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About Goddesses : Goddess: Maat
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 9/29/2008 9:54 PM
Goddess Maat 
 Emancipation Day (Texas)
Themes:  Freedom; New Beginnings; Justice; Morality; Organization; Promises; Universal Law
Symbols:  Ostrich Feather (or any feather)
About Maat:  In Egypt, Maat is the ultimate representation of fairness, justice, and truth. 
As the spirit of orderliness and legislation, she assists us by overseeing any legal matters, hearings, promises, and oaths to ensure harmony and honesty. 
In some Egyptian stories, a person's soul was weighed against Maat's feather to gain entrance to paradise.
To Do Today:  On June 19 in 1865, the slaves in Texas were finally told about the Emancipation Proclamation signed three years previously. 
While freedom was slow in coming, it finally arrived, likely in part thanks to Maat's encouragement.
For all of Maat's spells it's best to have a feather to use as a component and focal point.  Change the color of your feather to suit the goal. 
Pick blue for true seeing (or to encourage honesty with yourself), white for pure promises, black and white for legal equity, and pale yellow to inspire a new beginning filled with Maat's keen insight. 
Bless the feather, using the following incantation (fill in the blank with your goal), then release it to the wind so the magic begins to move!
Maat, on this feather light,
bring to me renewed insight.
To my life _____ impart;
make a home within my heart.
By Patricia Telesco ~ From "365 Goddess"
Egyptian Goddess of truth, justice and the order of the universe.  Her symbol was a feather. Her sacred candle color is white.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwlSent: 9/29/2008 10:03 PM
Laws of the Goddess
The 42 Laws of Maat
Resource used for the follwoing info @
For 3500 years of recorded history before the advent of Christianity, the Pagan Egyptians lived by a moral and ethical code that has never been surpassed.
Western civilization rejected the laws of the Goddess, made abstenance from sex the touchstone by which morals would be judged and thus chose the christianization of the Mosaic Law which includes the so called, "Ten Commandments." Fortunately, most modern governments have rejected all of the so-called commandments, except for the proscriptions against murder, stealing and perjury, which were common to all civilized nations long before the Jews.
The religion of The Goddess does not accept the Ten Commandments as either god-given, or as a code by which men should govern their lives. And for good reason. Under Mosaic Law, violation of any of the Ten Commandments was punishable by death. When the Ten Commandments are compared with the principles by which the ancient Egyptians governed their lives, the laws of the Judaeo- Christian-Moslem world are barbaric and meaningless. The principle that governs the "True Egyptian" is Maat--a religious principle which is more than justice, it is Divine-Justice, personified in the Goddess, (NTRT) Maat, who exemplifies the eternal laws of the universe as, Right and Truth.
In the weighing of the wrongs man does in this life against the intent of his heart, Maat makes a distinction between sins and transgressions. A sin is a violation of the laws of the Gods and Goddesses. That is, laws pertain to the ordinances and requirements which the Gods and Goddesses have given for their worship. This also extends to the commitment one makes to the Neters or Gods and the respect one holds for their gifts. Transgressions on the other hand, are offenses against our fellow mortals, their possessions, or the earth--or that portion of the earth on which we live. Thus, one sins against God or Goddess, but one transgresses against mortals.
All transgressions may be forgiven by the priestesses of The Goddess, but not all sins. As one progresses in knowledge in the religion of The Goddess, one is taught the principles of Maat. The further one progresses, the more he or she is expected to incorporate those principles into his or her life. That knowledge, or understanding, is of course gained while performing the sexual rituals of The Goddess.
Egyptologists have termed these principles "Negative Confessions" because they usually begin with the negative, "I have not." In the principles of Right and Truth, they are in fact affirmations of what one has not done in his life to live by Maat.
MAAT - Right and Truth
Transgressions Against Mankind:

1. I have not committed murder, neither have I bid any man to slay on my behalf;
2. I have not committed rape, neither have I forced any woman to commit fornication;
3. I have not avenged myself, nor have I burned with rage;
4. I have not caused terror, nor have I worked affliction;
5. I have caused none to feel pain, nor have I worked grief;
6. I have done neither harm nor ill, nor I have caused misery;
7. I have done no hurt to man, nor have I wrought harm to beasts;
8. I have made none to weep;
9. I have had no knowledge of evil, neither have I acted wickedly, nor have I wronged the people;
10. I have not stolen, neither have I taken that which does not belong to me, nor that which belongs to another, nor have I taken from the orchards, nor snatched the milk from the mouth of the babe;
11. I have not defrauded, neither I have added to the weight of the balance, nor have I made light the weight in the scales;
12. I have not laid waste the plowed land, nor trampled down the fields;
13. I have not driven the cattle from their pastures, nor have I deprived any of that which was rightfully theirs;
14. I have accused no man falsely, nor have I supported any false accusation;
15. I have spoken no lies, neither have I spoken falsely to the hurt of another;
16. I have never uttered fiery words, nor have I stirred up strife;
17. I have not acted guilefully, neither have I dealt deceitfully, nor spoken to deceive to the hurt another;
18. I have not spoken scornfully, nor have I set my lips in motion against any man;
19. I have not been an eavesdropper;
20. I have not stopped my ears against the words of Right and Truth;
21. I have not judged hastily, nor have I judged harshly;
22. I have committed no crime in the place of Right and Truth;
23. I have caused no wrong to be done to the servant by his master;
24. I have not been angry without cause;
25. I have not turned back water at its springtide, nor stemmed the flow of running water;
26. I have not broken the channel of a running water;
27. I have never fouled the water, nor have I polluted the land;
28. I have not cursed nor despised God, nor have I done that which God does abominate;
29. I have not vexed or angered God;
30. I have not robbed God, nor have I filched that which has been offered in the temples;
31. I have not added unto nor have I minished the offerings which are due;
32. I have not purloined the cakes of the gods;
33. I have not carried away the offerings made unto the blessed dead;
34. I have not disregarded the season for the offerings which are appointed;
35. I have not turned away the cattle set apart for sacrifice;
36. I have not thwarted the processions of the god;
37. I have not slaughtered with evil intent the cattle of the god;

Personal Transgressions:
38. I have not acted guilefully nor have I acted in insolence;
39. I have not been overly proud, nor have I behaved myself with arrogance;
40. I have never magnified my condition beyond what was fitting;
41. Each day have I labored more than was required of me;
42. My name has not come forth to the boat of the Prince;
It should be obvious that the Forty-two Affirmations of Right and Truth are far more inclusive than the so-called Ten Commandments. Even when the rest of the Jewish laws are considered, they pale in the light of the Pagan Egyptian Law. Punishment for the Personal Transgressions was reserved for the judgment of the Gods--not in this life, but in the judgment of Maat. The punishment for sins in ancient Egypt was banishment from the religion--which in Egypt usually meant banishment from the community where the God was worshiped. That could mean banishment from the nation, depending on the God against whom the sin was committed. As for the Transgressions against mortals, the punishment was exacted to fit the crime. In ancient Egypt, the death penalty was seldom used, and then only under unusual circumstances. Periods as long as 150 years went by without a single execution. Yet Egypt, for the most part, was without crime. Crime rose only when immigrants brought their barbaric customs into Egypt, which, because Egypt was the America of the ancient world, occurred more often that the Egyptians wished.
The Egyptian solution to a rising crime rate was not to pass harsher punishments, or to make it a crime to carry a weapon. No! The solution was to eliminate the root cause of crime. In the 20th Dynasty, during the rule of Rameses IX (1121-1112 BCE), crime was so rampant that even the graves of the Pharaohs were being robbed. To combat this problem, the Pharaoh expelled 260,000 Semites from the country. This expulsion would become the Exodus of the Jews. The expulsion virtually eliminated crime in the country--while the Hebrews who were expelled, would claim that they had borrowed the gold and silver they had robbed from the graves. It is only after this so-called-exodus, that archaeologists find any evidence of massive Hebrew occuppation the land of the Palestinians who had migrated to that portion of the Mediterranean coast two generations earlier. This exodus occurred a mere 20 years before Jewish tradition has Saul establishing the Jewish kingdom, not the 400 years claimed in the Bible. It was, again, the Jewish god who, according to the Bible, ordered the genocide of the Philistines, which is the Greek name for the people who called themsleves Palestinians. And it is the same genocide order of the Jewish god that would be out today if it were not for the outrage of more civilized nations.

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 9/30/2008 6:09 PM
truly awesome thank you for sharing