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Atlantis: The quest for power[email protected] 
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Angelic Adventure

This adventure is about an OOBE I had a couple years ago. It's interesting because it has in it, contact with entities (Angels). And deals with the question; when we go out of body, do we have any effect on the physical world? In other words, is it real, or are we just imagining things?

While I'm not Jewish, have studied Kabbalah (Jewish Mysticism), off & on for the last 10 years. One of the more obscure Kabbalah sayings helps explain this adventure: For every blade of grass, there's an ANGEL, which strikes it every morning saying, "Grow, Grow". In other words, everything which happen in the physical world, has an ANGEL behind it (making it happen).

Have a very dear friend, older lady, Marge. She is, what you would call, well, semi-retired to a farm, raising beef cattle. Think the reasons I like Marge is, she is extremely intelligent, high up in our organization, and has a big soft heart. We met while attending various committee meetings, and have been friends for a good number of years.

Some years ago, was studying meditation, but with poor results. Seems you need to have a natural talent to really get anywhere. But in my case, just could not get off the ground floor. However, about that time, discovered Binaural Beats, and started using Kelly Howell's (BrainSync) tapes. Can't believe how much her tapes helped my meditation. Almost at once, was able to experience high levels of meditation. What was even more surprising, one of her meditation tapes had a profound effect on me. Nearly every time I used it, with a little effort, was able to leave my body.

In the beginning, the newness of leaving your body is really great fun, well, guess it still is (sitting on the roof, diving through walls, floating, etc.). One of my favorites was, flying over to Marge's farm (maybe 20 miles away), and walking in the fields, moving among the cattle, etc. Now, usually listened to a meditation tape before going bed, so when I'd get to Marge's farm, it would be dark. However, most of the time, could still make my way around (bright moon, etc.).

Over the course of time, on rare occasions have flown to Marge's farm in the daytime, always without anything unusual happening. But this time it was different. Was flying to the farm house one day, at what seemed like a 100 foot height. Saw Marge in the yard, think she was doing chores. But something seemed strange. There where a good number of cords attached to Marge's mid-section, leading up to a large wheel, which was laying flat, far above her. The wheel was about the same level as I was (maybe 100 foot up). It appeared, Marge could not see the cords or the wheel, and kept doing her chores.

On the edge of the wheel where several entities, and they were turning the wheel in what looked like a clockwise direction. It took me a several moments to realizing, by these entities turning the wheel, the cords attached to Marge were squeezing the life out of her. And you know, the last time I spoke to Marge, she had complained she was getting tired all the time.

Anyway, when I realized what was going on, got mad, and said something threatening to the entities. In an unbelievable motion, 2 of them grabbed me under my arms, and almost instantly, was back in my body. And while the meditation tape was still playing, I could not move my body. So now I'm panicking. I scream out a prayer, and ask God to give me Dominion over these Angels, as they're working in our/my Domain (the physical world).

In the blink of an eye, pop, I'm out of my body again. Turn around, and see the 2 entities on either side of my bed. Tell them to come with me, and we fly back to Marge's farm. When we get there, make all of them wind the wheel backward (counterclockwise), loosening the cords on Marge.


When this episode was all over, wondered to myself, did it really happen (it seemed very real to me), or was it just a dream? Never told anyone about it.

A year later. Have seen and been with Marge many times during the last year, but the situations were never right to have a personal conversation with her. However one day, we were both scheduled for a committee meeting, and we both came early.

High points of a long conversation:

Asked her how she was feeling, and she said she felt really great.

Told her, the last time we had talked, she complained she was getting tired all the time.

She said, about a year ago, she started to feel much better.

Asked her if she was doing anything different.

She said, nothing different.

Asked if she had any idea what turned things around for her.

She said, she did not know.

Then jokingly she said, maybe all the work on the farm, must be having some positive effect on her.

However, she had no explanation why it would effect her now.

Never told her about the wheel episode. Like the old Beatles song says:

"Whispered words of wisdom, let it be, let it be"

  So now it comes down to this:

Did Marge get better because the wheel was reversed?

Do things happen in the physical world because of Angels?

Was it just coincidence?

Then again, perhaps it's like Bob Monroe's affirmations ( TMI ):

"We are more than our physical body..."

Questions, comments, or opinions, always welcome.

Peace and Love,


Psychic Adventures