For years, Tom had sold his jellied eels on the corner of hackney High Street on Saturday afternoons, just as he had done as a child with his father until he died a few years back. As a boy, Tom would sail out of the bay to catch them fresh and spend Fridays in the outhouse with his Dad catching the eels one by one, squirming and wriggling as though they knew their time in the vat of brine was about up.
The two of them would race to cut the heads off, holding the eels as best they could as they then skinned the still writhing bodies and droppes them nack into the brine. Toms Mother would be in the kitchen on Fridays, having prepared the secret family recipe through the week as the men went fishing, and, she would lay out the cups in trays ready for filling. The only 'known' ingredients were vinegar and gelatine and folk knew they were the tastiest in town.
When Toms Father passed away, Tom promised to put all he had into keeping the business running and when his Mother followed just six months later, Tom coersed his wife Tracy to assist. This did not please her as she hated the whole procedure, but Tom had hired a crewman to help with the fishing days and at least he listened sympathetically to her.
As time went on, Tracy found the thought of those skinned and wriggling headless creatures, haunting her dreams as she tried to asleep, she begged Tom to let her get someone else to help, but no....
"This was built as a family business and over my dead body does it go to outsiders to run."
Tracy was so pleased that the crewman was aware of her predicament, and, he was pleased that she realised he care so, in time, they knew they had to come up with the solution to her problem. Tom would remind her repeatedly, that this family business was their 'bread and buttter', but it reached a point where Tracy could take it no longer.
The canopied wagon is still at the corner of Hackney High Street, but Tom hasn't been seen for a while. A new sign hangs overhead, it reads...