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Atlantis: The quest for power[email protected] 
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This previous life had a strange tale woven into it, being very deep, very sensitive, and rather difficult to tell. Quite frankly, I felt really sad and drained after it was over.

After all the preliminaries, have entered into my body. As before, look down at my feet, this time have feathered sandals on. Bare legs, and some kind of feather belted loin cloth. Also bare chest, and a feathered circle on my head. The temperature is warm enough for this clothing, to seems normal.

Am in a stone room, maybe 50 by 50 ft. Large door like openings on all 4 sides. Am sitting on the floor, playing with my older sister. Hey, I'm only 7 or 8 yrs old, and she's 9 or 10.


She's babbling on about something. My interest fades. I wonder off to one of the door ways, and look out. Wow, I'm on the top floor of an Aztec Pyramid. My sister calls me back, and starts talking to me again. She wants to grow up to be a priestess, and she's play-teaching about our Serpent God (Quetzalcoatyl).

The time shifts forward a bit. Am a young man, and my father is one of the 6 Tribal Chiefs. Can only guess how proud he is, as I've been accepted into the school of the Priests. Now, both my sister & I will be serving Quetzalcoatyl.

Again, time shifts forward. Several years have passed, and I've risen in the ranks. Today I was chosen to be one of the High Priests. Everyone thought I was smart, to understand the theology of the Quetzalcoatyl. The truth is, all those years of my sister's play-teaching the religion, has paid off.

Haven't seen my sister in these several years. She's cloistered with 70 other Virgin Priestess. They tell me she's gone very deep into the religion, she now thinks of nothing else. Quetzalcoatyl this, Quetzalcoatyl that, on and on...


Time shifts forward again. The last few years as one of the High Priest have been good. Have taken a wife, and have several children. Most of my days are filled with directing my assistants, to plan and execute the religious ceremonies. These ceremonies are usually filled with the simple things, devoted to pleasing Quetzalcoatyl.

The only ceremony I have problems with is the spring rite. In order for us to have a good crop each year, the blood of one of our people must be sacrificed to Quetzalcoatyl. It's an honor for the person being sacrificed. They go up to be with Quetzalcoatyl. The sacrificial person is randomly selected from among the Virgin Priestess.

This year, I must take my turn performing the sacrifice. I'm filled with apprehension. I've never done this before, I've never taken another's life. Hope I'll do well...


This has got to be the most goriest time of my life. The procession down the main road leading past all the other building to the sacrificial pyramid was spectacular. People along the sides of our route jumping & shouting, throwing flowers, making noise. It's unbelievable.

As we climb the pyramid's steps, the joyful noise gets even louder. When we get to the top, one of my assistants whispers in my ear, "there must be over a million people at this ceremony".

Now I'm preforming the ceremony. Stoping every so often, and hearing the crowd roar. We give thanks for last year, and ask for prosperity in the coming year. They now bring the sacrificial person to the alter, and lay her down. I must cut her heart out, and hold it in the air, as a glorious sacrifice to Quetzalcoatyl.

Oh no, it my sister. I can't do this, I can't sacrifice my sister. But I hear my sister screaming, "Kill me, kill me, I want to be with Quetzalcoatyl".

Turning, I try to run away from the alter, but many hands grab me. Fighting, I try to resist, then something hits me on the head, and all goes blank.


Time has past, and I'm still conducting ceremonies, but few attend mine. All the glory has gone from me. Still have a few loyal supporters and family who support me.

They tell me one of the other high priest step in and completed the ceremony, sacrificing my sister. Guess she got what she always wanted...

Broken, I live on for awhile, then die quietly.

Don't know about others, but these trips into previous lives, leave me emotionally drained. Very empty.

Questions, comments, or opinions, always welcome.

Peace and Love,


Psychic Adventures