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Endurance on Discovery Kids[email protected] 
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Msg2EndurPlayers : To Lots Of Various E Players
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Recommend  Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCruise_meerkat_Youssy  (Original Message)Sent: 6/30/2008 6:30 PM
Hay people! I am just going to get to the point.
Layla(E1) - Loved you! Wish you could have lasted longer
Chelsea(E1) - I felt sorry for you when one of the guys said in RTS "The one that didn't play football, she's going home." You sure showed them!\
Lana(E1) - You look so much like this girl I know! I felt sorry for Green when they got picked on so much. You are def one of my fave Endurance players
Jonna(E1) - Hay Jonna! Sorry, I just had to do that. I lurved you! Congrats on winning!
Maryelle(E2) - Curse of the gray! I wish you could have lasted longer. P.S. I adore your name!
Shep & Calley(E2) - Like I have been saying a lot, wish you could have made it farther!
Tyler and Michelle(E2) - You two are one of my favorite Endurance teams ever! I was so sad to see you leave!
Bjorn(E3) - Can't say I watched E3 a lot, but I was rooting for you! Love your name.
Tom and Vanetta(E3) - Another of my favorite teams ever! Sorry you had to leave Vanetta, but congrats on getting into the movie!
Monroe and Bryanah(E3) - I think you shouldv'e won!
Julie(E4) - Good luck with your singing career! Wish you could've stayed longer. P.S. Those American Idol judges were mean to you.
Kylie(E4) - I have nothing personal against Mikey, but it seems with him as your partner, you didn't last too long. :/
Shea and Amelia(E4) - Go Blue! I wished Julie and that other girl Amelia was friends with [Brooke???] would have stayed longer. And that you could've made it to the top 3.
Isaac and Jeszie(E4) - Whoo! Another of my fave Endurance teams ever. Love you guys! And I love Jeszie's name.
Jon and Daniela(E4) - Since the beginning, I wanted you two to win! You are also one of my favorite Endurance teams of all time!
Franke and Erika(E4) - SHUT UP! I'm perfectly fine surfing over here! I loved your sense of humor! Congrats on winning!
I didn't watch much of E5 and watched only one ep of E6, so I have really nothing to say to them. Except to Jackie(E6) - I HATE LESLIE. LOL! I loved that part!

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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamefanofE2Sent: 7/3/2008 1:45 AM
You must watch every episode of Endurance Hawaii. It is the best season, I think.

The final mission (rowing boats) kinda stinks, but maybe that's because i've seen it so many times, or maybe because of what happens to Orange. I don't want to give anything away, so i'll be careful, but I wanted Gray to win, but the fighting in that episode doesn't sit easy with me.

High Sierras was a good season.

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