 | | From: howens225 (Original Message) | Sent: 10/8/2006 10:54 PM |
I am looking for a good example of a Booking Board to use at a few upcoming booths this month and am not finding what I am looking for. I could be simply looking right over it. The info I'm looking for is ideas of gifts to offer as free when you book a show and hold that date. If anyone has one they can forward to me with any tips on these I could sure use the help!! Thanks In Advance!! Harriette |
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These are some generic flyers that I have printed on card stock and attached to the board my husband made for me. It is basically a sandwich board. we have 1x1 pieces of wood for the frame and then dry erase boards for the surface. (all bought at like Lowes or Home Depot. That way I can attach flyers or write something on it. It stands about 4 feet tall and has two sides with a hinge at the top and chains on the middle of each side to help stablize it. I would post a picture but my recruit has it right now. Most of the fairs we do are outside so it sits outside of the tent and helps to get people's attention before they do the double take and turn around. It felt like they couldn't really tell who we were and would kind of just keep walking then they would see the banner in the back of the tent and take about 4 more steps before it registered so they were already past the booth and had to back track. This helps with a lot of that because on the top I have laminated our logo on an regular sized piece of paper landscape style. Plus I can attach balloons on top. When I get it back I will take a picture for you all to see. Hopefully I will have enough space. Tiffany |
| free cookbook.doc Free food.doc free s h after 50.doc Spend 50.doc |
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Ok maybe those flyers weren't what you were looking for but it is something. I forgot to mention that I thought the stamping up board is really cute. Tiffany |
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This is GREAT! Thanks SO much!!
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That is soooo cute!!!! I could see myself doing this at my shows as well as booths! Thanks for sharing! I even have some of those cute little tags in my scrapbooking stash!! When it's cute and eye catching people will notice and ask! Whoo Hoo!!! Looks like I need to make a trip to the store to get supplies for the rest of it! You know, I was thinking, at a booth you can take the tag out and then put it back or just rearrange them every time someone picks one. Then you can keep booking and not make anyone think they are getting what's at the bottom of the barell so to say! Michelle |
 | | From:  Bev1781 | Sent: 10/11/2006 3:33 AM |
Here's another one. I think I am going to do one like this only use the new Chef set. If I ever get it done, I'll post it!! But please don't hold your breath waiting on me. I don't want to be responsible for any deaths!!  |
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could you tell me what the sign in the middle says? The purse is that for the hostess? |
 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 12 of 20 in Discussion |
| From:  Bev1781 | Sent: 10/11/2006 6:05 AM |
It says something like this. "Book an in-home workshop today And you will be rewarded with an Extra FREE gift when you choose A tag from one of the trucks On my Booking Board.
Pick a date to host your Workshop And you will receive your Extra FREE gift when your Workshop order is delivered This FREE gift is in addition To your normal Hostess Benefits
Book your Workshop today to Ensure you get first choice At the truck you want." This is what the girl said who made it. I used Loads of Love and Accessories. Mounted the trucks with dimensionals onto cardstock so that there is a space in between to place the presents tag. On the presents tag, I used the slit punch to create a spot to place my gifts. Each gift is small - less than $6 I believe, but I wanted to be able to switch them out if necessary. I wanted to encourage people to book and loved the idea that was posted earlier. The person booking will choose a truck and pull the presents out of the back to see their gift. At their workshop, this gift will be added to their order. This ensures that they actually host the workshop. No workshop, no gift.
You can decide what price range of gifts you want to include depending on how desperately you want the bookings! Hope that helps. Bev
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I bought a foam board and a yard of light blue fabric at Wallyworld. I am going to attempt to make my own board! I will post pics when I get it done. I have a cluster meeting tonight so maybe I can get it done this afternoon. Micah |
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I just wanted to pass along what I did for my board. I bought a foam board in the school supply isle of my Walmart. ($2.37 I think) I bought one yard of fabric ($2.44) that is kinda a light blue corduroy. I brought it home and cut the foam board in half, but I didn't cut through the other side. I just cut through a layer of the paper covering and the foam but left the other side intact with the paper covering. I then used clear packing tape to run along the uncut part to reinforce it. I bent the board in half along the cut so the foam was exposed. With it completely folded in half I reinforced this side with the tape. I then covered it with the fabric using craft glue. It now makes a ^ shape when I stand it up. I figured how it would best stand up and took a strip of the width of the opening and glued it in the middle of both sides. So when I stand it up it won't colapse. I didn't fix anything permanently to the board. I can attach flyers, games, bridal show choices, booking games and other things to the board using thumbtacks or straight pins. Camera isn't working at the moment or I would attach pictures. Micah |
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Can't WAIT to see your Booking Board, Micah!! DO take pics when you get your camera working again  ....... Marian |
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That is SO CUTE!!!! Ok, I'm going to try and make one of those for my show on Thursday....
Now I wish I had looked at this thread weeks ago!! |
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Ok, I took the first booking board sign and altered it to suit PC. I chose gifts that were $11 or less, but feel free to make your own changes.
I just LOVE this idea, I hope it works!
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Just added a link to this thread over on our HOT TOPICS!! page under the Bookings Category!  |