 | | From:  vote4llama (Original Message) | Sent: 3/1/2008 1:52 AM |
Awhile back me and Jill hosted elements 1 madagascar. I tried hosting elements 2 and it didn't work out...I want to host elements 2 again soon but first I want to post the episodes from elements 1 on here to gain publicity
PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK! Its like an allstar story but real! Elements is kind of a mix between Survivor and Endurance
Here is episode 1
Season Premier: No Comfort [confessional]
-----()----- setting change
One island; Madagascar. An island with rich history and a rocky but beautiful landscape. Soon, 10 castaways would visit this island and start a competetion. For some, it would change their lives, for others it would end sooner then they would like. But, it is time for a new chapter in reality games. Elements 1: Madagascar. 10 contestants; 5 teams; one immunity mission; winners are safe; 1 team gets voted off; remaining 8 contestants continue on individually. Winners of immunity challenge share the immunity with one other contestant while someone gets voted out. Last 5 contestants to be voted off are the jury to vote beteween the final two.
What to excpet on Elements 1: Madagascar:
Drama, rivalry, winners, quitters, loosers, friendships. And it all starts right now.
Day 1
The two hosts, Host Edward and Host Jill are seen on a boat sailing in the Pacific Ocean right by the coast of Madagascar. The boat lands on the shore and the excited hosts step out and wait for the 5 boys and 5 girls to come. For the first round, there will be 5 boy/girl teams but after the first round, the teams will all merge and the top 8 individual contestants will continue on. The boat lands on the shore and after being greeted by Host Edward and Host Jill. The ten contestants step out. They are. Evie, PatryK, Chris, Claudia, Zoe, Pistachio Jones, Sabrina, Michael, and Erick. Instantly, PatryK and Chris go off to talk.
PatryK: Hey there!! Patryk here from the Game Elements: Madagascar. Chris: oh cool, hey! Chris: watsup? PatryK: Your the first person I see lol! N2m today was my last day of finals im done yay!! Chris: college finals? Chris: or highschool PatryK: College, finished my junior year! Chris: woah PatryK: I'm sorry but I can't remember ur name and im lazy to look lol Chris: Chris Chris: haha PatryK: Yea its awesome! Hi Chris lol Chris: lol Chris: so your almost done huh Chris: whats your major? PatryK: Yea im a psych major Chris: cool PatryK: So where are u from and how old are u? Chris: im from southern california and im 19 Chris: where are you from? PatryK: Very cool! NY Chris: are you in the city? PatryK: No Long Island about an hour away from the city Chris: ooo ive heard of long island Chris: cool PatryK: yea its fab! lol Chris: so if ur about to be a senior in college Chris: that would make you about.. 22? Chris: 23? PatryK: 21 actruallyu PatryK: actuall* Chris: oo PatryK: actually* PatryK: and i can't spell PatryK: lol Chris: its ok Chris: lol PatryK: So what u are in College too right? Chris: yeah Chris: about to finish up freshmen year PatryK: very nice what is ur major? Chris: Graphic design PatryK: ooo thats cool my friend does that too Chris: yeh Chris: its fun, less academic than other majors for sure Chris: haha PatryK: haha true PatryK: So any plans for the summer? Chris: yeah Chris: i have to do a family vacation in minnesota :x Chris: and before that i go to canada Chris: and afterwards I go to india PatryK: Wow thats awesome! What u going to India for and Canada? Chris: Canada for an f1 tournie Chris: and india because i love it there Chris: lol Chris: and its just to relax there i guess Chris: and get good food PatryK: Ohhh wow so u have been there before? Chris: yeah PatryK: thats really cool PatryK: So have u had a chance to talk to anyone else? Ur the first person I got to talk to. I feel like maybe i have the sn's wrong lol. Chris: ive talked to evie Chris: and you Chris: thats about it PatryK: Ohh alrite, hopefully more people show up
[PatryK] YAY!! I finally got to talk to someone!! Woot Woot! LOL!! So Chris seems like a cool guy, young, hip nice guy. I know right now Guys don't really matter to much I just need to concentrate on my team partner whoever that might be once the list goes up. Yea I have to be good with everyone else, just in case I do lose and I'm one of the four teams going home, but I don't want to be the first going home. I came to play and win so hopefully things will work out!
[Sabrina] Im so excited for the game to start and i hope i get a good partner (-:
[Claudia] Yay! :D
-----()----- Host Jill: Hello Contestants! Boys, over there (points to shelter at far end at valley) is the boy's shelter. As you know, for the first round, everyone will have a partner. Please report over there to see how you will get your parters.
Host Edward: And girls, (points to shelter a few yards away) that is your shelter. Please also go into your shelter and you will find out how you will be picking partners.
-----()----- (Boy's shelter)
There is a note that says:
As I said when explaining the game, in the first round, everybody will have a partner. One partnership will win immunity. Every single person has to vote out a partnership and whichever partnership has the most votes is voted out of Elements 1: Madagascar. After that the game is individual. The partner selection is very simple. . After the boys have written their name on their list and the girls have written their names on their list, which ever boy and girl chose 1 are partners and whichever boy and girl chose 2 are partners, etc. This is only for the first round!
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Michael is the first to get the list and he puts his name on the third spot. Pistachio Jones gets the note and puts his name on the first spot.
Pistachio Jones: I want Claudia, me thinks.
Chris puts his name on the fifth spot, Erick puts his name on the fourth spot and PatryK puts his name on the 2nd spot.
PatryK: LOL the last choice, Choice number 2!
The final list looks like this: 1. Pistacio Jones 2. Patryk 3. Michael. 4. Erick 5. Chris
After the girls repeat the same process, the list is revealed.
The contestants gather up by Host Jill.
Host Jill: It is time for me to reveal the partners. The partners are: Pistachio Jones and Kathleen, PatryK and Claudia, Miachael and Zoe, Erick and Sabrina, and Chris and Evie.
Host Edward: Your immunity mission will be tomorow and one team will be voted off!
PatryK: Hi Sabrina! Its Patryk from the game Elements: Madagascar. Sabrina: hey PatryK: How are ya? Sabrina: good...how are you PatryK: I'm doing good thank you. So where are u from and how old are u? Sabrina: im from the east coast and im 15 Sabrina: what about you? PatryK: Very cool, where from the east cost? Im in NY 21 Sabrina: PA Sabrina: cool PatryK: Very cool Sabrina: yea PatryK: Do you play a lot of these ORG's? Sabrina: yea PatryK: Thats awesome! Know anyone on this cast? Sabrina: nope Sabrina: have you played an ORGs? PatryK: Me neither. I play here and there not to many. PatryK: so did u get a chance to look at the partners list. Ur with Eric, have u spoken to him yet? Sabrina: yea i just saw that now. but your the first i've talked to PatryK: Yea I just started talking to people today. I spoke to Chris and Evie briefly and ur the third. I hope to speak to my partner sometime soon lol! Sabrina: cool PatryK: yea PatryK: Are u in any other games at the moment? Sabrina: no, they all kind of stopped for the moment PatryK: ohh ok
[PatryK] So I got to speak to someone else oooo it looks like this game is going to start finally! Sabrina 15 from PA pretty cool. Do I believe that she doesn't know anyone fat chance, I bet she does because she says she plays a lot of these games. Do I also think that maybe some of these girls might be alliases for sure! So I'm watching out now for what I say to anyone.
Day 2
The Contestants spent the night in their secluded shelters
[Erick] I'm a little nervous about today's immunity mission cuz i haven't talked to Sabrina (my partner) at all yet.I'm glad that this is the only mission where we have to have a partner and then it's all individual. I reaaaaally want to win. Oh,and I don't hate Sabrina I just don't know her.
The contestants meet infront of Host Edward and Host Jill. Host Edward explains the immunity mission.
Host Edward: You see those bird's nests over there? One of you will be running to the bird's nest and grabbing the eggs and returning them to your other partner. The other partner will crack open the eggs and drink the contents. Are you ready?
Contestants: Ready!
Host Jill: On Your Marks. Get Set. Go!
Erick, Pistachio, Michael, PatryK, and Chris all run from the starting point to the robin's nests. Erick seems to have a huge lead and he is the first at the trees. He reaches his hand into the next and grabs the eggs.
Host Edward: It looks like Erick and Sabrina are going to win this!
Sabrina grabs the eggs and cracks them open over her mouth. She makes a disgusted face while devouring the content of the eggs. Then, she and Erick start cheering, realizing that they have one immunity!
Erick: we won!!! Sabrina: yay! go us!!!!
Host Edward: Good job! You two have immunity and cannot be voted out! the challenges will only get harder.
Sabrina: i dont even like cooked eggs, let alone RAW eggs.....
Evie: congrats!
Michael: That some nasty shit.
Host Jill: Good job! It is time for the first Ceremony and two of you will be voted out.
The contestants hike up the mountains to the Ceremony Plaza
[Zoe] I'm not sure what any of the other teams are thinking.
[Claudia] We havent done much around. hopefully I can stay.
-----()----- Host Edward:
Welcome to the first elimination ceremony. Sabrina and Erick have won immunity and are safe from the vote. The same cannot be said for the rest of you.
1. Pistacio Jones and Kathleen
2. Patryk and Claudia
3. Michael and Zoe
4. Chris and Evie
are at risk of being voted off and not being able to make it into the next round (the individual round).
Everyone must choose a team to vote off. You vote as an individual, but vote off a team.
Claudia, you are first.
Claudia goes up and writes down "Chris and Evie" on a piece of paper and drops it in the voting box.
Evie votes next followed by Zoe.
Afterwords Chris goes.
Michael goes and Kathleen votes next.
Erick votes and you see him write down "Pistachio Jones and Kathleen". After words goes Pistachio Jones.
Sabrina votes and PatryK goes last.
Host Edward:
It is time for me to reveal the results. 10 of you came to Madagascar to take home the title of Elements Champion. Today 2 of you have been voted off. I am now here to reveal the results. The two people who were voted out must go into their confessionals and leave exit speeches. The remaining 8 people will break free of the teams and compete in the game individually.
I am tallying the votes.
The first vote:
Pistacio Jones and Kathleen The second vote:
Pistacio Jones and Kathleen
Third vote:
Pistacio Jones and Kathleen Vote 4:
Michael and Zoe 1 vote Michale and Zoe 3 votes Pistacio Jones and Kathleen Fifth vote:
Micahel and Zoe 3 vote Pistacio Jones and Kathleen 2 votes Michael and Zoe sixth vote:
Chris and Evie Seventh vote:
Patry K and Claudia 3 votes Pistacio and Kathleen, 2 votes Michael and Zoe 1 vote Chris and Evie 1 votes Patry K and Claudia eighth vote:
Mike and Zoe tied with Pistacio and Kathleen 3 votes each
9th vote:
Michael and Zoe: They now have 4 Final vote:
Pistachio Jones and Kathleen!
We have a 4-4 tie!
Sabrina and Claudia, could you please stand up. You both voted for different teams, now you must revote and only vote for either Pistachio Jones and Kathleen or Michael and Zoe.
Sabrina goes up to vote, following by Claudia. Host Edward takes a look at the votes.
the first two people to be voted off of Elements 1 Madagascar:
Michael and Zoe
You both came here with high hopes. Someone had to go, and it was you.
Erick: sux u have to go, Michael.
Pistachio Jones: Aww hell no! I know Pistachio didn't get all them votes! They better go away. 4? That's crazzzzzzy! Pistachio at 4? At least it was spelled right!
Kathleen: Hey Pistachio , I can't believe it!
Evie: Bye
Sabrina: sorry )-: but i dont know people well enough to vote fairly
[Michael] In the short time I played this game, I suppose I had fun, and it was great meeting everyone. I wish I didn't get so many votes, but that's just how things turn out. Good luck to Sabrina and Erick, as I think they made the best team. This should get interesting to see how things turn out, and I'll be excited to see how it all ends up. Good luck to everyone except Pistachio Jones.
Next time on Elements 1: Madagascar
The format of the game changes as the teams break up and the top 8 play their first individual immunity challenge. A contestant chooses to quit Elements. The winner of the immunity challenge shares the immunity as the first contestant is voted off to the Jury House. Who quits? Who wins immunity? Who do they give it to? Who is voted off? Find out on the second episode! |
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