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Okay, sorry, I thought I posted this mission, but guess not...haha...anyway...
This is one of the most important missions because it could decide the fate of the game...
Girls: Erika, Alex, Briana, Kristine, Michelle, Christa, Leslie Boys: Monroe, Tyler, Phil, Reece, Franke, Caleb, Aric
These 14 kids defeated the first mission and won the right to stay in these mountains, now, they must choose who they want as their partner for the rest of this game.
In this mission, the kids will have to rely on their strength and determination to win this mission. The kids will be standing in a row with strings hanging a 10 yards in front of them. When I say go, the kids will have to run the 10 yards and pull any string. However, there is one less string than people, and the person that did not pull a string will be eliminated from the mission. The last person to be left, having pulled all the strings will win the partner mission. This person will then be able to pick their partner, and everyone elses!!! So, it is important to win this mission, who wins...that's up to you!!!
POST: (name) does not pull string and is eliminated
SAFE: Erika Alex Briana Kristine Michelle Christa Leslie Monroe Tyler Phil Reece Franke Caleb Aric
GO! |
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sorry i ment Michelle does not pull string and is eliminated
 | | From:  keerez | Sent: 12/24/2007 9:29 PM |
Franke does not pull string and is eliminated STILL IN GAME: Alex Briana Christa |
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Briana does not pull rope and is eliminated. |
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Christa does not pull string and is eliminated. Alex is the winner! |
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ALEX wins the mission!
Okay, so, now, she gets to choose everyones teams and their colors. Now, first, what partner and color does Alex want?
GIRLS: Erika Alex Briana Kristine Michelle Christa Leslie
BOYS: Monroe Tyler Phil Reece Franke Caleb Aric
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Alex chooses Monroe as her partner. Someone else can choose the color if they want! GIRLS: Erika Briana Kristine Michelle Christa Leslie
BOYS: Tyler Phil Reece Franke Caleb Aric |
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Okay, so, Alex and Monroe make the first team
??? Team-Alex and Monroe
GIRLS: Erika Briana Kristine Michelle Christa Leslie
BOYS: Tyler Phil Reece Franke Caleb Aric
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Alex and monroe are going to be the YELLOW team! |
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Yellow Team-Alex and Monroe Red Team Reece And Erika
GIRLS: Briana Kristine Michelle Christa Leslie
BOYS: Tyler Phil Franke Caleb Aric |
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Kristine and Tyler become the Purple Team! Yellow Team-Alex and Monroe Red Team - Reece And Erika Purple Team - Kristine and Tyler
GIRLS: Briana Michelle Christa Leslie
BOYS: Phil Franke Caleb Aric |
 | | From:  keerez | Sent: 12/25/2007 5:20 AM |
Yellow Team-Alex and Monroe Red Team - Reece And Erika Purple Team - Kristine and Tyler Blue Team - Christa and Aric GIRLS: Briana Michelle Leslie
BOYS: Phil Franke Caleb
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Yellow Team-Alex and Monroe Red Team - Reece And Erika Purple Team - Kristine and Tyler Blue Team - Christa and Aric Green Team - Franke And Briana
GIRLS: Michelle Leslie
BOYS: Phil Caleb
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Yellow Team - Alex and Monroe Red Team - Reece and Erika Purple Team - Kristine and Tyler Blue Team - Christa and Aric Green Team - Franke and Briana
Orange Team - Michelle and Caleb Grey Team - Leslie and Phil - since they're the only ones left! Behold - the 7 teams of Endurance: You Decide - Catskill Mountains!
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Wow, all the teams have been filled since I last checked! I really do like all the teams though, so that's good! Great job people haha! |