, I know this as I am a Grandmother and we wish only peace for our grandchildren, nomatter what. Dear Fluff...I send you my hugs, I send you my love, but I know that you are in a very unhappy and confusing place right now, but this is your first experience of this kind, many here will have been there too, some at an older age, some much younger, but what we must do is hold on and reach out to those who are not as strong as ourselves. Be there for both men of your life in the capacity which they each would wish you to be in... for them, take care, Fluff, and be strong, I know you can be, love, Les xxx |
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Fluff, I know where you are coming from, I lost my dear Mother in Law, whom I loved like my own Mom just a few years ago. I wote my feelings down, perhaps that will help you too. I am praying for your peace and for your Grandfather's recovery. I will share the poem I wrote for and read to her before she moved on to a higher plain of existence... Be strong... bear my second Mom visits are painful my love for you has never waned since you allowed me to join your family circle I admired your vitality now when I see you at the hospital my heart aches wondering if you will be with us only for days for weeks a few months or years I weep in my heart knowing that I cannot change a thing only pray for more time to have you for my second Mom Copyright, 2004 Don Tyson |
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Fluff, There really isn't anything that I can say to this. All I can do is offer my friendship, support and a poem that I'm going to post in a separate thread. I wrote it on the anniversary of my grandad's death. I hope that it helps. Poetess xx |
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Fluff I cannot say I know exactly where you are right now, but I have been going thru my own depression the last few months since summer began. This group is the most dear to me of any that I belong to and where I am the happiest. I had a man who wooed me and came to meet me who told me all lies and broke my heart. Then, my father died, who was my alcoholic abuser and killed my self-esteem, which I had to build back up. Then two months after that, my mother died, whom I had not seen since Christmas 1984; for did not have the means to fly to El Paso, Texas. We hadn't had contact in 5 years since she found out that I too was an alcoholic like my father. Neither my mom or brother in El Paso, wanted any of the past brought up, and yet, I needed my brother to know why I did some things I did in my youth and for him to understand. Alot of feelings and emotions left unexpressed. A day after my mother died, and my brother told me "there will be no money coming from her estate", like I was expecting that! Your own flesh and blood prejudging you hurts terribly. The next day, my CPU fan died, then I got cold and bronchitis and now have a staph infection on my left cheek and into my eyelid! I know that may not compare, but I did not have time to take in and deal with each new thing for they hit one after another and I was numb, not able to function, not write, and just slept and read alot. I couldn't even cry! I finally broke down Sunday in church yesterday. My love, thoughts and prayers go with you dear one. |
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Dear Fluff,
You don't know me, but I just wanted to give you some comfort in the way of just letting you know that you have friends here.
I never knew my grandfather, because he died before I was born, but I connect with him through his poetry. I can't say I know what your going through exactly. Two years my nonna was in hospital from some sort of stroke. The hospital put her under sedation, because of the pain she was in. I never saw my father cry, but I knew it was hurting him. She died two days later.
I wish you well, and my thoughts are with you and your family
Melody x. |
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Thank you all for your kind comments. It has been quite a difficult time for me as I have never had to experience feelings like this before, so to be honest, I'm not sure how I should feel. I know there is no "wrong" or "right" way, but it's not easy to find the best way to cope and obviously life must go on. I have noticed though, that some people find a coping method within their job - helping to take their mind off things for a while, but, with me it's the complete opposite. Because of the job that I do and the fact that I dont really even want to be doing this job anymore, I find it makes thing worse. As an administrator, being sat behind a desk for 8 hours a day doing the menial jobs that nobody else wants, I have a lot of time on my hands for things to tick around my mind and I cant focus on the things which need to be focused on. Many people at my place of my work dont really understand me and from past experience they tend to think that I'm too sensitive for my own good and have the inability to "separate my working life from my personal life". In my opinion, I'm human, and it isnt possible to do such a thing. Life is life, it comes as a package and this is me. In all honesty, I dont know where this piece came from, I havent written anything in a few weeks, apart from the odd poem, but I just sat down the other night and started writing. I think everything just spilled onto my page and it's the first time I've managed to put into words how I feel, in depth. It's a waiting game that I dont like. Whether I win, or lose, I'm sure I will still be around, even if only in the shadows on some days. Thank you all for your support, it means a lot. Fluff x |
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oh dear Fluff �?i hesitate this reply �?but then . . . . . . . without risk there can be no gain i printed the work off and read it carefully this is how your wonderful emotive work moved me: i could not help but feel with you �?your emotional force cannot be pushed aside you are powerful in the depth of feeling oh how i admire your ability to dive so deeply into humanity �?and �?at the same time i wish beyond wishing that your ability does not sweep you away your talents are too precious to be lost on forever hurt there must be a way up i am most sorry for the fate of your father �?your complex feelings (expressed so well) leave me weak �?unable to come to grips with my own feelings about the relationship your tenderness and open forgiveness is uplifting �?though i feel �?given the father you describe �?that he will need to know you have come to grips with the truth �?to know him as he was (and say so) �?before the open forgiveness you offer i say this �?because i have known final moments of some of the toughest humans i’ll ever experience �?and �?the thing they treasured the most in those last breaths was �?the truth �?hurt and all �?but then to be recognised as humans �?requiring love and tenderness �?validating their humanity your piece is ‘searching for an ending�?- - - - - - - oh dear Fluff �?in my experience �?there is no ending like a very promising beginning �?which i believe a father would wish for that daughter who grew bigger than life i will apologise up front Fluff if this is too personal or if it is off base �?i wish never to be discourteous or disrespectful to a fellow poet as valued as you are �?not ever best, m |
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 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 12 of 14 in Discussion |
| From:  Zydha | Sent: 11/1/2007 3:34 PM |
Dear Peggy, (and Fluff) just been reading all the warm responses to this 'heart opened wide' write which even Fluff was at a loss for why she felt the need to share with us all so soon after saying 'Bye for a while', but I think you hit the nail on the head, Peggy. The ambiance of friendship is always evident here whenever anyone stretches out in words and that is fabulous. The 'je ne sais quois' factor which holds this group close, may be just the fact that we become good 'cyber' friends and do care about each other. If this wasn't my group already...I'd wish to be a part of it, thanks, Peggy,  Zy |
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I love everyone here and if I may have been absent sometimes, it was because I was grieving for my father and mother, whom I lost two months apart from each other. Then I got sick for a month! Fluff, my heart goes out to you and mikhail, so happy to see you back! I truly missed you. You all are my family. |
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