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OK! I finally got the online-petition (to save Endurance) to work. It looks really good. But now its a matter of getting, you guessed it, signatures!!! So circulate it and make everyone you know sign it. I'm thinking/hoping we can get at least 2,000 signatures by March 31st.... but I can't make this happen w/o your help. PS- Andre, I used the opening from your petition on it, (but I gave you credit, don't worry!), just in case you didn't get my email.... |
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great.! i signed :] & ill add a link to the main page for more to see. becky, what i did was just put an address nearby like ur schools or something even.. wait, we can do that right.?  |
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i signed it!!! i was the 2nd one!!! |
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thanks guys, and don't worry too much about the personal info. For address I put "notgonnatell street" lol |
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I signed too, and I just put Anonymous (spelling?) Street, hehe...I was going to leave the zip code spot blank too, but it was required... |
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yeah, dont worry about your personal info. u can use a fake address...all it will show is the state you're from, and your name, unless you select the anonymus button (or whatever it says.. im not allowed to sign it because im the author, so idk. my friend told me.) so far, since i got it up on friday, i've collected 101 signatures! (including Andres, Hannah, and Ben from Fiji!) thats incredible!!! now the big part it circulating it and letting ppl know to sign it. so like i said, be sure to email out the link to your friends and family, and post it on your facebook, etc! This is amazing! Keep it up! Thanks! -JADE!!! ps- thanks for putting it on the home pg 4 EoDK! my jaw ttly dropped! lol. |
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I got my sister to sign, and I just emailed my friend about signing it too - She's never watched Endurance, but I informed her of where she can find episodes. And another friend of mine watches the show, so I may bring the petition up with her at school tomorrow... |
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Ohhh, and another thing - could Endurance players ask people to sign it on their MySpaces or Facebooks? Plus, Caroline, I know you run a fan MySpace for Endurance and have a bunch of players as friends - are you going to bring the petition up with them? |
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well, a lot of ppl i know have never watched it, but they might as well from the way i incessently talk about it. :D so this is what i did in response to that. i sent an email (the one listed below) out to almost everybody i know.... here it is. hope u can find insparation. :D Hey Everybody!- Just wanted to inform you that DK is planning on cutting the funds to Endurance.  If you don't know what Endurance is, check out this link- it'll tell you all you want to know about it. Its an amazing show that I was planning on being on this summer. However, I cant do that if Discovery Kids cuts the funding. This is what you can do to help- sign the online petition at: Then, spread the word about it. If you encounter any problems, let me know. Thanks for fulfilling your civic duties! -JADE!!! |
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i'm getting all my friends to sign. |
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yeah, forward the link to all your friends who've ever seen the show before. And make them write letters cause I'm sure letters are much more important.
Anyone who has facebook, write a note about Endurance possibly ending- put the link of the petition, and the address to send letters to. Then tag all friends who would do it. |
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I posted the link on my Fan Fiction home page and on my YouTube page =) no facebook and myspace for me... |
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just another thing I found out today- my request for a simpler link was granted! so you can use the one above, OR this one: and, iff you google 'save endurance', the petition is the first link... I've discovered that these make it easier to spread by word-of-mouth... JADE!!! |
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Wish i'd read ur note about "notgonnatell St." b4 i signed. I put down my read home addy. |
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Bump. In case anyone here didn't sign it who wants to... |