 | | From:  Rhumour (Original Message) | Sent: 9/11/2008 11:24 AM |
Nine Eleven
No words of mine or others can change what went before We can but stand in silence and remember them once more Though years roll by without restraint and some images fade The sights we saw upon that day are indelibly engraved
So hear a plea around the world to end all senseless feuds Which only serve to damage all and leave a legacy so cruel How many generations will keep the bitter fighting on Surely we must bond together and show evil we are strong
All true religions tell their flocks that peace and love is right So please can every one of them stand up today and tonight Tell their congregations that the might of man is strongest when We all link hands together and make a bond to stay as friends
The memories of those that died in every war and outrageous act Would be so much better honoured if we could just make that pact And as you whisper prayers today and leave your wreaths on show Spare a thought for all the innocents whose deaths we didn't know
September 11th 2008 |
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