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PURPLE!!!! On the scenes for the next episode, I paused it and I noticed JD talking at the rocks and when it showed the teams, It showed Connor holding the Samadhi while JD asked who was getting it! Maybe Red...Maybe Green??? IDK...But I think Red the most cause of the Temple... P.S.-To Connor & Jackie! Congrats on the First Temple!!! You guys dominated in the mission and there...Even though you lost the mission. Still, Good Job! |
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wow. i was wondering whether i should rewind it to see who was holding the samadhi while i watched it, but i was like... they wouldnt be that stupid would they?... no not even them... cuz it's obvious everyone will check that... lol but i guess i was wrong they are that stupid anywayzzzzzz good job purple! yay everyones winning something its nice to see that so far winning isnt limited to certain teams. now all thats left is blue... come on we know u can do it! oh and ya u guyz were AWESOME in this past mission. congrats to red too though obviously cuz they did win =) |
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I suggest taking a second look because it clearly showed Will holding the samadi. This means Green either won the Endurance Mission or was given the samadi by another team. I will have photographic evidence in a few minutes. |
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I was thinking purple as well, because when JD asked, it showed everyone nervous and then Jackie was sort of smiling...so...I think purple wins, and they give it to green, orange, or red... |
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I haven't been able to go back and watch it slow motion but when I first saw it I thought it also looked like purple had it. |
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If you look in the circle on the picture above you can clearly see Will of the green team holding the samadi. Since they are sitting down and not standing while breaking it open, it allows me to assume they won the endurance mission and are getting ready to hand it out to one of the other teams. Dispute all you want but the truth lies in the picture. |
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 | 0 recommendations | Message 7 of 10 in Discussion |
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uhh i think thats conners knee it looks like green is holding something tho |
 | | From:  mth_09 | Sent: 11/15/2007 10:44 PM |
that shot might be a shot that was taken directly after purple handed the samadhi to green.
idk. just a thought. |
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Hmmm, I think your right endurancefan20084. It does look like Green has it....but mth_09 might be right as well. idk, I guess we'll have to wait and watch! |
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