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Atlantis: The quest for power[email protected] 
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Honor, Duty, Valor, and the Ladies

This is a past life journey, I had several years ago.  It's about the life I lead as a colonel, in the Russian Csars army.


As I began to listen to the CD, was gently pulled out of my body, onto the roof (one of my favorite places). Then up into the sky. And then into a past life.

The way you find out who you were in this past life is, look at parts of your body. Example: Look at your feet. Are you barefoot, or are your feet covered. Look at your legs, your hands, your arms, your torso, etc.

OK, looked at my feet, and have a pair of black knee high boots on, dark colored pants, and a white ruffled shirt. Am rather tall, well over 6 ft.

OK, looked around, and am in a wooden room, kind of like a cabin.  Looked out the window, and I'm at a military post. So, that's it, I'm a colonel in this military force.

OK, now moving forward in time, to interact with some people. It's now 1853, and I'm invited to the Palace, to be part of the Royal Court. Now, am wearing a red jacket, and have only 1 sleeve on. Hey, I'm in the Czar's army. And he's some kind of distant relative.


OK, since I look pretty good, have been flirting it with the ladies (well, maybe a little more than flirting). Oh, oh, the Czar has sent for me. Don't think I'm in trouble, but...

OK, am in an audience with the Czar. He's telling me to take my troupes, and do some kind of expeditionary exercise. Put down some rebels, or defend a boarder, or something like that.


OK, have a vague recognition of taking my troupes somewhere. We bivouac for awhile, then move on, deeper & deeper.

OK, am in a wooded area. We're in a fight. I'm on a black stallion, and it's rearing up.

Oh no, I'm shot in the right chest, and my bright red blood is messing up my ruffled white shirt.

The Csars personal flag

My last thoughts are: Honor, Duty, Valor, and the Ladies.

Fade away...

Wow, it was so real...

Can't wait to try it again.

Hummm... Wonder what else I've been up to, in past lives...

Questions, comments, or opinions, always welcome.

Peace and Love,


Psychic Adventures