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General : Spirit Animals.........share some info.
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From: MSN Nicknamejeffmarzano  in response to Message 9Sent: 12/7/2008 3:19 PM
Animals can understand a sort of 'radiation' as can plants.  Who knows maybe even the crystals can understand the radiation.
Human beings at some point in the distant past were able to communicate with and understand the radiation.  But we lost this ability as is indicated in the 'tower of Babel' event in the bible.
In the story Nimrod tries to build a tower that reaches up to the heavens and God takes exception about this.  So God says 'let us confuse their speach'.
Notice Nimrod is the hero of the Knights Templar who are still confused to this day.
There have been people throughout history and even today who can still understand the radiation and 'talk' to the animals.
St. Francis Of Assisi was one.  Sondra Fitzpatrick, the 'pet psychic', is another.
Animals can pick up on their owners' feelings and things like that.  They understand more than some people perhaps realize.
There was an interesting case on the CBS Evening News awhile ago about this cat who lives in a nursing home.  The cat can sense when someone is about to die and it goes and keeps them company until they pass away.
It is well documented that animals such as elephants and dolphins communicate using various sounds and forms of radiation.
This perhaps makes it all the more horrible when we see what happens to animals in this world and how some people have no regard for their feelings. 
In a war the human being becomes the hunted.
                                                                       Jeff Marzano
Trench periscope