 | | From:  Zydha (Original Message) | Sent: 11/17/2005 1:30 PM |
Do you keep a journal? They can be full of surprises... (you 'may' wonder if one letter is missing in the final line, it is not a typo)
She looked for a time at the package, It lay at an angle to the lamp On the sofa table, wrapped in Cream tissue paper and was neatly Bound with wired gold ribbon.
"No" she thought, " Much, much too pretty"
Lifting the book, she began to tear At the paper covering, slowly at first, But then with a fury which surprised her. The knotted ribbon wire cut deeply, reminding Her of the hurt she had been feeling inside. She let her fingertips trace the gold, embossed Lettering embedded into the soft cream leather, Then raised her hand to her cheeks, now burning With the trails of salted tears, but it returned again To the word...Journal..."A journey?" she thought.
Opening the book at almost the back cover, She flicked back a page or two until she saw Her last two entries. She read them again. "No... I can be no more! she cried aloud, With that, she took a deep breath, and Tore the pages raggedly from the spine With an anger and frustration only she could understand. This was the only thing left for her to do, Although, fifteen years of marriage Were very hard to walk away from.
Placing the journal in her suitcase, now lying Open on the sofa, she turned and looked Around the room. Yes, she had chosen the best spot The first time, and she stepped back to the sofa table, Placing the two ripped pages side by side beneath The glow of the lamp... they could be seen very easily there.
As her taxi would be arriving any moment, she hurriedly Put on her coat, closed her case, lifted it and as She turned towards the door, her eyes caught A last glimpse of the two cream sheets of paper. Hesitating, she glanced around at the telephone pen, Then she placed her case on the floor, Moved back to the sofa table, and read for the very last time...
"I still love you" on the first torn out page, and
"I am leaving you" on the second.
She shrugged, wiped away another tear..... and added a P.S.
"I do hope he's worth it !!!"
(c) ZYDHA HART 2005 |
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Interesting read Zydha. Particularly liked the detailed description of the packaging and I thought there was a realism/honesty in the loving but leaving. Fifteen years shows the level of deception and perhaps self-deception people can play-out. best wishes Pip |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 11/18/2005 3:52 PM |
Hy, Pip, thanks for your inciteful comments, but...did you spot the reason for my itro comment? lol. There was a 'sting' in the end of the 'tale', Zy |
 | | From:  potleek | Sent: 1/14/2006 5:24 PM |
SHE...HE... Zydha don't think this needed an intro comment. I think at one time it may have been thought as a scandal, but in what we call this modern world of living everything is acceptable (well so they say) I still enjoyed the piece, kept the reader wanting to know what was on those pages...Tony |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 1/15/2006 8:57 PM |
Hello Tony, I would have preferred not to use an intro, but on the first posting of this piece, most reokies missed the point and I had numerous replies saying " It's always sad when couples break up" etc...so in desperation to emphasis the twist in the tail (lol, at the pun)...I used the intro. Oh, I didn't use the homosexual husband for any other reason than it let me play around with the note and the word 'he' at the end. The part of this you refer to is purely convenient for that purpose, thanks, Tony, glad you enjoyed it anyway, Zy |
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Us Yanks are not as dense as you all might think lol. Kidding Zy! I loved the description of the package too! And, I also fell in love with a gay guy and he would come to me when he got into a fight with his lover lol. Used to wish he was straight! No pun included! |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 11/15/2006 11:17 PM |
Aawww...Dix...would I think that, lol....remember it was LA I lived in and they are a breed apart from most Americans anyways. I remember a comment from an 'out of state' friend there...he said when God made America, he was thinking of breakfast cereal and that's why corn is so prevelant, but he tipped his tray and all the fruits, nuts and flakes fell to Los Angeles, lol (just quoting what an 'east coaster' thought of living in the west in LA). Have known a few gay guys myself and they make darned good friends, Dix, so I can understand what you said,  Zy |
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