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Meditation Class : MMC - 5/18/06
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 5/19/2006 2:53 AM

myckkia : MMC are we having prayers first.. before meditation class

CuriousOne00011 : I'm back.hi everyone.

MountainMoonChild : Hi Curious

myckkia : or is it all in one package tonight ?

myckkia : wb curious

MountainMoonChild : well, one package will do fine

myckkia : ok, great

MountainMoonChild : we'll pop the prayers in at the end

MountainMoonChild : we have been wanting to prepare for the firing of the grid next July

MountainMoonChild : 14 months away

MountainMoonChild : we are not the only ones

MountainMoonChild : there are many groups online working for the same goals.

MountainMoonChild : but if we can add our numbers, we can help

MountainMoonChild : Kia, what do we hope for?

myckkia : hope for?


8HaxorFarseer21 has joined the conversation.


MountainMoonChild : does everyone know about the 100th monkey

myckkia : numbers are good MMC

ƒîRʃlУ : hi hax

myckkia : but... ability is better


8CuriousOne00011 is away.


MountainMoonChild : hi Haxor, meditation discussion tonight

myckkia : welcome haxor farseer

HaxorFarseer21 : hey

MountainMoonChild : yes, but any person with intent is just as good as any other

myckkia : yes.. for sure.. MMC

MountainMoonChild : there is no hard work necessary

MountainMoonChild : we just have to open up

myckkia : and Yes.. have heard this 100th monkey therory

MountainMoonChild : the 100th monkey


8hibblediedibbledie has left the conversation.


ƒîRʃlУ : haven't heard of it

MountainMoonChild : Ken Keyes writes about monkeys on a Japanese island

MountainMoonChild : they dropped sweet potatoes to them

MountainMoonChild : the monkeys loved them, but they were all gritty

MountainMoonChild : one little girl monkey started washing her sweet potato

myckkia : yes

MountainMoonChild : some one else tell what happened?

myckkia : them many other monkeys saw

myckkia : what she was doing

myckkia : and they started

myckkia : washing their

MountainMoonChild : yes

myckkia : potaotes, too

MountainMoonChild : then they reached a critical mass

myckkia : then... monkeys on the other side of the island..


8Ghostmist6 has joined the conversation.


myckkia : who could not have seen them..

MountainMoonChild : the 100th monkey


8Ghostmist6 has left the conversation.


myckkia : welcome ghost


8Ghostmist6 has joined the conversation.


BlueEgyptainWind : girlys are always starting something

myckkia : started to wash their potatoes as well

MountainMoonChild : hi Ghost

MountainMoonChild : yep

Ghostmist6 : hi MMC

MountainMoonChild : proves there is a universal consciousness

MountainMoonChild : even in monkeys

MountainMoonChild : perhaps if we meditate enough with enough people

myckkia : welcome ghost

Ghostmist6 : Hi Kia

MountainMoonChild : we might be the 100th monkey, then everyone will get it

myckkia : great concept, MMC

myckkia : I like it

MountainMoonChild : that's what we all work toward

myckkia :

MountainMoonChild : there is Infinite Being

MountainMoonChild : Inspiration Peak

MountainMoonChild : Integral Naked

MountainMoonChild : Conscious One

MountainMoonChild : all of these people are also working toward finding 100 monkeys

MountainMoonChild : also Meditation Mount

myckkia : you say they all are working toward this same goal ?

MountainMoonChild : yes, Kia

myckkia : to help FIRE the GRID ?

MountainMoonChild : it won't be long now

MountainMoonChild : well, some of them are not set on that particular date

MountainMoonChild : Meditation Mount works together on every full moon

myckkia : next JULY is trial RUN..

MountainMoonChild : yes it is


8HaxorFarseer21 is away.


myckkia : and the beginning of the beginning ?

MountainMoonChild : we hope so

myckkia : New beginning

MountainMoonChild : although I think it is the middle of the beginning that started in the 60s

MountainMoonChild : okay, to this end, let us start weekly and develop some techniques

myckkia :

MountainMoonChild : first, do you have an altar?

ƒîRʃlУ : nope

myckkia : somewhat..

BlueEgyptainWind : sorta

ƒîRʃlУ : does the computer mess, I mean desk count

MountainMoonChild : any little space with a candle, a crystal, a bowl of pot pourit

myckkia : have 2 or 3 places in the house that I use.

MountainMoonChild : good, they are necessary to remind you

MountainMoonChild : they also help the flow of chi in the home from feng shui

ƒîRʃlУ : have candles everywhere

MountainMoonChild : and you can stop at your altar now and then during the day for a minute or two

myckkia : then your whole house is an altar , Fire

myckkia : yes.. MMC

MountainMoonChild : so #1 homework this week........make up an altar if you don't have one

ƒîRʃlУ : doubt that

ƒîRʃlУ : and just how do I do that

MountainMoonChild : just a little space on a shelf, or dresser top

ƒîRʃlУ : I gotta have it umm where someone don't think its an altar

myckkia : I light candels for various reasons... and when I see them lit.. as I pass by.. it reminds me to send another prayer that way

MountainMoonChild : add some things that have special meaning

MountainMoonChild : right, your dresser top will do

MountainMoonChild : just arrange a plant or rock, or picture, whatever

MountainMoonChild : okay, second, we must learn to breathe

ƒîRʃlУ : lets see, top of my computer desk I have like 8 or more candles sitting there, waiting for me to use, with it is an angel firgure and a teddy bear figure

MountainMoonChild : that'll do fire

MountainMoonChild : that's an altar

myckkia : yes fire.. that is great

ƒîRʃlУ makes note to dust that

MountainMoonChild : don't mind the dust, just some of Gaia's finer dirt

ƒîRʃlУ : lol

ƒîRʃlУ : ok I'll be good now

MountainMoonChild : any more questions about altars?

MountainMoonChild : okay, breathing.

myckkia : lol on the gaia comment

ƒîRʃlУ : doesn't matter that my computer speakers are on it

MountainMoonChild : no, fire, no matter

ƒîRʃlУ : ok just checking

MountainMoonChild : just a little dedicated space

MountainMoonChild : good question

MountainMoonChild : please stop me with questions at any time

ƒîRʃlУ : and from time to teim I would put some stones on it

MountainMoonChild : yes, good idea

MountainMoonChild : you got it

MountainMoonChild : make it special for you

MountainMoonChild : now when you breathe, start breathing into your abdomen first

MountainMoonChild : we always breathe into the top of our lungs and stick out our chest

MountainMoonChild : try breathing into the abdomen and stick out your tummy first

MountainMoonChild : you get more air in that way

ƒîRʃlУ : thats hard

MountainMoonChild : air goes to the bottom of your lungs first and then finally expands your chest

MountainMoonChild : can you do that okay?

myckkia : belly breathing.

MountainMoonChild : yes Kia

MountainMoonChild : you take in double the air

ƒîRʃlУ : yea

MountainMoonChild : then you let it out backwards

MountainMoonChild : the top of the lungs exhale first

ƒîRʃlУ : that parts easy

MountainMoonChild : then the bottom, and finally, you roll up your abdomen like an empty tube of toothpaste

MountainMoonChild : one of the easiest ways to meditate is to do this breathing and mentally follow the air in and out of your body

MountainMoonChild : can you do it?

ƒîRʃlУ : I have long time ago, I don't meditate

MountainMoonChild : okay

myckkia : I can



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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemyckkiaSent: 5/19/2006 2:53 AM

MountainMoonChild : Part 3 is visualization

myckkia : I get my best meditations with that type of breathing

ƒîRʃlУ : which when I ground and shield, I do just that

ƒîRʃlУ : just not with meditation

BlueEgyptainWind : me too

MountainMoonChild : someone before said they couldn't visualize

MountainMoonChild : grounding and shielding is meditation

MountainMoonChild : anybody here have trouble visualizing

ƒîRʃlУ : nope

myckkia : am ok with that..ty

BlueEgyptainWind : no problem

MountainMoonChild : then let me give you a small exercise that is very effective

ƒîRʃlУ : ok

MountainMoonChild : when you are unhappy with someone or a situation

MountainMoonChild : hold you hands in front of you facing each other

MountainMoonChild : palms pointing to the center

MountainMoonChild : about six inches apart

MountainMoonChild : you feel the energy?


8HaxorFarseer21 has left the conversation.


myckkia : yes

ƒîRʃlУ : yes

MountainMoonChild : okay go back to the energy, I will type for you

MountainMoonChild : roll the energy around between your hands, forming a plasma

MountainMoonChild : ball, about 9 inches in diameter

MountainMoonChild : roll it around

MountainMoonChild : bounce it up and down on one hand

MountainMoonChild : let it grow

MountainMoonChild : let it shrink

MountainMoonChild : and if your kids drive you nuts, throw the ball of light at them

MountainMoonChild : if your boss makes you crazy, hit him with a ball of white light

myckkia : lol

MountainMoonChild : throw that plasma ball at whatever

Ghostmist6 : does that ball work on husbands?

MountainMoonChild : yep

ƒîRʃlУ : I threw it at my daughter

Ghostmist6 : cool

MountainMoonChild : it is great

myckkia : oh yes... they are

ƒîRʃlУ : she wanted to know what I threw at hr, adn she saw me do it, don't think so cuz she wasn't facing me

MountainMoonChild : tell you threw her some nice juice

ƒîRʃlУ : told her I didn't throw nuffin

myckkia :

MountainMoonChild : lol

ƒîRʃlУ : can't prove it

MountainMoonChild : okay, one more thing for tonight

MountainMoonChild : that special place where you can go to meditate

MountainMoonChild : in your head

MountainMoonChild : a garden?

MountainMoonChild : lake?

MountainMoonChild : sea shore?

myckkia : the space between earth and the MOON ?

MountainMoonChild : yes, that works

MountainMoonChild : are you comfortable there?

myckkia : yes

myckkia : love to just float

MountainMoonChild : I like a pool surrounded by flowering ginger

MountainMoonChild : do you have such a place?

MountainMoonChild : tell us about it?

MountainMoonChild : Go to this place now

MountainMoonChild : where are you?

MountainMoonChild : Ghost?

MountainMoonChild : okay

ƒîRʃlУ : I don't picture anything

Ghostmist6 : sorry

MountainMoonChild : that's okay

MountainMoonChild : see before you a stairway

MountainMoonChild : you are at the top

MountainMoonChild : there are ten steps

MountainMoonChild : at the bottom, you see a doorway

MountainMoonChild : the door is just cracked a little

MountainMoonChild : go down the steps slowly counting them as you go

MountainMoonChild : 10

MountainMoonChild : relax

MountainMoonChild : 9

MountainMoonChild : breathe calmly

MountainMoonChild : 8 center

MountainMoonChild : 7 concentrate

MountainMoonChild : 6 get in tune with us all

MountainMoonChild : 5

MountainMoonChild : 4

MountainMoonChild : 3

MountainMoonChild : breathe deeply

MountainMoonChild : 2

MountainMoonChild : 1

MountainMoonChild : open the door

MountainMoonChild : it is a special garden, and we are all there

MountainMoonChild : the sun is shining

MountainMoonChild : we are all peaceful and happy

MountainMoonChild : and now let us pray for our friends and others

MountainMoonChild : I pray for Eerie and her family

myckkia : praying for JOHN that his knee be well

MountainMoonChild : I pray for speedy recovery for Frank and comfort for his wife

BlueEgyptainWind : pray for kia and family

myckkia : praying for ghost and lonnie.. that they find just the right house

BlueEgyptainWind : praying for ghost and hubby

myckkia : praying for FIRE..that she do will in her classes

MountainMoonChild : I am praying for all the sick and lame

myckkia : praying for MMC.. for her complete recovery

BlueEgyptainWind : praying for fire

myckkia : praying for Curious ONe.. and her family

myckkia : praying for cat

myckkia : praying for sultana

MountainMoonChild : I pray for the servicemen and women away from home

myckkia : praying for EERIE and her family

BlueEgyptainWind : praying for all in our group

ƒîRʃlУ : praying for em, and her family

myckkia : praying for golden one and blizzard and their families

MountainMoonChild : I am praying for Joe Anne

myckkia : praying for MID and Freya

myckkia : praying for Divine..

MountainMoonChild : and for Frankie

Ghostmist6 : praying for Alice

myckkia : praying for emerald

myckkia : praying for CC and her family

Ghostmist6 : praying for all groups and their members.

myckkia : praying for alice and her knee be well

myckkia : praying that all groups find the ONENESS

MountainMoonChild : I pray for an end of contest and a beginning of cooperation

BlueEgyptainWind : we are one

myckkia : amen to that MMC

MountainMoonChild : we must be one

MountainMoonChild : Goddess bless the children and the aged

MountainMoonChild : be with the lonely and the sad

myckkia : yes.. goddess blessings to the wee ones..

MountainMoonChild : let us join hands in our garden

MountainMoonChild : and we start to rise up

MountainMoonChild : in a circle like sky divers, but rising not falling

myckkia : joining hands with those around me

MountainMoonChild : we drift up above the earth

MountainMoonChild : until we see a blue ball below us

myckkia : drifting up

MountainMoonChild : we go higher, above the moon

MountainMoonChild : and higher up toward the sun

MountainMoonChild : and then we just float there basking in the rays of the sun

MountainMoonChild : soaking up all the energy

MountainMoonChild : to beam it back to the earth

MountainMoonChild : and now we begin to come back down .......slowly

myckkia : back down

MountainMoonChild : drifting down and radiating all that light on the earth below us

MountainMoonChild : using that light to start tickling the energy grid of the earth

MountainMoonChild : getting it ready

MountainMoonChild : and settle back down into your chair and be alert and relaxed.


8FreeWildkat78 has joined the conversation.


myckkia : welcome free

BlueEgyptainWind : hi free

Ghostmist6 : hi free

ƒîRʃlУ : hi kat

MountainMoonChild : Hi free

FreeWildkat78 : Hi hugggggs kia,blue,ghost, Fire, MMC

MountainMoonChild : ((((free))))

myckkia : hugs back free

myckkia : thank you MMC

myckkia : that was wonderful

MountainMoonChild : great

Ghostmist6 : ty MMX

BlueEgyptainWind : great class

Ghostmist6 : MMC

myckkia : I feel energized

FreeWildkat78 : awwww and I missed it

MountainMoonChild : ty all, we will develop some more techniques as we go along

myckkia : I will be posting it, Free

myckkia : in the Meditation Classes board.

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 5/22/2006 1:31 AM