| | missions. ////of endurance three
RIGHT TO STAY The players are to cling on for dear life to a metal pole that hovers high over a looming lake. The first three players to fall into the water are eliminated, and those who endure will be able to call themselves official Endurance: Hawaii contestants! 
| PARTNER MISSION Balls numbered 1 though 14 will be launched from a catapult into their midst and the object is to catch the first ball you can. The players who end up with lower- numbered balls will have a better chance of getting the partner they want — but ultimately, only the person with the No. 1 ball will get exactly who they want as a teammate.  | HEADSTRONG The six players will have to balance a native Hawaiian totem pole between their heads and a bamboo log perched above them — and they can't use their hands to help balance the totem. The slightest body movement will cause the totem to fall to the ground and will eliminate the player from the contest.
 | RING OF FIRE Each player and their teammate will have to hold up a long pole through a ring with a lit flame in the middle. If their pole touches any part of the ring, it will ignite, creating a ring of fire. This will signify that teams exit from the challenge. The team who shows strength through this challenge will win the power of the Samadhi and an endurance piece.
 | BAGGING ON YOU Each team member will be holding two sandbags bound together by a piece of rope. Simultaneously, the teams will throw their tied sandbags onto their team-colored platform several yards out into the pond, trying not to miss and trying to keep the sandbags form falling off after they hit the platform. After every round, the teams that have managed to land their sandbags onto their platform will get to eliminate a team that didn't land their bags on their platform. The last team remaining wins and will chose two teams to go to the Temple of Fate.
 | SQUARING OFF Each of the team's colors is displayed in a line using several squares on a giant game board. The teams will take turns trying to cover up each other's team colors using two triangle pieces given to them by JD. Once a team's color is completely obscured by triangle pieces, that team is eliminated from the game. The last team to have an uncovered square displaying their color wins. And one other thing: The team that places the triangle pieces gets to choose the next team to go; the only rule is that the team they choose can't have gone right before them. This is the ultimate game of trust (and test of alliances) for the contestants. | OUT ON LIMB One member of each team will sit at the end of an enormous seesaw that is perched over the water. The other team member will struggle to hang onto a rope attached to the other end of the seesaw in order to keep their partner suspended. If a team member lets go of their rope, the opposite end of the seesaw will drop and their partner will plunge into the water, eliminating the team from the game. In a test of sheer strength, the team whose partner remains suspended the longest wins the game. | BAMBOO JUNGLE Essentially, it's an obstacle course that will force the contestants to jump over, crawl under, and maneuver through various bamboo-pole barriers in order to reach the finish line before their competitors. Only in this game, every member of each team is tied to one another with rope and the leader must guide their team through the entire course! The Yellow–Gray–Purple team decides that Chris will be their leader in this mission; the Red– Brown–Orange (Demian and Nicole) team chooses Demian to lead them through this daunting challenge | | .next >> | | |