 | | From:  pfschef (Original Message) | Sent: 5/4/2005 1:50 PM |
I don't know if this has been posted already or not. Paula
This is a great poem to read at your shows or to pass around your neighborhood with the pink product flyer attached. HELP WHIP CANCER POEM We've all been affected in one way or another, Whether it's been a sister, a friend, or a mother. Breast cancer can strike anytime, anywhere. And this is our way of showing we care.
The Pampered Chef® in the month of May Has unique products to pass your way. We've got four special products all dressed in pink, To encourage everyone to stop and think.
Just this month of May you can buy them - why not get two? Share one with a friend; keep one for you! Buy all four and I'll throw in something for the cook, The new 2005 Spring/Summer Season's Best Cookbook. And for each pink product purchased, the wonderful folks at PC Will give $1 to the American Cancer Society.
You can Help Whip Cancer, which pink one will you pick? And share in the hope that they find a cure real quick!
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Thanks so much 4 sharing this wonderful poem with us, Paula!!  I think I will add this to my newsletter this month! Marian |
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I posted this on the other group & forgot to put it here (sorry!  ) This is the full version of the poem paula posted that I re-wrote with this this year's products - not sure who wrote the original last year. There is also info about the pink towel. Enjoy! Kim |
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Thanks, Kim!! You ladies are peaches in my book!!  Marian |
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Btw, forgot to mention what a BEAUTIFUL border your poem doc has!! Too bad I can't get that into my newsletter.... Thanks, again!! Marian |
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