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Who is excited about JD new show? It premiers next tueday
I am |
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I liked it. But it was weird seeing JD all...dressed up and stuff. Does anyone think his voice changed? I much prefer Endurance, but this is OK. |
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Boring. Endurance was way better. |
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I absolutely love JD's new show. I have to admit that JD looks so gorgeous and sexy on Opportunity Knocks. |
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I agree that endurance is way better but I'll watch it just b/c of JD |
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I have to say that I like Opportunity Knocks a little better because to me an hour long of JD is way better than a half hour long of JD. |
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The show has been benched...
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wow, that fast? it hasn't even had a full season! |
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i do like this show but endurance is now match with oppertunity knocks. i`d give oppurtunity knocks an 8.5 and i`d give endurance a 10.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000..................... |
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Yow! That WAS fast! But who knows...perhaps that's better for any chances of Endurance returning??? |
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maybe...since 3 ball can stop spending $$$ on oppurtunity knocks maybe they could have some $$$ left to save endurance  ! (kinda off topic but how many of your friends watch endurance?) |
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I have exactly.... .... One friend who I know watched it. All of my other friends hadn't even heard of the Discovery Kids channel, last time I checked. They're more for watching Ugly Betty and football...I'm just a reality TV freak!  |
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One of my friends has saw the show and thought it was ok He is a big Survivor and Tar fan. All my other friends have NEVER see it. |
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same here my friends don`t have dk and have never heard of endurance. one time i told two of my bffs to watch it on veoh (not in the same room) so would talk them through it and then hang up so they could watch the rest by themselves.BUT,3 minuets after after i hung up BOTH of them called me balk and told me they had 2 fold laundry or study. it`s like the world doesn`t want any of my friends to watch endurance.=((thank goodness my bro`s a fan 2!) |
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My brother also loves Endurance too |
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My sisters watch and love it. Our cousin came over for St. Patrick's Day last year, which was the night of the Season 5 finale. We watched it with her - wearing purple over all of our green - but she was confused about the Final Temple challenge because it didn't consist of much 'Endurance'. |