ALEXANDRA (ALEX) REID. 15 ;; Plano, Texas Confident and composed, Alex has powerful pipes and loves to sing country, R & B and pop. She also plays basketball and is a great motivator for the 9-year-old girls she coaches in the sport. She believes that if you're not your own No. 1 fan, you'll never have a No. 1 fan. | 
ANTONIO IANNICELLI 14 ;; Wellsley, Mass. He clowns around and says he's goofy, but Antonio is passionate about school, his books and his guitar. This bighearted rock 'n' roll buff aims to be in the spotlight and plans to give his usual 110 percent on "Endurance". |  |
BJORN LEUM 15 ;; Ennis, Montana Blessed with a dry sense of humor, the athletic Bjorn admits that girls on the show may distract him - and his easygoing ways may conflict with the competition. Still, he works hard in school and at sports, and likes to tell the story of how he lost a finger. | 
BRANDON 13 ;; Lithonia, Georgia Brandon is athletic and competitive and swears he can make Hercules "look like French toast!" Bold and outgoing, he likes people, singing and acting and playing all kinds of sports. Bugs? He's the one who kills them around the house. | 
BRYANAH BASCON 14 ;; Stoughton, Mass. Bryanah is up for any challenge, and even drank two raw eggs to demonstrate her endurance. An honor roll student, she loves sports, camping out and competing under pressure. She's fearless - but not a big fan of mosquitos. That should make life in the outdoors a bit more intresting. | 
CHRIS VANDERWIER 15 ;; St. Augestine, Fl. Toughened by hits on his paintball team, Chris can also do more than 12 consecutive somersaults on a trampoline. He plays junior varsity soccer and loves school. Physically and mentally strong, he's learned strategy from daily chess games with his parents. | 
DEMIAN MARTINEZ 15 ;; Las Vegas, Nevada Animated and bilingual, Demian moved to the United States from Mexico at age 7. He says he's "not just a big meathead with lots of muscle," but he stands for what he says and never backs down on anything! Although he's usually the loud one, on "Endurance" he thinks it might be better to keep a low profile and fly under the radar. | 
ELEANOR 14 ;; Hyde Park, Mass. She's on the best swim team in Boston and plays softball in her spare time, but who would guess that this jock is also a graceful ballet dancer? Describing herself as "not invisible, but not obnoxious," she aims to compete and as a lifetime Red Sox fan, she knows the meaning of Endurance. KAREEM NUGENT 15 ;; Bronx, New York Kareem enjoys being the class clown, but that doesn't stop him from getting A's in biology. An avid basketball player, he hopes to join the school basketball and football team this fall and he's teaching himself how to play the guitar. He sees "Endurance" as a big oppurtunity and wants to learn more about teamwork. |  
LINDI OEST 13 ;; Tampa, Fl. Lindi is an all-around athlete who loves volleyball and throwing a 60-mph fastball - she does 100 push-ups to get pumped before each softball game! Sweet, yet determined, this straight-A honor student has a golden arm and loves marine biology. Known for keeping a cool head under fire, she should make a fierce competitior. | 
MARSHALL KATHEDER 14 ;; Orlando, Fl. This self-described "Renaissance teen" says he'd be a perfectly well-rounded kid- except he hasn't been on "Endurance" ...until now. A competitive swimmer who works at a local science center (with an alligator named Godzilla), he studies hard and loves wildlife and the outdoors. | 
MONROE GIERL 15 ;; Miluakee, Wisconsin Seeing "Jaws" at the age of 4 terrified this competitive swimmer, but fear of sharks won't stop the strategy-minded Monroe from working to win. An incredibly loyal fan of "Endurance", Monroe has studied all the strategies, but will his knowledge help him when it really counts? | 
NICOLE CLARK 14 ;; Los Angeles, Ca. Nicole loves everything from swimming (she's snorkled with sharks) to cheerleading. Her poetry has been published nationally, and she wants to be an astronaut. While she likes to get along with everyone, she's competitive and focused and wants to win. | 
RACHEL LOFTEN 13 ;; Poway, Ca. Enthusiastic and sporty, Rachel plays club soccer and dances competitively. She hangs out at the beach a lot but has always wanted to go to a jungle. She'll compete over almost anything, even with her friends to see how fast they can take tests. But she says she can laugh things off. | 
REECE BORS 14 ;; Shelbyville, Kentucky A mild mannered daredevil, Reece expresses his athleticism everywhere, from the track to the stadium, on his skateboard and his motorbike. This Southern gentleman enjoys camping, so he won't miss electricity or hot water and he's determined to do whatever it takes to win. | 
SARAH BAKER 13 ;; Downer's Grove, IL This runner and dancer is used to clearing hurdles. A self-described leader who isn't afraid of being different, Sarah has a funky style and is ready to make friends and win. The biggest challenge she'll face on Endurance? Going without her curling iron! | 
TAYLOR MADISON 15 ;; Dallas, TX Energetic and friendly, Taylor likes cheerleading and acting in school plays. Although she thinks she can win "Endurance", this all-American "Southern belle" admits she's not competitive- an intresting trait, given the competition! | 
TOM MADEN 15 ;; Coppel, Texas Tae kwon do has taught Tom how to smash the competition, but he says he's adaptable, charismatic and can get along with anyone - "especially the ladies." He loves history and old music and movies, and hopes his reading of political books will help him with strategy. | 
VANETTA SMITH 14 ;; Cleaveland, OH A "people person" with energy to burn, Vanetta is ready to tackle Endurance the way she takes on school, sports and the performing arts. Pressure and criticism may be tough to take, but she's up for it. | 
WILLA ZHOU 15 ;; Seattle, WA Born in the Year of the Dragon, Willa likes a challenge - especially when someone tells her she can't do something. She has a ready laugh and says she's always hungry - especially for adventure. This athlete/scholar's goals are to be an obstetrician and start a horse farm. | 
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