
| Andres 15 ; Austin, TX Andres believes his strong involvement in his church and his seven years as an alter server will give him an additional quality needed to become an ENDURANCE champion: faith. His favorite sport is basketball, but he also loves to play football and he scored a touchdown in every game. Andres also runs track and holds the distinction of being only one of two freshmen on the JV team! He considers himself lucky to be one of the teens who actually get to play this game out of all the kids who watch the show. | | Ben 15 ; Cloquet, MN Ben is an avid soccer player, playing on his High School Varsity team. He went so far as to eat a raw egg and roll in mud at the same time to prove he's got what it takes to endure on his audition tape. He also loves to do pencil drawings of abstract art. Ben's extracurricular activities include involvement in Destination Imagination, Future Problem Solvers, Knowledge Bowl, Science Fair and the Student Council. |  | Briana 15 ; Winter Springs, FL This homeschooled teen says her favorite place to do her homework is sitting in a tree! Briana loves to dance and spends four nights a week at her dance studio, for four hours each night! In fact she dances so much that her best friend has coined the phrase "SDB" (meaning "Stop Dancing Bri.") When she's not dancing, this active girl is singing, rock climbing, roller-skating or wakeboarding! |  | Caleb 15 ; Blowing Rock, NC This jock from the Appalachian Mountains is an avid football player and his favorite place to hang out is the basketball court. He believes his secret weapon on Endurance will be his massive muscles! But it's not all about sports for Caleb. He's also a talented musician and plays the guitar, drums, piano and the trumpet. |  | Cinnamon 13 ; Omaha, NE Cinnamon has a unique name and a style all her own. Not only did she get her black belt in Tae Kwan Do in six years, but she can also kick more than ¾ her weight on a sparring bag and she enjoys spending free time teaching the martial art to younger kids. Cinnamon has many other extra curricular activities, including the school band and choir. And her Girl Scout Troop made the local news when they sent 500 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to the troops in Iraq. |  | Connor 15 ; Humble, TX With a GPA of 5.4 and ranking third in a class of 852 students, Connor clearly has the brains to take on the mental challenges of Endurance. But playing tennis, surfing and his energetic personality should help him with the physical challenges as well. Connor also has a strong artistic side and is very into theater, piano and filmmaking. |  | Hannah 14 ; West Bloomfield, MI Hannah describes herself as a "unique individual who stands out in a crowd." For her Endurance audition video, Hannah devised her own obstacle course to demonstrate her ability to strategize and persevere. In her spare time, Hannah takes voice lessons, plays guitar, dances and is involved in five school clubs.
|  | Jackie 15 ; Highlands Ranch, CO Jackie wants to be the first Chinese girl to win Endurance. She is a straight-A student with an impressive roster of extracurricular activities including playing the violin (she was one the only freshman who made it into the Continental League Honors Orchestra), tennis, dance and hiking. Jackie may have set a new precedent on her audition tape this year when she ate a bug to show the producers that she's got endurance. |  | Jonathan 14 ; Orange Beach, AL Jonathan donned a cape and called himself the Endurance "Superfan" on his audition tape. He loves to play soccer and his team came in 2nd place in the state championship. He also loves to swim, work out, hunt and fish. Jonathan is homeschooled. He hopes that his southern charm of being himself, doing what is right and not lying to his opponents will prove to be a good strategy this season. |  | Jordyn 14 ; Gibsonton, FL This well-rounded teen plays soccer, basketball and studies tap, jazz, ballet and gymnastics! To prove to the producers that she's got what it takes to be on Endurance, Jordyn, although she's only a little over 5 feet tall and very petite, was able to push a parked car down the street for her audition tape!
|  | Kyle 15 ; Pearland, TX Kyle believes that the true test of a man is not in physical strength, it's in band! As a member of his high school band, he believes that the most exciting part of a school football game is the 15 minutes when the band is playing on the field. Kyle also came up with his own attributes for each letter of the new pyramid piece of KARMA: K for keeping friends close and enemies closer, A for Alliances, R for relying on your partner, M- for making friends and A for achieving all the pyramid pieces! |  | Lauren 15 ; Maitland, FL With a 4.7 grade-point average and a "no pain, no gain" attitude towards sports, there's not much stopping this determined teen! Lauren even broke her arm twice when cheerleading and still wanted to continue cheering. She's into theater, dance, cross-country and cycling, and hopes that her determination, persistence and love of a challenge will help her go far on Endurance. |  | Leslie 15 ; Austin TX Leslie is passionate about volleyball and singing, and almost qualified for the Jr. Olympics in volleyball. Her fellow competitors should beware because Leslie also won the strength contest against all the boys and girls in her middle school. Leslie keeps an interesting array of pets including a dog, a coatimundi, an artic fox, goats, horses, cats and...baby skunks! |  | Matthew 14 ; Raleigh, NC Matthew believes that the fourteen pyramid pieces of Endurance hit it spot on for what it takes to be a champion. However, he has an unusual strategy planned of using an "omniscient packet of soy sauce" as his secret weapon in this year's competition. Matthew is an avid athlete, playing basketball and running track and cross-country, but his greatest passion is dancing and he knows how to tap, turn and break it down! He also loves to put together complex jigsaw puzzles to help him relax. |  | Rebecca 15 ; Ludlow, MA When auditioning for Endurance, Rebecca told the producers on her video that she would give the show 197% and she ate a whole can of whip cream in a matter of seconds to prove it! This straight-A student describes herself as "wild and crazy" and plans to use her sense of humor as a secret weapon on Endurance. Rebecca's passions are writing, poetry and running - she runs 3.1 miles every day! |  | Will 15 ; Beaverton, OR Will believes that being both an athlete as well as an actor makes him unique from others. His favorite sport is football but his other passion is music; both playing the drums and singing. He's performed in numerous plays and musicals at an acting camp. Will hopes his positive attitude and leadership skills will take him far on Endurance. |  | | source: official DK site